I prefer to pretend that Mace Windu was just one part of a larger Luke fever dream he had while recovering from the Wampa attack.
L-O-V-E-D that movie as a kid, though.
Remember the reused Kenner Star Wars and Super Powers for the Robin Hood figures and playsets? Always fascinated me as a kid. Good times.
Still do.L-O-V-E-D that movie as a kid, though.
Yep, I even noticed it as a kid, since I had the Super Powers Green Arrow and Robin Hood from that line.Remember the reused Kenner Star Wars and Super Powers for the Robin Hood figures and playsets? Always fascinated me as a kid. Good times.
100% YesWould buy 1/6 figures of Robin, Azeem and Sheriff.
Robin Hood starred Alan Rickman so is automatically awesome.
You mean his maybe-he-died-maybe-he-didn't blown out a window "death"...? Yeah, that was epic.