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Yep, the bitching about Mary Sue Rey and TLJ allowed them to course correct both issues and give me exactly the Episode IX that I wanted. All hail Doomcock and those suffering from STDS. :yess:


Doomcock and STDS in the same sentence Khev. I see a connection. :rotfl
Oh, it will be. PT made tons and tons of cash. Star Wars was at its financial peak mid and post PT. Record highs in merch sales. Toys, video games, comics, books, etc....

Meanwhile the ST STRUGGLES to sell anything. Absolutely trash sales compared to the PT.

Fans being vocal and not buying anything are clear indication that the ST will not have the staying power of the OT or PT.

And Galaxy Edge can easily be re-branded.

It would be nice to be reminded that some people can like the ST without succumbing to full derangement.

The three ST fans can?t admit that the only ?fabnboy wankery? going on is in this thread :lol

Disney was so delusional to make utter trash be Carrie?s final films, so, if anything, they would be honoring her by burning those mistakes away.

And Mark would be GLAD the ST is gone. Same with George. They hated it.

And Harrison would come back, just put a few more zeroes in the check.

ST is in trouble. DC has been right about his leaks. Same source as the one who leaked him the plot of TROS.

Yup. No matter how much the old folk hate the PT it sold toys and merch and kept Star Wars profitable. I?ve never seen Star Wars in such a state like this before. Imagine if this cane before the Pt ? It would be dead by now.
Also I think the entire cast of the ST hate the ST. Boyega , Ridley and Poe hate it.

Lol wow what happened to that chrome stormtrooper they hyped up. What a **** show. She did absolutely nothing.
I dunno, merchandise sales got pretty bad when the 3D version of The Phantom Menace released.

You can find most of the original Prequel Trilogy toys for just a couple bucks each carded now too. At the time it was hot, but there’s no value there anymore - apart from some of the more recent clone figures.
The sequels?


I dunno, merchandise sales got pretty bad when the 3D version of The Phantom Menace released.

You can find most of the original Prequel Trilogy toys for just a couple bucks each carded now too. At the time it was hot, but there?s no value there anymore - apart from some of the more recent clone figures.

Idk. When we talk TPM and some figures of AOTC maybe but as for ROTS those toys and merch always sold. Any and all rots anakin and obiwan are hot sellers.

I think that movie overall gained favor from people. Despite its glaring flaws it was marketed so well.
The great moments from the ST blow away the great moments from the PT they just do sorry doomcocks.

There are parts of the ST in 3D that are just freaking glorious to experience.

Each of the 3 ST movies have outstanding moments that stand out.

The PT is like poking a doomcock in your eye.

Screw KK and her agenda but i?m not just blindly going to label everything in the ST bad just because of her.

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The great moments from the ST blow away the great moments from the PT they just do sorry doomcocks.

There are parts of the ST in 3D that are just freaking glorious to experience.

Each of the 3 ST movies have outstanding moments that stand out.

The PT is like poking a doomcock in your eye.

Screw KK and her agenda but i?m not just blindly going to label everything in the ST bad just because of her.

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Man you must of smoked some heavy crack before posting this huh?

Darth maul duel wield saber fight
Anakin killing the raiders
That jenosha battle .
Jango fett.
And those are the bad pt films.



Anakin finding out padme is pregnant
Grevious v obiwan
The damn opera scene
The jedi purge
The mustafar battle
The ending.
The music and SOME emotion. All told so well.

What in lords name has the ST gave us that?s memorable. I seriously can?t remember a damn thing that stood out that wasn?t stupid or boring.

If you mean the ST has the PT beat in terms of bad and forgettable scenes and music then you are correct.

Literally can?t remember a damn moment from those films that made me go ? wow?

Jeez who is your dealer? Someone check jye into rehab. He lives in an alternate timeline where ST movies had standout moments . Lmao. Where?

Could care less about it being in 3D if the story sucks
The great moments from the ST blow away the great moments from the PT they just do sorry doomcocks.

There are parts of the ST in 3D that are just freaking glorious to experience.

Each of the 3 ST movies have outstanding moments that stand out.

The PT is like poking a doomcock in your eye.

Screw KK and her agenda but i?m not just blindly going to label everything in the ST bad just because of her.

Great post. SW lives and dies by both it's most awesome and stupid elements. All 11 live-action films have their highs and lows. Solo might have some of the highest lows but also the lowest highs which is why it's no one's favorite despite being a very solid pic from beginning to end.

