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I had to give the line a little thought as well. I think part of her also may feel like she's not the Padawan she should be/could be. Anakin is her mentor and the Jedi council is always hesitant to put full trust in him. During the arc when Obi-Wan fakes his death to go undercover as a bounty hunter, Anakin is angry for being kept out of the loop and Yoda says that Anakin can be danger to enemies and friends alike, because of his unpredictable nature. Hell, Mace Windu still doesn't trust him by ROTS. His teachings have had an effect on Asohka. During that same story arc, she watches Anakin interrogating people and force choking them and seems perfectly okay with that. I think she's doubting more than her instincts; I think she's beginning to wonder if the council senses something in her nature that she has been out of touch with herself.

This arc was genius. I wish there had been more of a twist with the Baris reveal (Anakin finds her murdered in her room, or something like that), but I can forgive it for the sake of tying up loose ends. It wasn't really the point of the arc, anyway. We've seen public distrust of the Jedi (wonder how Baris's public remarks about the Jedi losing their way will play out in public opinion?), the Jedi have been dragged through scandal, the military and Palpatine have gained further advantage, Anakin is more resentful/distrustful of the Jedi than ever (sets up motivation for events in ROTS), and Asohka has been set on a course where I absolutely cannot even try to guess her fate - at all. The end scene was beautiful, heartfelt, perfect. Loved the full orchestra, loved the fade to credits, just a great job all around. This did feel like a series finale, but hopefully we'll have a couple more season of solid storytelling (avoid the cutsey droids, Gungan, frogs, etc story arcs PLEASE!) More clones, Mandalore/Maul, Palpatine (new voice, please), Dooku (was he even in this season?), Cad Bane, Ventress, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex, and Asohka. Maybe a little Yoda, Mace, one or two other Jedi to mix it up. Boba Fett's coming of age and more bounty hunters. And a small appearance by Hondo. That's what I want to see next season.

Great post!! :goodpost:
I agree with you and it gives great insight into Ahsoka's motivations.
I also wish we'd seen more Dooku, I mean he's Sidious' apprentice and Ventress was his but he never even shows up during the whole Maul act and with Ventress at the end....
Also I'm not even sure we really got any clones this season at all. Maybe the first act and that last episode of the worst act in the series :)




I saw there's an episode guide coming out in June that features the first 100 episodes.


The thing that really caught my eye was this: "For the first time, all of the episodes will be presented in story order, making this the definitive chronology of the beloved television show, The Clone Wars!"
^^^ That is NOT an official word....^^^^

Until we see an announcement on the official site, the series fate is still unknown....and there's still hope it will continue...
You probably wanna get used to the idea of it being done.

Time to look forward when it comes to SW anyway.

The 3rd life cycle of SW begins now. Fresh start.
Who was that swore up and down that Ashoka would be killed off in this series and then argued with me when I assured LFL would never have the cajones to do that?? If the show is indeed done, her arc ended pretty much how I expected it would. She just leaves... Making it doubly dumb that she's not at all mentioned in ROTS and another example of how painfully contrived much of this show was... a lot of it couldn't rationally have happened between AOTC & ROTS. That was my biggest beef with it from the beginning. It should have just focused on the clones and secondary Jedi characters.

Now fans are hoping she shows up in EP7. :slap
Hope Ahsoka shows up in the entire sequel trilogy just to piss off IrishJedi.

That's a shame if the show really is ending, things were getting very interesting.
There's no way you can watch the show and say they haven't handled her extmely well. Having Ahsoka in the new trilogy might just be the "bridge" to help bring in the younger fans, although I hope there's some sort of new series or something to reintroduce/reaquaint Luke and the gang to today's general audience.
Hope Ahsoka shows up in the entire sequel trilogy just to piss off IrishJedi.

:lol It won't piss me off. I've already slain my Anger Dragon when it comes to SW. If she's featured in the new films (which I highly doubt) at least I'll know beforehand and can set expectations low accordingly. :dunno
Sucks the show is over, but I wouldn't see why anyone would want Ahsoka in the new trilogy, hell she's older then the OT heroes, how many prune eating old farts do you need to squeeze into a movie? :lol
The only thing I felt still needs wrapping up is Maul. Now that they brought him back and Palpatine has him again, they need to say what became of him at the very least. The rest of the stuff wrapped up fairly decently.
Maul's story was wrapped up in TPM. :lecture

That said, if you want more Maul... the EU will always undoubtedly be there for you. There will be more Maul stuff in the future, in comics, games, books, etc. Cha-ching.