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Star Wars "civil war" is happening at Lucasfilm between Kathleen Kennedy and Jon Favreau


that plans are in place to save the Star Wars franchise which involves the Abrams and Rian Johnson trilogy getting nullified.

It's claimed the Disney Star Wars Trilogy will be erased using a concept that was recently made canon in the Star Wars Rebels animated series.

"In the Season 4 episode 13 installment titled 'A World Between Worlds,' the concept of the Veil of The Force was introduced, a mystical dimension of The Force that connects all time and space," explains Doomcock. "I have received confirmation from two additional sources claiming that this is spot on -- that indeed LucasFilm realizes they have a massive problem on their hands, that the Star Wars franchise is all but dead, and despite Kathleen Kennedy's hatred of this idea, Lucasfilm is preparing to render the Sequel Trilogy null and void."

It's said that the events from The Force Awakens, Last Jedi, and Skywalker "will be removed from canon, isolated in their own alternate timeline and regarded as an Elseworlds-like installment under the label of Star Wars Legends."

a Star Wars Multiverse will be created which will isolate the Disney Star Wars Trilogy as being a part of a separate universe that is not a part of the George Lucas original Star Wars films.

there may be proof it's happening in The Rise of Skywalker (more on that below).

It's further noted that the plans are not set in place, as again Kathleen Kennedy is said to hate the idea and is said to be doing everything she can to crush it, as if "the plan comes to pass, everything that Kathleen Kennedy did with the Sequel Trilogy will be destroyed, tossed out and declared obsolete."

Regarding how they are going to undo the Disney Star Wars sequels, it involves The Emperor:

Emperor Palpatine had a room on the second Death Star called The Room of Mirrors. The mirrors were created by The Emperor prior to the Death Star through the Dark Side using ancient Sith rituals. These mirrors linked to the Veil of The Force served many purposes. Using them, Palpatine could manipulate The Force in many ways to further his aims. For example, the use of the mirrors allowed Palpatine to cloud the Jedi Council to conceal himself and his dark apprentices from the Jedi and from Force-sensitives that followed their fall.

Using the mirrors allowed Palpatine to access the awesome powers of the Veil of The Force. They were indispensable tools that allowed him to rise to the pinnacle of ultimate power. It is this conceit that explains how Palpatine survived Darth Vader throwing him down the shaft in the throne room of the Death Star. In desperation as he fell, Palpatine opened a portal to the Veil of The Force and entered it. This explains why Palpatine is in such a damaged state in the Rise of Skywalker, as transporting himself into the Veil without the aid of the mirrors drained him and damaged him severely.

The Emperor created a second set of mirrors on Exegol that allowed him to escape where he plotted the rise of the Empire.

Regarding how things will be reset, it's explained that all one has to do is go into the Veil of Mirrors and wait for Palpatine to enter, as the Veil is "a mystical dimension where in all times collide," which will cause the Disney Star Wars trilogy to "consign to its own alternate timeline forever" as "Palpatine enters the Veil and never gets back to Exegol."

The Emperor is prevented from using the mirrors to return, he dies as he was intended to [in Return of the Jedi], and 'Bob's your uncle' and all our problems are solved,"

So since The Emperor never survives, that means the events from Force Awakens, Last Jedi, and Skywalker never comes to pass in the George Lucas timeline.

"No Disney sequel trilogy, Han doesn't walk stupidly into a lightsaber, Leia doesn't fly like Mary Poppins through space, Luke has nothing to run away from and consumes no green milk, and I am informed there will be no amazing 'wonder Rey' as she was born after The Emperor's death," says Doomcock who notes the particulars are still getting worked on, but that the plan will "retcon the Sequel Trilogy out of our misery and restore freedom to George Lucas' galaxy."

proof that this may be happening is a scene that was included in Rise of Skywalker which featured Rey confronting her Dark Side self, where mirrors can be seen in the background. It's said it's unknown if Abrams knew what the scene was about, but it "demonstrates the plausibility of this rumor."

The scene features broken mirrors, where one mirror is still intact which the Dark Side Rey emerges from.

"Well, my friends, this is your glimpse into the Veil of The Force," explains Doomcock. "Literally anything is possible here as branching alternate realities converge and diverge in that mystical dimension. What is glimpsed in those mirrors is an alternate version of Rey, and lurking within the Veil are alternate versions of Palpatine, alternate versions of Luke, alternate versions of Han.
That must be some prime, Grade A weed these people are smoking. Also, Doomcock? Seriously? Sounds like a Sith porn name. More specifically, it sounds like one the ST haters made up specifically for KK.
Hold on a copy cat person has just posted their own anti ST video this is getting interesting now...


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Um if all that is correct then making the ST an alternate reality doesn't decanonize it, lol. It just creates a SW multiverse which in itself is stupider than anything that has come before (including the PT.)