The ST's highs are out of the park, yes even TLJ like the Snoke throne room duel, Luke and Yoda, etc. And yes I roll my eyes at every dumb thing Rose does and says, the oh so precocious Broadway musical "slave children" and so on but the movie still doesn't make me embarrassed to be caught watching it like AOTC, lol.

But then as much as I blast AOTC I'll still watch that over Joker. Such is the way of SW, lol.
He has to be referring to these moments i cant think of any others.

Tfa - rey v kylo starkillerbase
TFa- chewie were home
Tlj- kylos nipples
Tlj- jake skywalker drinking green tittie milk
Tlj- Snoke thrown room and twirly red guard guy swinging at nothing
Tlj- “Im mary poppins Yall” leia
Tlj- force projo fake luke never clashing sabers with kylo dodging his attacks like mr incredible then jake dying on a rock for no apparent reason
Rise-duel on the death star wreckage
Rise- voices of jedi past/ben skywalker’s redemption
Finn- screaming Rey’s name
I have a hard time with the PT due to the aesthetics.

The flat image constantly takes me out of the moment.

Hard to explain but it feels like I can still see the green screen behind the cgi layer.

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Man you must of smoked some heavy crack before posting this huh?

Darth maul duel wield saber fight
Anakin killing the raiders
That jenosha battle .
Jango fett.
And those are the bad pt films.



Anakin finding out padme is pregnant
Grevious v obiwan
The damn opera scene
The jedi purge
The mustafar battle
The ending.
The music and SOME emotion. All told so well.

What in lords name has the ST gave us that?s memorable. I seriously can?t remember a damn thing that stood out that wasn?t stupid or boring.

If you mean the ST has the PT beat in terms of bad and forgettable scenes and music then you are correct.

Literally can?t remember a damn moment from those films that made me go ? wow?

Jeez who is your dealer? Someone check jye into rehab. He lives in an alternate timeline where ST movies had standout moments . Lmao. Where?

Could care less about it being in 3D if the story sucks

Man am I the only voice of reason :lol

The PT had just a few stand out moments but you know whats funny.. The one that should have been the biggest.. Ironwez didn't even mention... The turning of Anakin to Vader.. I can see why you might.. It just happened so fast :lol ;)

Neither the PT nor the ST had many stand out moments..


Pod Race
Darth Maul Duel of the Fates

Anakin vs Dooku was OK
The Opera Scene
Some parts of Anakin vs Obi Wan

I think you highly overrate most of it in all honesty.

the ST is lacking also.

It has Ford and Hamills performance. Doe that count :lol

Snoke's death.
The Holdo Maneuver

Final Saber Duel on Endor
Ben Solo and Han
On your Left moment with Lando
Ben Solo kicks some ass
Rey's "Hear me" Moment with the Jedi.

Now I liked a lot more things in TROS but I get that not everyone will agree so I tried to stay away from those.
I also don't mention Palps coming back or Rey being his granddaughter because that was spoiled before the movie and with regards to palps it could have been handled oh so much better.

Lets look at the OT

Opening shot of Star Destroyer
Opening battle
Cantina Scene
Rescue of the Princess
Tie fighters vs Falcon
Death Star Battle

Battle of Hoth
Asteroid chase
Just about any Yoda or Vader quote
Worms in space
Bounty Hunters
Han is frozen
That Saber Duel
I am You Father

Jabba the Hutt's Palace
The Sail Barge
Speeder Bikes
Death Star Battle II
Luke flirts with the dark side
Luke beats Vader
Vader saves Luke

Now there are some memorable stand out moments.
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Man am I the only voice of reason :lol

The PT had just a few stand out moments but you know whats funny.. The one that should have been the biggest.. Ironwez didn't even mention... The turning of Anakin to Vader.. I can see why you might.. It just happened so fast :lol ;)

Anyways PT

Pod Race
Darth Maul Duel of the Fates

Anakin vs Dooku was OK
The Opera Scene
Some parts of Anakin vs Obi Wan

I think you highly overrate most of it in all honesty.

Having said that... the ST is lacking also.

It has Ford and Hamills performance. Doe that count :lol

Snoke's death.
The Holdo Maneuver

Final Saber Duel on Endor
Ben Solo and Han
On your Left moment with Lando
Ben Solo kicks some ass
Rey's "Hear me" Moment with the Jedi.

Now I liked a lot more things in TROS but I get that not everyone will agree so I tried to stay away from those.

