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Re: chewbacca appearance on the clone wars animated show..


Not again a OT caracter in TCW :gah:
Re: chewbacca appearance on the clone wars animated show..


Not again a OT caracter in TCW :gah:

I don't get this , people complain that The Clone Wars ( as well as the prequels ) aren't true to Star Wars and then when O.T characters appear , grumble again ! :cuckoo:
Re: chewbacca appearance on the clone wars animated show..

That is hilarious. How the hell do you get Peter Mayhew to guest star in a cartoon? :slap All he can do is growl! Liam Neeson at least made some sense. Lucasfilm is shamelessly going for the ratings grab. Let me know when Sammy J. guest stars as Spirit of Mace Windu.
Re: chewbacca appearance on the clone wars animated show..

That is hilarious. How the hell do you get Peter Mayhew to guest star in a cartoon? :slap All he can do is growl! Liam Neeson at least made some sense. Lucasfilm is shamelessly going for the ratings grab. Let me know when Sammy J. guest stars as Spirit of Mace Windu.

This doesn't make any sense . Are you of the opinion that Peter Mayhew actually voices the Chewie character ? Or are you attempting to be ironic ?? And as for "Lucasfilm shamelessly going for the ratings grab " , does this mean that "fans " who don't watch the show ( such as yourself) are suddenly going to realise the error of their ways and tune in , or non-fans are going to take up watching "The Clone Wars" because Chewbacca is going to make an appearance . Sorry if I'm missing the joke here , but it appears to me that people are just taking another opportunity to knock a show that they have no interest in . ( I hate "Sex and the City" , but I don't waste my time slagging it off on internet forums ! :lol
Re: chewbacca appearance on the clone wars animated show..

Pandering, sorry guys...plain and simple. And this has nothing to do with being a real fan or not. The galaxy is getting too small.
The episode was good and looking forward to the interaction between Anakin and Tarkin. It looks to be really cold between them so far.
I did not care for the Carbon freeze bit though. It seemed to be just thrown in there.
Merged threads-- let's keep all of the discussion about the show here in one place... Chewie related or not.
That is hilarious. How the hell do you get Peter Mayhew to guest star in a cartoon? :slap All he can do is growl! Liam Neeson at least made some sense. Lucasfilm is shamelessly going for the ratings grab. Let me know when Sammy J. guest stars as Spirit of Mace Windu.

Might be a little tough for you to sound out all the big words, but if you read the article provided in the link, it actually goes into detail on why Mayhew is crucial to Chewbacca. :wink1:

Seems interesting... but does anyone else find it odd this will be on April 1st? I suppose this must be legit though.
Might be a little tough for you to sound out all the big words, but if you read the article provided in the link, it actually goes into detail on why Mayhew is crucial to Chewbacca. :wink1:

Chewie has some real big words, "GROOOOOWWWWWKKK!"

They could have looped any of his existing Wookese from the films. Mayhew's services are about as useless as bringing in Kenny Baker to make Artoo bleeps.