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Cover all bases and go as Patrick Bateman, lady killer.

Nah part of the appeal of going masked is the mystery.

Girls dug the mystery component.

It also covers up any physical imperfections that makes the pick up that much harder.

Masks also boosts the confidence.

Plus it is fun lol

Girls would continuously flirt due to the thrill and mystery of the mask.
I had the eyes

I had the tall physique

I had the moves on the dance floor lol
JYE the edgy 80s creep from the Laura Branigan video...

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I know the feeling! :\

Halloween should be 31 days long that would be one long ass party lol

So basically what alot of women do on a daily basis with all the stuff they ear to change body or hide things. That's just leveling the playing field in my eyes.

:exactly: :lecture :exactly:

My wife's makeup routine is insane!

It takes me 5 seconds to throw on a hockey mask lol
for those who care Disney Movie Insiders brought back their popular rewards that gave us posters.

Last year they only gave us teaser #1 poster for this movie, now all posters are up, the final poster is up for 400 points.

Granted TLJ is not popular but the popular teaser 2 is offered again!

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I couldn't make it through the whole movie. Just awful. Truly awful. Nothing but compounding questions that never are answered and it continues movie after movie.

My thoughts on The Farce Awakens aka The Forced Agenda

The Bad:

- The title is awful. The Force Awakens? What is it awakening from? Why does it need to awaken? Questions that are not answered in this film. Every Star Wars movie prior had a title that spoke directly about the movie or shows why the film is called what it is called. The Phantom Menace was about the Phantom Menace, Palpatine, manipulating galactic events to his advantage. Attack of the Clones was about the attack of the clones at Geonosis, leading to the Clone Wars. It is about how the Clone Army was created and how the Jedi Order come to find out about it. Revenge of the Sith, simply put the Sith get their revenge by taking over the Republic and destroying the Jedi Order. A New Hope follows the new hope for the galaxy and explains who that is and why they are this new hope. Empire Strikes Back is quite literally the Empire striking back. Return of the Jedi has a Jedi return. The Force Awakens has....... what exactly?

- Who is this old man? How does he find the map to Luke? How does he know about the Jedi, Force, Leia, Luke, Kylo?? A cheap rip-off of Ben Kenobi, old wise guy in the desert hiding out. We never find out who he was.

- The whole opening Jakku bit looks like one big set. Just awful. A feeling I have never got from a Star Wars movie until now. Honestly looks like a TV show and not a galaxy far far away. No immersion.

- TFA is a re-hash of ANH. Droid caught on desert planet, gets secret plan, running away from the Empire, goes off and randomly stumbles into the hero of the story. Creative bankrupt story within 15 minutes. The PT was uniquely the PT. The OT was uniquely the OT. The ST cannot stand on its own.

- The blood on the helmet of the stormtrooper. Trying to recreate a moment from the OT. I?d like to understand how a guy in full armor, getting shot by a blaster bolt, is bleeding that bad. Never seen in Star Wars.

- Reusing old star fighters, like the X-Wing, is another awful idea. No creativity. Playing it safe. The cool thing about the OT/PT were all the new and unique ship designs. You could visually see that you were in a new era of Star Wars by just looking at the ships. Distinct in both trilogies, not the ST. Nothing new. Nothing exciting. Just the same old same old.

- Kylo Ren was their attempt at Vader. Short lines. Tries to be intimidating. Unique voice from wearing a mask. FAIL

- The Marvel styled humor, ?so who talks first,? is awful. It does not belong in a Star Wars movie.

- Every alien is dark, dull, depressing. No color. No real life to them like was given in the PT/OT.

- Rey comes off as a ***** when she first speaks to BB-8. Sets her up as this teenager surviving, somewhat child like still with the doll and the helmet, then after we know what BB-8 goes through, she is reluctant the whole way through. The scene helping him makes no sense. She cares enough to save him, but not to stay with him? Then, next day, completely different person? Cares to know him and to help him and encourage him.

- Rey?s acting is very theatrical. Does not come off as believable. Jake level acting.

- Putting the hand holding scenes in and Rey breaking it off reeks of forced feminism. Takes me right out of the movie. Force is Female indeed, so much so it must sacrifice a scene to do it. Could have just had Rey and Finn run by themselves and gotten the same point across, albeit more subtle, but they must ram it down our throats.

- The Falcon being on Jakku is a joke.

- Rey being able to fly the Falcon better than Han Solo ever was shown too, HER FIRST TIME, is awful. Out flying two trained pilots is worse.

- Falcon takes a direct hit with the shields down, nothing happens.

- Rey literally says ?I don?t know? and admits to never flying before. Yet, she does all that. Total joke. More powers because she is a Girl and Force is Female!

- Rey comes off as a ***** yet again. Gets angered easily. Yells at Finn for the right tape, when all she had to say was yellow tape.

- Rey knowing everything is also a joke. Galaxy as big as it is, but she knows every last detail about Luke and Han, it?s like she is only there to remind the audience.

- The entire Rathar/Guavian scene is pointless. Just thrown in there so Rey can save the day.

- It?s really annoying how Rey knows how to do literally everything.

- Han goes through all this growth in the OT, then goes right back to smuggling and turns his back on everyone he knew and loved. JOKE

- Han forgets how to fly his own ship, Rey has to remind him. Han doesn?t know how to fix his ship, Rey as to do it.

I couldn't stomach anymore.

The very little good...

- Opening is good. Nothingness of space, ship flies, music hits, classic Star Wars.

- New force powers being shown is cool. Stopping and holding a blaster bolt is awesome.

- The Marvel styled humor, ?so who talks first,? is awful. It does not belong in a Star Wars movie.

- Everything about Rey up until she meets BB-8 is wonderful. For the first time, it felt like I was watching a Star Wars movie. Great music, great cinematography, new speeder design, shows what she does, how she survives, her dreams to get off the planet.

- The idea of a Stormtrooper contemplating his life is great. Shame they never followed through and screwed Finn/John.

- Finn/Poe scenes were great. Again felt like a Star Wars movie, great chemistry.

Score so far: 3/10. If I watched the rest, probably a 1.5/10.
[...] The blood on the helmet of the stormtrooper. Trying to recreate a moment from the OT. [...]

I'm drawing a blank. Was there blood on a helmet in the OT? :confused:

That's a good summation, by the way. I actively tried to love TFA. It's not like the visuals weren't pretty or that it didn't set up some cool ideas. I was just trying hard not to be a cranky old fan that wanted everything to stay the same. But in the end the whole thing fell apart for me.
I'm drawing a blank. Was there blood on a helmet in the OT? :confused:

That's a good summation, by the way. I actively tried to love TFA. It's not like the visuals weren't pretty or that it didn't set up some cool ideas. I was just trying hard not to be a cranky old fan that wanted everything to stay the same. But in the end the whole thing fell apart for me.


Just meant showing blood in general. I always believed blaster bolts and lightsaber wounds would cauterize.
Tfa is the best installment in the st pt lovers can **** on it all they want but it was a way better made movie even with it being a retread then all of the pt except for sith and even that’s debatable

It is the best of the ST. Not saying much there.

Better effects and such, but not a better movie than anything from 1-6.

Hell, Jake Lloyd is a kid and he puts forth a far more believable, even tempered character than Daisy did. Rey had that great opening and it was all downhill from their. She is the embodiment of a petulant child. Mary Rey Sue.

It’s funny. Disney could have simply rehashed the OT, Luke trains her in TLJ, she goes to confront the Emperor far too soon, gets the “I am your Grandfather” line and turns to the dark side. Ben turns to the light. Do the double turn. Her anger problems would make sense then.