Lets look at the OT

Opening shot of Star Destroyer
Opening battle
Cantina Scene
Rescue of the Princess
Tie fighters vs Falcon
Death Star Battle

Battle of Hoth
Asteroid chase
Just about any Yoda or Vader quote
Worms in space
Bounty Hunters
Han is frozen
That Saber Duel
I am You Father

Jabba the Hutt's Palace
The Sail Barge
Speeder Bikes
Death Star Battle II
Luke flirts with the dark side
Luke beats Vader
Vader saves Luke

That death star wreckage duel wasnt on endor it was Kef Bir. Thats why it was mostly ocean and no furry ewoks in sight. Im not surprised people didnt notice that cause the ****ing movie moved at a blistering pace thru multiple planets
That death star wreckage duel wasnt on endor it was Kef Bir. Thats why it was mostly ocean and no furry ewoks in sight

I know.. But I could not remember the name of that planet.. :lol

Actually let me correct that.. I always assumed it was another planet but did not know the name and noticed that others had called it Endor so I took the easy way out :lol
Man am I the only voice of reason :lol

The PT had just a few stand out moments but you know whats funny.. The one that should have been the biggest.. Ironwez didn't even mention... The turning of Anakin to Vader.. I can see why you might.. It just happened so fast :lol ;)

Neither the PT nor the ST had many stand out moments..


Pod Race
Darth Maul Duel of the Fates

Anakin vs Dooku was OK
The Opera Scene
Some parts of Anakin vs Obi Wan

I think you highly overrate most of it in all honesty.

the ST is lacking also.

It has Ford and Hamills performance. Doe that count :lol

Snoke's death.
The Holdo Maneuver

Final Saber Duel on Endor
Ben Solo and Han
On your Left moment with Lando
Ben Solo kicks some ass
Rey's "Hear me" Moment with the Jedi.

Now I liked a lot more things in TROS but I get that not everyone will agree so I tried to stay away from those.
I also don't mention Palps coming back or Rey being his granddaughter because that was spoiled before the movie and with regards to palps it could have been handled oh so much better.

Lets look at the OT

Opening shot of Star Destroyer
Opening battle
Cantina Scene
Rescue of the Princess
Tie fighters vs Falcon
Death Star Battle

Battle of Hoth
Asteroid chase
Just about any Yoda or Vader quote
Worms in space
Bounty Hunters
Han is frozen
That Saber Duel
I am You Father

Jabba the Hutt's Palace
The Sail Barge
Speeder Bikes
Death Star Battle II
Luke flirts with the dark side
Luke beats Vader
Vader saves Luke

Now there are some memorable stand out moments.

Lol. Yea I agree on that but I?m just correcting jye on his asinine statement. Only hardcore Star Wars fans remember ST moments while PT moments good and bad are still remembered and quoted today.

I think the only memorable moment people loved from the ST was that stormtrooper and that fell off hard.
Disney just announced that the ST is no longer part of the Skywalker saga.

The saga is back to only 6 movies again.

Effective immediately they are shutting down SW land at Disney World and Land until they can convert it to AOTC land after the pandemic is over.

They have already given the news to Lucas, Hamill, Ford and Fisher?s family that Carrie Fisher contribution to the ST will no longer be considered canon.

Hamill, Ford, Ian, Daniels and Billy D have all been advised that they can keep their salaries from the ST but that like Fisher their ST contributions are now non canon.

All IP attached to the ST have been cancelled.

They have also announced that the next 9 SW movies will be soley written and directed by Dave Filoni with the first movie being about Force Owls.

Doomcock was right all along go figure.

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Now that the ST is done I was thinking which original characters or more specifically which character designs will make its way into SW Pop Culture or seen in Cosplay. As I was running the images in my mind I came to the conclusion that there are not much when compared to the OT and PT. Let?s go ahead and go down a list:

Rey: The character design of Rey in TFA and TROS is a instant classic!!
Kylo: Not great but another instant classic both helmet on or off.
Finn: Don?t remember his outfits. Boring Design
Poe: Don?t remember his outfits. Boring Design
Phasma: instant classic but not a great character
First Order troopers: instant classic for what it is
General Hux: Maybe but a shadow to the OT design
Snoke: Sure but why?
Rose: Why would you?
Holdo: Why Would you?
Jannah: Sure
Maz Kamata: Sure
Zorii Bliss: Hate the design but a visual hit

There is not very many characters from the ST that stand out and from those barely half are visually exciting to even market. On a plus side I think the ST has created some visually exciting background Alien characters unfortunately Disney has failed to market them so they remain hidden.

Curious if they are others you can name.
Am I the only one that posts in this thread that never actually saw the movie?