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Another Obi Wan figure than needs to be made. This guy is becoming the Iron Man of the SW Universe with all his disguises:lol

Very exciting clip here too

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I wonder of the music is there to stay finally in the Clone Wars? That was always the thing keeping it from feeling as canon as the movies was the absence of William's scores.

I'd love to see Maul don a hood and robe again. Oh, and btw, where did the
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go? I saw his buddies but not him.
That's pretty awesome they used the Darth Maul with robot legs from the comics. Wish they would've gotten Peter Serafinowicz to voice him again though.
I hated Maul's voice in the movie. It made me wish he didn't speak at all.
What. o_O

You crazy. :p

Now, Tom Hardy as Bane... yeah, I would agree with something like that. Darth Maul was ____ing awesome all around though. He's the perfect villain, besides the blind rage fueled arrogance.

Yeah, i don't know. Too soft and...human...sounding. I always imagined him having a sinister, hellish maybe even alien tone. But his voice was so....soothing. I felt like he drank tea and ate cheese crackers before he went to bed at night.

Yeah, i don't know. Too soft and...human...sounding. I always imagined him having a sinister, hellish maybe even alien tone. But his voice was so....soothing. I felt like he drank tea and ate cheese crackers before he went to bed at night.
His voice actor probably does, lol. But that doesn't change the fact that his voice was perfect. If it had been Ray Park's actual voice, it would've been far worse on your ears. :p

Yeah, i don't know. Too soft and...human...sounding. I always imagined him having a sinister, hellish maybe even alien tone. But his voice was so....soothing. I felt like he drank tea and ate cheese crackers before he went to bed at night.

if anything, his voice gave Maul dimension... you describe what is typically expected... the juxtaposition of his voice to his appearance is far more interesting than the obvious.
New Season 5 Trailer:

Republic Commando clip:

Battle of Onderon:
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Yeah, i don't know. Too soft and...human...sounding. I always imagined him having a sinister, hellish maybe even alien tone. But his voice was so....soothing. I felt like he drank tea and ate cheese crackers before he went to bed at night.

all I can say is that... you are very very very very very WRONG.
if anything, his voice gave Maul dimension... you describe what is typically expected... the juxtaposition of his voice to his appearance is far more interesting than the obvious.

I would have found it far more interesting if he didn't speak at all.

In regards to the new trailers: DAMN! So many questions!

Sith brothers and Nightwatch!? Darth Maul in Mandalore armor?!

Sith bros. against Sidious!?

The new clone in the red and white armor looks badass!

Can't wait to see what roles characters like Asajj and Embo will have on the big scheme of things.

Losses of life are going to be heavy this season. I hope my favorite characters make it out, but all the ones I like as favorites do not appear in films afterwards so I bet I'll be losing some favorites. :monkey2

Hopefully the sith bros live up to the hype....and that Rex, Fives, and Wolffe tear **** up.