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Tim Curry... this wasn't his first episode. He filled in a few spots a few weeks ago I'm sure. The problem is he's making it his own and ignoring everything that came before, especially with his intonation. I always feel that when someone comes in, during cases like this, it'd be better to get it as similar as possible to the original. Abercrombie was a great Palpy.

"Take her A-Wa-Ayyyyy." was really laughable. I understand it, but horrible.

The episode itself, in a word? Beautiful. The last five minutes were unlike anything else in the saga. I'm tempted to say better done than the PT, like most of TCW is. The shift in music that this arc has had has been for the better. Seriously just beautiful.
To be frank, ifind Tim Curry's voice pretty annoying especially when he overly does his intonation. In Young Justice, I just wanted to turn down the volume cos it's a pain to hear his lines.
I didn't realize it was the season finale either. Very emotional, really liked the episode with some highlights:
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But I have 2 caveats.
I agree that the new voice of the Emperor is very sub-par :( it's sad really and I like Tim Curry but he doesn't seem to fit this role at all.
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This finale is such a momentous shift for the series I'm really curious to see where they're going to go from here.
Just finished watching the final 3 episodes, and while the twist was so obvious as to be no twist at all, it was still a fantastic story. The last couple of minutes were more emotionally powerful than anything in the prequel films. I wish I could've felt that way during the Anakin/Obi-Wan Mustafar scenes.
It was a pretty powerful last minute but it was such a lazy "twist" that I didn't really care what happened by that point. At least that's the nail to this awful awful season.

So much for the Embo snowboarding scene:monkey2
OK here's the big questions.
Will season 6 be on Cartoon Network or on the Disney Channel?
Will it have the same actors and artists?

OK enough of that.
When will they debut season 6?
Think we'll see a sneak peek a SDCC this year like last?
Considering that it takes months to make episodes, I'm sure Dave and crew's jobs are pretty secure as far as season 6 goes. Plus they still have the Rush Clovis arc that they never aired this season so they have that in the bag.

The only change I fully expect to see is the change over to the Disney channel though.
Loved this season. Best ever and felt more grown up and had a lot of emotion. The music used so many classic Star Wars themes too this year.

My God, that music. It's too bad they can't get an orchestra to record the score for every episode. It makes a world of difference.

I'm just now getting to see the episode on iTunes. It sucks to have to wait an entire day, but it's worth it. No CN logos and promos, no commercials (which is great because The Clone Wars actually has no act breaks/fades to black), and full credits. Did you guys who watched it on CN get to see the dramatic music credits, or did they scrunch them down and play a promo like they usually do? It was amazing hearing some beautiful score rather than the Clone Wars theme, which would've been too upbeat.
WE got to see full screen credits at the end and it was nice.

They've been working on season 6 for a while now, but the fate of the show is unclear. RebelForce radio(great SW podcast for those who don't listen) have started a letter wrting campaign for the future of the show.
Just rewatched the episode. The ending when Ahsoka walks away down the steps with her shadow following her in front of the sunset was a visual treat to see. A stunning, beautiful finish to the episode with music to match.

I was confused with one part though. When Anakin asks her why she's doing this, Ahsoka responds with....

"The council didn't trust me, so how can I trust myself?"

Did anyone follow the logic of the second part of that line? She had the utmost trust in herself because she always proclaimed her own innocence. Why can't she trust herself? It seems to me that she felt betrayed by the Jedi Council and Ahsoka is the one who can't trust them.

Any thoughts?
Just rewatched the episode. The ending when Ahsoka walks away down the steps with her shadow following her in front of the sunset was a visual treat to see. A stunning, beautiful finish to the episode with music to match.

I was confused with one part though. When Anakin asks her why she's doing this, Ahsoka responds with....

"The council didn't trust me, so how can I trust myself?"

Did anyone follow the logic of the second part of that line? She had the utmost trust in herself because she always proclaimed her own innocence. Why can't she trust herself? It seems to me that she felt betrayed by the Jedi Council and Ahsoka is the one who can't trust them.

Any thoughts?

She trusted Barriss and she was completely wrong about that so obviously she doubts her instincts... Ventress aided her while Barriss set her up. The entire council (except for a few) were ready to doubt her-- Black is white and white is black.
FYI is selling Clone wars for under $27 Blu Ray and Under $25 DVD right now. I just order Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Complete Season Four [Blu-ray for $28 with tax.
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My God, that music. It's too bad they can't get an orchestra to record the score for every episode. It makes a world of difference.

I'm just now getting to see the episode on iTunes. It sucks to have to wait an entire day, but it's worth it. No CN logos and promos, no commercials (which is great because The Clone Wars actually has no act breaks/fades to black), and full credits. Did you guys who watched it on CN get to see the dramatic music credits, or did they scrunch them down and play a promo like they usually do? It was amazing hearing some beautiful score rather than the Clone Wars theme, which would've been too upbeat.

Yeah we got the nice credits and I loved it because as the episode was ending I was thinking to myself how hearing the regular ending would feel completely wrong.

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I didn't know that. When does she appears in ep 3?

I got a bit confused by the 'how can I trust myself" line as well but I guess it's because she was completely fooled by her friend and also how can i trust myself if I can back among people who add no faith in me.

There's a nice interview with Ashley regarding this;
Just rewatched the episode. The ending when Ahsoka walks away down the steps with her shadow following her in front of the sunset was a visual treat to see. A stunning, beautiful finish to the episode with music to match.

I was confused with one part though. When Anakin asks her why she's doing this, Ahsoka responds with....

"The council didn't trust me, so how can I trust myself?"

Did anyone follow the logic of the second part of that line? She had the utmost trust in herself because she always proclaimed her own innocence. Why can't she trust herself? It seems to me that she felt betrayed by the Jedi Council and Ahsoka is the one who can't trust them.

Any thoughts?

I will give you my point of view on this. An this did happen to me. I was a Pastor at one time. I setup Food an Clothing ministries. I am not talking about one or two. My ex-wife told them I was something that I am not so I was push out. My aunt a Christian (a major one that has her bible with her even in the bathroom). Hit me hard on the Internet. Both of them. Never even took the time to call, or even talk to me. They just push me out.

To make a very long story short. I pulled my name from the churches. This in turn closed everything I setup. Leaving many people without free Food and Clothing. I even went so far to buy the place where I was ordain, and giving them the so called boot (they never where on time with the rent). God did not help them.

Why I know this is a cartoon and what happen to me is real. I never forget, forgiven, and never will. I hold a hate on. To this date I will never help anyone, every again. This really does hit home with me. You put your trust in people and the only people to really believe in you. Are the so called Villains.
Thanks guys for your help. It helped to answer my question from above. I just didn't make the connection of her not trusting herself because she was trusting her friends who fooled her.
Dang, what a great finale. As epic as this show aims to be at times, it's the small details that can truly make it all very touching when it needs to be. Seeing Ashoka go that route was hard to swallow, and would be interesting if she can somehow comeback into the SW canon at some point, even if it's in post-ROTJ material.

I also found Bariss to be a very interesting character. Even with her betrayal, I still like her and want to see more of her. She's got a cool design and I like her voice actor. Her viewpoint is also a more interesting dynamic than the typical revenge, revenge, revenge we get from all the other villains. Will be interesting to see how this goes...

All in all, a strong second half to what started out as a horrible season.