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Chewie has some real big words, "GROOOOOWWWWWKKK!"

They could have looped any of his existing Wookese from the films. Mayhew's services are about as useless as bringing in Kenny Baker to make Artoo bleeps.

Well, I think that's pushing it a bit too far. Chewie definitely has a certain body language to him. His mannerisms are all Mayhew.
Guess there were too many big words in that article, or he'd have known this. :dunno

There aren't too many shoulder shrugs Mayhew can do that we haven't seen before. They didn't need mo-cap to animate any of the other characters so it wouldn't be too hard for them to animate Chewie. Mayhew just needs a paycheck. :lol
There aren't too many shoulder shrugs Mayhew can do that we haven't seen before. They didn't need mo-cap to animate any of the other characters so it wouldn't be too hard for them to animate Chewie. Mayhew just needs a paycheck. :lol

Seeing him at the cons, I won't argue that he could use the paycheck, but a character like Chewbacca is more than just whoops and growls. Body language is key, especially when there's no discernible dialogue and motion-capping Mayhew and throwing a Chewie mask onto the frame was probably faster and easier than animating the whole thing from scratch.
If you've ever seen Mayhew in person, you'd know exactly why they wanted to bring him in. It's not the shrugs, the head movements, it's his walk.
I don't understand all the cynicism here toward the show getting Mayhew's assistance in their portrayal of Chewie. I imagine it would have been easier to have done it without his involvement. If anything, it's a testament to how far the show will go in capturing the authenticity of the original actors when it's really needed.

On a similar note, I met Peter Mayhew a few years ago at a Seattle convention. In person, seeing him seated behind a table, I realized there was little about his speech or appearance that immediately struck me as characteristic of out favorite Wookiee -- until I shook the man's hand, that is! While it may not translate in a digital motion capture, I can tell you that shaking that hand that clearly dwarfed my own made something instantaneously click in my head saying, "Wow, that's Chewbacca's hand I'm shaking!"
Why should anyone be so work up that Mayhew is brought back in? I believed its Lucasfilm paying Mayhew salary and I say that's good for him. Its not that we, the viewers have to pay for it. So, even if they want to bring big names into CW, I say they should go for it!
I don't understand all the cynicism here toward the show getting Mayhew's assistance in their portrayal of Chewie. I imagine it would have been easier to have done it without his involvement. If anything, it's a testament to how far the show will go in capturing the authenticity of the original actors when it's really needed.

On a similar note, I met Peter Mayhew a few years ago at a Seattle convention. In person, seeing him seated behind a table, I realized there was little about his speech or appearance that immediately struck me as characteristic of out favorite Wookiee -- until I shook the man's hand, that is! While it may not translate in a digital motion capture, I can tell you that shaking that hand that clearly dwarfed my own made something instantaneously click in my head saying, "Wow, that's Chewbacca's hand I'm shaking!"

Why should anyone be so work up that Mayhew is brought back in? I believed its Lucasfilm paying Mayhew salary and I say that's good for him. Its not that we, the viewers have to pay for it. So, even if they want to bring big names into CW, I say they should go for it!

He just needed attention guys. Reading his posts, it's clear he did little toward actually reading the article and educating himself. He just wants to _____ about it. Not uncommon for that particular poster. :wink1:
Imagine if Chewie had been featured WITHOUT the participation of Mayhew . It'd have been, " Lucasfilm haven't even the respect for the actors of the O.T to even offer them the paycheck for a day's work ....Etc " . Face it , there are some Star Wars "fans" who just look for any reason to slag off Lucas and Lucasfilm as a whole . Lucasfilm can't do right for doing wrong .:gah:
I recall reading somewhere that during the ESB production , Mayhew was either ill or out for some reason. They used a stand in to film a Cloud City scene. When the footage was viewed , they said that it looked obvious that it wasn't Mayhew in the Chewbacaa costume. They scrapped the footage and waited for Mayhew to return to the set and re-shoot the scene.
I'll bet they mo-capped his walk. NO ONE can replicate it, and its the 'Chewie walk' that we all know. GLAD he was involved! :)
I think I read an interview on, that the series was 'on hold' until they could figure out how to complete it on budget. The scripts are supposedly finished and were quoted as 'pure Star Wars'. I hope this series happens! If not, I hope they at least release the scripts so I can read them! ;)
I'd LOVE to see the live-action show - and I'm sure some aspiring film-maker would turn the scripts into a fan-film/series at some point, if they were released.

Here's to hoping the budget for it gets figured out soon! :duff
I'd LOVE to see the live-action show - and I'm sure some aspiring film-maker would turn the scripts into a fan-film/series at some point, if they were released.

Here's to hoping the budget for it gets figured out soon! :duff

Lucas is suck a cheap bastard. He's got a bajillion dollars and is paranoid he'll go over budget. I remember on TPM documentary he said the budget for Episode I was $50 million and it ended up costing $150 million.
Lucas is suck a cheap bastard. He's got a bajillion dollars and is paranoid he'll go over budget. I remember on TPM documentary he said the budget for Episode I was $50 million and it ended up costing $150 million.

Yeah, I know. If Lucas really cared, we would have seen this show years ago, when it was supposed to happen.

I meant to put quotes around the "figuring out the budget" part, because I really don't care what the problem/ lame excuse is, I'd like them to figure out a solution.

If the live action show ended up being as good as it sounded like it was gonna be, and they targeted it more at adult OT fans, I think the first 2 episodes could have been released in movie form, just like the CW. People would have paid to see that, I think.

Of course, the flip side is, it could have ended up as an insult to the OT, and could have been either super-boring, or have no plot and too many explosions. (well, there's no such thing is there? But it still could have had no plot.. :lol)

Oh well, I doubt it will ever really happen. At least not until after Lucas becomes one with the Force. I was just being hopeful.
"Lucas is suck a cheap bastard."

perhaps you need to Google the words George Lucas and charity together.
Ild rather they did a run of miniseries instead of an ongoing
Sort of like the galactica mini so they aren't tied to one character for 100 episodes and they can move the firm frame around

I course I also would have rathered they hadn't shafted the cw cartoon and dark horses comic....