I think I'll stick with my current 4K discs and OT 4K77-83 and let the Doomcocks of the world salivate at the idea of Spider-Han, Leiapool and whatever other dumb alternate reality beings will spring into "canon," lol.
Holy crap those names lol

Conan the Barbarian multiverse with

Thulsa Doomcock


:lol :lol

As if they're going to decanonize a trilogy containing a movie that has THE HIGHEST DOMESTIC BOX OFFICE OF ALL-TIME. The garbage people will believe...:slap

Well it's been done before (to the theatrical OT which also had the highest box office at one time) so never say never, lol.

Cameron better hurry up with his avatar sequel before it gets decannonized by blue catcock.

Holy crap I literally lol'd. :lol
That must be some prime, Grade A weed these people are smoking. Also, Doomcock? Seriously? Sounds like a Sith porn name. More specifically, it sounds like one the ST haters made up specifically for KK.

Lol. A couple things this rumor has going for it

1) john favreau (mando/lucasfilms) and dave fiolini (star wars rebels/clone wars/lucas films) are friends and didnt like kk’s trilogy at all. Particularly dave, who was GL’s favorite employee -he is like a star wars encyclopedia- Knows everything about the universe and its characters. Jon says it freaks him out abit how much he knows about GL’s world. They dont bad mouth the trilogy publicly but they also didnt go out of thier way to say anything good about it either which is very telling. With the overall poor reception of this trilogy and with mando doing so well, its pretty obvious there is some sort of power struggle going on in lucasfilms as disney cannot be happy the direction of the brand. Favreau would be the logical choice to replace Kk given his success with both the iron man franchise and the mandolorian.

2) dave fiolini created the world between worlds concept based on GLs original writings. They already used veil of mirrors to enter “world between worlds” in star wars rebels to back in time and save ahsoka from her death at the hands of vader. During this time they encountered palpatine who was trying to get thru the mirror, both ezra and Ahsoka prevented him from entering- so the precedent has already been set

3) its a very logical way to undue the events of the st based on already established cannon
Sounds outrageous if it's all true. If I were KK I'd be furious aswell. What an unbelievable smack in the face. So unbelievable that I still find this rumour highly doubtful and unlikely.

And say they do consign the ST to an alternate reality, what do they intend to put in its place? Do you somehow persuade a now even older Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill to come back? What about Carrie Fisher being dead? What if its all no better anyway? Look how the constant decanonization process has worked for Terminator with each new iteration even more poorly received than the last. What a cluster***k.
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Remember that cool scene in ANH when the owl lit up the shiny wormhole time gate over the Death Star exhaust port for Luke!

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I know that the "world between worlds" is a thing in Rebels. But no way in hell was that "based on George's original writings."

It was actually based on C.S. Lewis' original writings. :lol Filoni has said that it was inspired by the "Wood between the Worlds" concept in Chronicles of Narnia. So, I don't know where anyone got the idea that George Lucas came up with it. I agree with you that it doesn't seem consistent with GL's original concepts. Not even close, IMO. :dunno

I think it's just one of the many Filoni contributions that takes SW into more of a bizarre and "out there" mystical territory. I don't know why anyone would want SW to keep getting more esoteric, but he definitely has a substantial fanbase who seem to eat it up.

He's helping make it easier for me to lose interest in the franchise, so if Filoni does end up being in charge at LFL, it will save me a bunch of time and money. :yess:

Remember that cool scene in ANH when the owl lit up the shiny wormhole time gate over the Death Star exhaust port for Luke!

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:lol :lol :lol
It was actually based on C.S. Lewis' original writings. :lol Filoni has said that it was inspired by the "Wood between the Worlds" concept in Chronicles of Narnia. So, I don't know where anyone got the idea that George Lucas came up with it. I agree with you that it doesn't seem consistent with GL's original concepts. Not even close, IMO. :dunno

I think it's just one of the many Filoni contributions that takes SW into more of a bizarre and "out there" mystical territory. I don't know why anyone would want SW to keep getting more esoteric, but he definitely has a substantial fanbase who seem to eat it up.

He's helping make it easier for me to lose interest in the franchise, so if Filoni does end up being in charge at LFL, it will save me a bunch of time and money. :yess:

:lol :lol :lol

Ya it wasnt gl i watched a doc featuring dave filoni a few weeks back. i must have mixed it up, my memory isnt the same as it once was. You are correct, It was based on a cj lewis concept. In either case im sure george was aware of it dave is pretty close to gl. Also i didnt mean to make the association the main point, it was just to highlight the concept is already part of star wars cannon

He will never take kk place at disney so u dont have to worry about that. But he will be directing all the episodes of mando that feature Ahsoka. He would rather be a creative consultant on the films or create stories then be mob boss like kk lol. If anyone takes her place it will be Jon Favearu