Okay, here I am announced:
1) Not to be offensive, but the amount of spelling errors in your statements does make me question your credibility on the subject - maybe you were just in a rush?I myself have taught history, philosophy and original languages professionally. I hesitate to say that, but it is always easy to spout off on an internet message board (like I don't want to start something, but "..... is a moron.") and create a storm of unfound comments.
2) In response to the first enboldened section, yes actually the Bible does prescribe this, as do most of the other sacred texts.
3) You are confusing a great many things here, the Bible was not orginally created in 1611 under James' direction. There were in actuality a great many English translations previous to this, not to mention the various Coptic, Greek, Aramaic and Latin scripts. Modern biblical translators do in fact reject much of the King James text, for the sake of accuracy; as we have access to a vastly greater amount of Greek texts that were just not available (discovered yet) as of 1611. Couple that with the fact that the historical span from date of occurance to the earliest extant copy ranges from only 50-150 years, and we have a much more reliable text than any ancient document; even those from a contemporary time period. While the reader is free to debate the meaning of the passages, the accuracy of translation can hardly be questioned.
Oh, and the painting is alright; but not particularly interesting for my tastes.
My appologies Herr Grammer( forgive the good naturedness of this jab, i mean no offence) Meh, I'm just a notoriously bad speller. Please note the title under my name my friend.
lerath666 said:Moving on. Please point me to the passages in the bible where is askes us to go to a structure and pay a man for preaching ( If it's in there, then I've missed it, and i'm not above admittting a mistake)
lerath666 said:My reference to the translation of the james Version is more to the information given to my by my college profesor, on the nature of the translation. that being, the ultimateum given to the translators to complet it in x amount of time ( i forget, a month, two?) Lest the be excuted and new ones found. James viewed himself a champion of the people, and wanted it done. The threats might have been idle, but they did happen, and who wants to test a king?
That or my professor was full of ++++, and needs his teaching degree revaluated.
I am so having to bite my tounge here and let you continue to believe this. I do not and there are plenty of historical facts behind it being actually more of a history book. Having said that this is all I will say and I would ask you to please respect my view without stating your opinion as fact.
I agree we can talk about it in those tones. That's what I mean by not having an issue with it. Its just the Last Supper SW version is something that bothers me.
The "last supper" pictures are actually more irrelevant than irreverent.
What I do find disturbing and sad are the comments posted by apparent atheists that feel the need to be insulting or simply spiteful in nature.
It's not surprising, though.
Not to create a stir, but the Bible IS fiction...
A lot of the Bible is allegorical. Thats how people wrote back then. Instead of saying "The sun rose this morning" a bible writer would say "The sun leaped out of bed this morning". IMO that pretty much explains the serpent speaking to Adam and Eve and alot of the other stuff you mentioned.
The problem with The Bible is that, like I said, it mixes all of these elements. And thus it's difficult for some people to figure out what's what. IMHO, all that takes is common sense, but for whatever reason people usually either take the Bible at 100% face value or completely dismiss it as myth. There IS a middle-ground.
Can you prove those didn't happen? Then its yours and other atheists opinion that they didn't. There have always been doubters and they have the right to believe that way. In the end they will suffer if it turns out to be true. 4 me my faith and belief says they are true and I'm all the better for it.
So you can say these didn't happen and state the reasons you did. You have as much proof they didn't I suppose as I do that they did. However, I'm not going to tell you what to believe.
Nope, but most of them, didn't have any witness, except for the Splitting of the Dead sea, so, you take Eve's, Moses and Jonas word for it?Can you prove those didn't happen?
I have a question, why do you assume I'm an atheist?Then its yours and other atheists opinion that they didn't.
Second, I don't doubt the credibility of the Bible, I know that some of the things there are metaphors, you acknowledge that too, right?There have always been doubters and they have the right to believe that way. In the end they will suffer if it turns out to be true. 4 me my faith and belief says they are true and I'm all the better for it.
I'm not telling you what to believe, just to understand that the last supper painting it's an artist's interpretation that's not "God's art", so you shouldn't be offended by it...So you can say these didn't happen and state the reasons you did. You have as much proof they didn't I suppose as I do that they did. However, I'm not going to tell you what to believe.
Claiming that The Bible is 100% fiction is no better than taking everything in it as the literal truth.
I want to point out the inherent humor of a man of faith demanding proof.
That's meant good-naturedly, by the way.
As to my second selection of bold text, this is where I depart a bit from the accepted beliefs of my faith. I believe wholeheartedly (honestly, really about 80%) in the redeaming power of Christ and his sacrifice. Further, I believe it was an act of unconditional love. As such, I think his death, resurrection, and promise of eternal life applies to all mankind, not just Christians.
If not believing in Christ is a sin, well, that's forgiven too. One of the greatest men I know is a Jew. He's a man devout to his own faith in G_d, and he's a good man who cares deeply for all people, not just his own friends and family. I refuse to believe God wil not accept him. The Jews are, after all, the Chosen People, are they not? And Muslims, Jews, Christians all worship the same God of Abraham, do they not? Well, there you go.
Anyway, I quite like the painting, although I think it could use a bit more detail. I think the fact that DaVinci's work has been so integrated into pop-culture is an amazing feat!
Exactly. Some might say that this is the reason why there are so many different religions. Everyone wants to apply their own interpretation to things.
As for those who take everything at face value, I just read this: