If a "minor" (umm, FYI she's the age at which you can join the US MILITARY - 17) gets right up in people's faces and makes mocking, raging accusations, and willingly and actively becomes a public figure (pushed by and approved by her parents,) then this **** about "you can't make jokes about a child" goes out the door.
Know what I mean?
I was simply having some non-political fun with a public figure - with a Bond MOVIE/TV theme no less (admittedly, not in the Bond thread) - and you weighed in with some OMG-stale "old men's nerves" thing and the high-and-mighty, unquestioning "what she believes to be right" thing.
**Political content begins**
For the record, I do not disagree with her, and I'm in no way a climate change denier - I just don't drink the koolade because some humorless gulag folk and their apps say I should.
**Political content ends**![]()
For the record, politics on this issue does not apply to me either, being non-American.