Star Wars + Last Supper = Awesomeness???

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That is awesome, if that were a poster I'd be tempted to buy it. I have a photomosaic of Yoda from about 10 years back or so.
That is awesome, if that were a poster I'd be tempted to buy it. I have a photomosaic of Yoda from about 10 years back or so.

I have that one too, as well as a Darth Maul, although that one cut corners and tainted the color of some shots to make it work where Yoda was pure stills arranged well.

This is a cool piece in it's execution, but I find it a bit troubling seeing Star Wars characters equated to Jesus and his disciples.
Yeah the religious aspect of it is something I've considered as well, but for me I think of The Last Supper as art more so than a depiction of something religious. I have no clue why, or how that makes sense but for me this is about the equivalent of seeing any pop culture reference combined with a piece of art or something. If any of that makes any sense at all...
here is the original piece of art from a few years ago, the non-mosaic version :)
Wow, looks kinda crummy as just the artwork... not bad, but really not that great either. I could see being put off by the religious aspect, but at the same time SW is very rooted in the mythos and religions of the world... so it kinda works on that level, but not so much in this image. The characters are just placed w/no real relation to the last supper... I mean c'mon at least the Lando/Judas connection would have been an obvious one :lol
Wow, that looks very well done and the mosaic is a major accomplishment!
SW is very rooted in the mythos and religions of the world... so it kinda works on that level, but not so much in this image. The characters are just placed w/no real relation to the last supper..

Very true. I'm not offset so much by the religious ties, but more the character choices or lack of mental process in it. Were they to take characters to represent the original people in the base art for their traits and match up, I think it could be a very interesting piece. To have 3 Lords of the Sith in something like this takes away any chance of those connections. I think in ways, Obi-Wan Kenobi was done as a sci-fi Jesus of sorts.
Yes, but it would have to be PT specific, if you want it to be similar in nature to the last supper your really could not inter mix PT and OT. It should be Anakin in the center surrounded by the Jedi Council members and mixed in there would be the one sole traitor among them Palatine, the chancellor not the sith lord, but he could be holding something that gave clue to his true self, like the sith holocron thing.
I thought the same thing when I first seen it.
Yeah it seems they were trying to place favorite characters instead of something that would actually make sense and be fun.
This is super cool. I know some might be upset due to the original religious nature of the real painting, but don't think of it as a mockery of Jesus and the bible, think of it as a take on a painting by some Italian dude. Cause' that's all the original is, a painting by some Italian guy who had a secret code to rule the world or some garbage :lol
I actually got a print of this (the painting, not the mosaic) from the artist a couple of years back (he doesn't sell them anymore, I believe).

I have it framed and on my wall right next to a print of DaVinci's actual "Last Supper". :monkey3
Interesting points about having the characters correspond to the actual painting better. I kinda like the whole Star Wars Legacy aspect the way it is. I think I might feel a little bit more uncomfortable with it the other way. Having Padme in "Mary Magdalene's" position would cause a heck of a lot of controversy.
Padme isn't hotter than the lady who played Mary Magdalene in "The Passion of The Christ". That would be one Monica Bellucci. :monkey5 :naughty
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