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You guys wait and see, it will be revealed that the Original Trilogy never happened, it was all a dream! :lol

If anyone could do that, George sure would. He would probably like to redo parts 4-6 with current technology and a crappy storyline. :monkey1
You guys wait and see, it will be revealed that the Original Trilogy never happened, it was all a dream! :lol

:rotfl:rotfl I wouldn't put it past Lucas!

It has to be something stupid along these lines:
1. Yoda was the first force user
2. Yoda "discovered" the Force
3. Yoda is a Midichlorian
4. Midichlorians can be bought on the black market
5.Midichlorians can be transferred from host to host
6. The Midichlorians are no longer accepting hosts, making the Jedi a dying race
:rotfl:rotfl I wouldn't put it past Lucas!

It has to be something stupid along these lines:
1. Yoda was the first force user
2. Yoda "discovered" the Force
3. Yoda is a Midichlorian
4. Midichlorians can be bought on the black market
5.Midichlorians can be transferred from host to host
6. The Midichlorians are no longer accepting hosts, making the Jedi a dying race

May I add some more :lol

Midichlorians made Greedo shoot first
Midichlorians made Han step over Jabba's tail
Midichlorians made made Jar Jar step on poop
Midichlorians made a latino gang member version of a trade federation alien

And the worst offense of all, Midichlorians made me hate a 10 year old kid :lol
MAy I offer an alternative possibility?

Mediclorians are, more or less, a biological explanation for the force.
Yet, Yoda tells us that "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter" which is in direct collision with the concept of midichlorians.

what if the revelation about the force is that Everything they think they know is wrong, including midichlorians?

Perhaps in truth Midichlorians are simply parasites who are drawn to those with the ability to manipulate the force, but are themselves not related to wielding it?

As such a higher concentration of midichlorians in a person would still indicate a higher potential to use the force ( giving us a means to measure ability and potential) Yet not completely invalidate the OT?

I've not been watching CW since the season 2 mid-season break.. I think it's time i got caught up.
MAy I offer an alternative possibility?

Mediclorians are, more or less, a biological explanation for the force.
Yet, Yoda tells us that "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter" which is in direct collision with the concept of midichlorians.

what if the revelation about the force is that Everything they think they know is wrong, including midichlorians?

Perhaps in truth Midichlorians are simply parasites who are drawn to those with the ability to manipulate the force, but are themselves not related to wielding it?

As such a higher concentration of midichlorians in a person would still indicate a higher potential to use the force ( giving us a means to measure ability and potential) Yet not completely invalidate the OT?

I've not been watching CW since the season 2 mid-season break.. I think it's time i got caught up.

Holy crap dude, I would totaly buy this.....well said :rock

Correct about the "crude matter"

Maybe he'll start fixing SW.


Weird episode tonight, but a very good imo. Although, I must say, I'm not sure if personifying the force in such a way is a good idea for this series. I think it will get many people angry that these beings are so above jedi and sith. But it does open up a kick ass can of worms and gives us many cool scenarios, as we have seen tonight and get a glimpse at next week.
Spoiler Spoiler:
This episode was one giant WTF moment, and not in a good way.
Liam Neeson returned only to be a throwaway scene that generated no emotion or heat at all and Pernilla August didn't fare much better.

And what were Obi, Ani and Tano doing on Pandora anyway? I was waiting for the Navai to show up.

And so far, this re-explanation for the force is pretty bad...

I'll watch the rest of it, but this is already looking like another over-hyped mess with a little stunt-voice casting to draw in people.

I'll never make fun of the political-heavy episodes or any shopping trips the droids want to take again...but I don't know how much more Filoni Baloney this old fan can take...

Can we get back to the war please?
Hi. :wave I just quietly poke my head in this thread from time to time, in the hopes of hearing that some episode of this show was really and truly amazing, or at least really good. While I don't have the time to actually follow the show, I check in here sometimes just in the hopes that there might be an episode even a snooty jerkarse like me would enjoy...

Instead, this is what I see:

I'll never make fun of the political-heavy episodes or any shopping trips the droids want to take again...but I don't know how much more Filoni Baloney this old fan can take...


Sounds like this show is not going well. I almost don't even want to know about this midichlorian force-reveal thing.

Now I think I'd better leave, before I start another controversial Clone Wars argument... :monkey3
I don't get it,
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I don't get it,
Spoiler Spoiler:

Yeah, it was really weird--and I don't like that idea at all. In the EU book Traitor it had a better idea where it suggested that there is no dark or light side of the Force, but rather it's the person that uses it that is dark or light. That made much more sense to me.

Either way, I don't really want an explanation of the Force
Yeah, it was really weird--and I don't like that idea at all. In the EU book Traitor it had a better idea where it suggested that there is no dark or light side of the Force, but rather it's the person that uses it that is dark or light. That made much more sense to me.

Either way, I don't really want an explanation of the Force

Indeed. I haven't read Traitor but in Jedi Academy Kyle Katarn says something similar that Force powers arn't inherently good or evil, it's how one uses them.