Prime Clone
Super Freak
JJ did keep RJ's concept of Force Ghosts interacting with reality - Luke catching his saber etc (the opposite of tossing it!)
A little mental gymnastics is all that's needed to like the ST films.
JJ did keep RJ's concept of Force Ghosts interacting with reality - Luke catching his saber etc (the opposite of tossing it!)
JJ did keep RJ's concept of Force Ghosts interacting with reality - Luke catching his saber etc (the opposite of tossing it!)
And the comment - that was a slap in Rian's face - something about "you shouldn't throw a lightsaber around so frivolously."
if baby yoda can use the force , and boom boy does as well
why did did child Rey not stop her parents ship like she did in this movie with the spaceship?
How can kylo ren lose to rey again? Is he still injured from that chewie bow blaster shot?
His mum dying might have thrown him a little perhaps?
Snoke clones in a jar
I laughed so hard when I saw that.
And when did the Sith become so populated...? There were hundreds in that chanting crowd. Where'd they come from? Where did they land their ships? How far is the parking lot in that stadium? They all left at the same time -- gonna be hell getting out.
And since when did Palp-Lightning become more powerful then a Death Star laser? I mean, if Palps could always do that, why the hell did he need a fleet or two Death Stars?
The Sith is so zany now.
I think we're 5 minutes away from someone asking for a Nolan Star Wars.
Liked it more then Last Jedi for sure.
Just got home from seeing it.
What a mess.
I'll read through some of the reactions here...I'm curious to see if I'm alone in my view of this as a major disappointment.
I know I'm in the minority in saying this in here but I didn't mind many of the choices that Johnson made in TLJ, especially when it came to where Rey and Kylo were left.
JJ took the baton back and completely lost any nerve, putting them both back in the conventional boxes where they started. I loved the idea that Rey was "nobody", She wasn't the spawn of some special lineage, just a young woman who had force abilities. JJ turned her into a marvel superhero who could do anything, turned the force into magic and made her the ultimate Mary Sue. It leeched any potential for personality out of her, leaving at the end the perfect Disney princess, right down to getting the Sleeping Beauty kiss of life from her neutered prince.
And Kylo had cut himself (literally) a path to power that answered to no one, not his family legacy, not Snoke or the Sith. What a place to take off from! It was exciting to think of the places his rage and conflicted spirit could take him.
Instead, he's turned into a lovesick puppy pining after Rey to join him. Conventional and boring, the character stuck in the same boring pointless treasure hunt as everyone else.
The whole Palpatine thing was just awful. Shoehorned in by writers with no imagination to take it to a different place than just repeating the same old thing.
Before anybody says "but George did that too" please remember, love or hate them, the prequels had a beginning, middle and end. And Star Wars isn't his anymore. The current owners should be able to muster up something other than familiar repetition.
Incoherent action, scenes strung together in a lets-get-to-the-next-level-of-this-game fashion while chasing mcguffins that don't really do anything other than provide fodder for the treasure hunt. More unanswered questions at the end of it all as the flimsy "mystery box" folds in upon itself. One wonders if the people behind the scenes just threw their hands up and said "let's just get through this".
The Carrie scenes were creepy, the HF scene was really creepy with that bad wig and the strange look to his eyes. Some effects looked almost unfinished while most looked good but were lost in the overstuffed scenes. Hamil looked like he phoned it in. At least Billy Dee brought some life to his brief appearance. The only genuine earned emotion were two scenes with Chewbacca. The rest was flat. No chemistry with these people at all.
I could go on but you get the picture. This movie was a huge disappointment to me. I knew not to expect much with Abrams back in the chair, but I held out hope he would rise to the occasion. Instead, he has just proven himself right again...he is really bad with endings.
I know many folks in here have found themselves at this place at one time or another with this saga, be it the quality of the prequels or the direction of this sequel trilogy. I have always managed to find something to enjoy in all of the different movies (alright I think TFA is a stinker too, but NOT this bad). I now find myself here at the end. I hated this vile, cynical, manipulative movie. Not the send-off I wanted to see for a saga I have loved since 1977.
Let's hope Abrams is too bored to do anymore with SW and that Disney holds off on putting SW movies out until they hire someone who can present a coherent, complete vision that has something fresh and new to present for this faraway galaxy we all love.
the Sequel Trilogy feels like a failed experiment, a mess composed by multiple writers at war with each other whilst under pressure to produce something to get on the screen. It's as though there were no guidelines to adhere to...