I just want to see Ghost Leia slap Ghost Han.... and Han says: "Heeeeeeyyyy.... who's scruffy lookin'?"
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
It's just meaningless background noise, like an infomercial on the TV that you fell asleep in front of at 3AM.
These characters mean nothing to me. I don't care whether any of them live or die. The desperation on Disney's part couldn't be more obvious. Cramming as many references to Star Wars as possible in a 2 minute sci fi fantasy reel doesn't make it "Star Wars" if it's just a bunch of nobodies I don't care about. And I felt the same way about the beloved RO. I couldn't name any of those characters. I didn't like them. I didn't care about them.
Slowing the music way down at the end for the title reveal is the laziest way to manipulate emotions. It won't work on me but I'm sure the NPC Bugmen that will flock to this movie on opening night had rivers of snot running down their faces cause it "hit them in the feelz."
The only emotion I got from a Disney movie was white hot anger when I saw what they did to Luke in TLJ.
All I have now is apathy.
I understand that apparently there are people that ARE excited about this, but there's no way I can relate to them. Just like all those TV shows called the "The Real Housewives of Whatever City." I've never seen one and can't imagine actually sitting down and watching one, but I get that there are people that enjoy those shows. I just shake my head cause I can't imagine giving a **** about it. Same with this.
He's already ducking. Falling over the side seems like his best hope.
Maybe the best plan for alot of folks on this thread as well.....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
It's odd that after 40 years of the Skywalker saga, the final film that ends it doesn't have a single character named Skywalker in a lead role and fighting the main villain from the OT and PT.
On second thought maybe that's the point. The Skywalker name had disappeared into legend but now it will "rise" again.
I just think it's cool how SW has become so well-known they can use Jedi, Sith, The Force and Skywalker in the actual titles.
Here in Oz there's a movement where people put "Jedi" as their religion on the Census.
I don't mind logistics behind how fragments of the DS survived but I expect 'complaints' like that to surface in tenfold after the movie releases. Bugs me that people are already looking for things to hate rather than being blinded by stupidity.
Fixed for you [emoji106]
Fixed for you ��