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Don't want to get into a lengthy discussion but I have to put my .10 in....

Bringing Maul back ISN'T LAME!!!

The beauty of STAR WARS is alot of it is open to personal intrepretation. I think George designed it that way and Dave is doing a great job of enriching that universe.

I for one think it's completely plausible to bring back Maul and it's not a shocker at all considering the 800lb "Cloning" Gorilla and the fact that Sidious could've been tinkering with the technology with the Kaminoians before he comishioned Jango and the Clone Army. Even if it isn't the exactly the same Maul, why couldn't it be his clone implanted with his memories-maimed to give him a sense of vengence and an inclination to the Dark Side. Maybe there's several Maul's bottled up somewhere in Darth Sidious's basement somewhere? From what I know about TFU isn't this part of the storyline anyway?

And if Maul (at that time) was the ultimate apprentice, wouldn't Palpatine be obsessed with keeping him around for his own ends, i.e.obsession with the afterlife?

Its funny but the movies are very biographical of Lucas and like George, I don't imagine Sidious throws a good idea "completely" away. He just holds onto it to be used at a later date!
Cloning.... Another load of questions
If cloning is so easy why not clone vader? Either to repair annakin or for sidious to replace him?
I've decided to begin following the CW TV show, this is coming from someone that is not a fan of the PT mind you, I really believed in 2005 that the PT had entirely killed my interest in everything SW!

But based off all the comments i've been reading here though, the CW looks like a fun diversion.

Besides, I stress way too much over this silly stuff anyways, time to relax a bit and give the SW universe (and myself) another chance.

If I ever feel like washing away the stench that is the PT/CW, i'll just jump into the OT shower and i'll come out all refreshed and feeling clean again :lol

No better bar of soap than the SW, ESB and ROTJ brands :lol

Now, should I start now or go back to season 1, episode 1 :horror :slap
I've decided to begin following the CW TV show, this is coming from someone that is not a fan of the PT mind you, I really believed in 2005 that the PT had entirely killed my interest in everything SW!

But based off all the comments i've been reading here though, the CW looks like a fun diversion.

Besides, I stress way too much over this silly stuff anyways, time to relax a bit and give the SW universe (and myself) another chance.

If I ever feel like washing away the stench that is the PT/CW, i'll just jump into the OT shower and i'll come out all refreshed and feeling clean again :lol

No better bar of soap than the SW, ESB and ROTJ brands :lol

Now, should I start now or go back to season 1, episode 1 :horror :slap

The first hour of the "Movie" was interesting and set things up, the last thirty was terrible. After that, things get better.
Cloning.... Another load of questions
If cloning is so easy why not clone vader? Either to repair annakin or for sidious to replace him?

Exactly, I think it was said somewhere that it's been tried before to try and clone Force users, but no one's ever been successful. It's a good reason though, since otherwise they could have just made an army of Jedi rather than using Jango as the clone source.

Cloning would be a bad idea. (another reason The Force Unleashed 2 sucked)
Exactly, I think it was said somewhere that it's been tried before to try and clone Force users, but no one's ever been successful. It's a good reason though, since otherwise they could have just made an army of Jedi rather than using Jango as the clone source.

Cloning would be a bad idea. (another reason The Force Unleashed 2 sucked)

I know there was that short story in insider but it's never really been addressed
What they really need to do in this show is do an episode about the Battle of Virujansi. Just so they can have continuity about Red Leader flying with Anakin.

At least throw us a bone and TRY to connect the threads.
Cloning.... Another load of questions
If cloning is so easy why not clone vader? Either to repair annakin or for sidious to replace him?

I didn't think cloning was that easy!

The Kamonians are, by and large, the ones that can do it with any measurable success and since they work for the Republic, thier resources are available to Palpatine and Vader as well.

Why can't you clone Vader? Sure you could, I just think that the clone couldn't be "the Choosen One" as easily and thats the what the Emperor wanted to harness.

I'll admit the TFU gets alittle cloudy for me to figure out but maybe you could attribute his power to him being a recepticle for the Force since so many Force Users were wiped out due to 66.
Maybe by not cloning Vader to his full self again was the only way the Emperor could control him. Maybe he feared Vader overthrowing him if he was at full power.

That's sort of my thoughts and that he activly
Prevented vader doing it himself

Another possibility could be that it needed to be done in real time and there's only 18 years in the dark times and he just didn't get it sorted
( but that's a bit weak )

Maybe vader thought as it was only him and emperor who mattered it wasnt too much of an issue and he could take anybody else on anyway?
I don't know but it's just another messy continunity thread
In the new Insider there are previews as well as articles dealing with the next three episode story arc--- it has me VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY nervous as there's supposedly a major revelation about the force.

:horror I just play that scene of Qui Gon telling mini Ani about the tiny lifeforms living within him... :panic:
In the new Insider there are previews as well as articles dealing with the next three episode story arc--- it has me VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY nervous as there's supposedly a major revelation about the force.

:horror I just play that scene of Qui Gon telling mini Ani about the tiny lifeforms living within him... :panic:

Was there any clue as to whether this Opress/Maul arc will be continuing soon or no?

But that force hint sounds potentially horrifying actually. The Force was definitely better when it had more mystique...the midichlorians thing was pretty lame.

But I don't blame the makers of this show. I think it really all stems from Lucas. I saw an interview with the directors of the Clone Wars and they were saying Lucas wanted them to revive Darth Maul and bring him back on the show and this is also the guy who helped create a character that beats the hell out of his cherished creation Darth Vader (Starkiller). I don't know what Lucas' deal is and I actually enjoy TFU and Clone Wars so I'm not as angry as others, but it's clear that Lucas wants to implement big changes in an already established continuum.
Looks like Liam Neeson is not the only Episode I actor to come back for this next story arc, Pernilla August is also coming back to voice Shmi. Looks like we are getting flashbacks of some sort.
At this point can the force be ruined any further?? Lucas basically took Yoda's explanation to Luke on Dagobah and crapped all over it. The Force was already explained, why do it again and ruin it in Ep1? I never could understand that.