Broke and happy
I own 3 items from the ST 
3.75 Poe (great face sculpt)
His X-Wing
SHFA Praetorian guard (jaw dropping gorgeous)
The R2 in the X-Wing don?t count because i?m using an OT R2 lol
The only reason I even bought the X-Wing is because I needed a McQuarrie concept version on my shelf and TROS X-Wing is much nicer than TFA X-Wing.
I still might pick up the other 2 SHFA Praetorian guards down the road to compliment each other because I actually like them just as much as I do the OT royal guards.
Anyways that is my ST collection in a nutshell.
I don?t own Rey, Kylo of even a BB8 lol
Oh well better luck next time Disney.
All things being equal though Sonic still sucked really bad lol
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3.75 Poe (great face sculpt)
His X-Wing
SHFA Praetorian guard (jaw dropping gorgeous)
The R2 in the X-Wing don?t count because i?m using an OT R2 lol
The only reason I even bought the X-Wing is because I needed a McQuarrie concept version on my shelf and TROS X-Wing is much nicer than TFA X-Wing.
I still might pick up the other 2 SHFA Praetorian guards down the road to compliment each other because I actually like them just as much as I do the OT royal guards.
Anyways that is my ST collection in a nutshell.
I don?t own Rey, Kylo of even a BB8 lol
Oh well better luck next time Disney.
All things being equal though Sonic still sucked really bad lol
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