How much you want to bet he meets Leia again? Or gets killed.
I think he's Jannah's husband.
How much you want to bet he meets Leia again? Or gets killed.
Right now they're scrambling to re-write a carbon freeze chamber scene into the movie.
..."oh and see if we can somehow put Finn and Poe into a trash compactor."
This is what I love about being me.
I can fully (mostly) agree with all of the ST criticism YET still be excited for a new SW movie I won?t just write it off, I refuse to.
I have nothing to lose other than a night at the movies.
I sat thru AOTC 3 x I can sit thru anything lol
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If that spoiler is legit you just sold an opening night ticket.
After TLJ this movie is going for all of the nostalgia it can. Everyone left alive or can be captured spiritually will be in this movie. I?ll be looking for that guy in cloud city who ran away with the ice cream maker. I bet even he?s in this somewhere. I bet there?s even Lobot, or at least a mention of him somewhere.
I think he's Jannah's husband.
The Last Ewok
If an ewok with one single rock takes out an entire Star Destroyer I will be sick.
I?m dying please stop.
No more racist I suppose than White Men Can?t Jump.
Oh, ok. I'm guessing she's the new Wedge then.
Huh, considering they're going for nostalgia value, I wonder if they'll get Wedge back, if the actor is still alive. Maybe he and Rose can have a romance in their X-Wings.
Yeah, I don't care if the movie sucks any more - I kinda expect Star Wars to - but I'm still going to enjoy the hell out of Palpatine!
Dennis Lawson has been confirmed to be in the movie as Wedge. Hopefully he is still a great pilot and can avoid kamikaze Rose.
No, we must continue until soda squirts out your nose in your fortune 500 building atrium!
I wonder if this Wicket will be an Ewoke?
Dennis Lawson has been confirmed to be in the movie as Wedge. Hopefully he is still a great pilot and can avoid kamikaze Rose.
Maybe Jabba will come back with a mechanical neck brace.