I POd Robocop and basic Tobey Spidey. I'm debating whether I should PO this Vader. Is it good "definitive" Vader if I'm planning to own just ONE 1/6 Vader figure or should I keep waiting? There's something about this particular Vader that really gets my attention.
Well, I have 15 days to decide. I thought about season 2 and the inevitable ROTJ version, along with any other anniversary edition of ANH and ESB. It sounds never ending with no definitive version in sight, just updated stuff with cool gimmicks and accessories. This is why I stay away from the SW and MCU 1/6 scale stuff. It'll never end.
Same situation here man - I'm (usually) a "one and done" collector and only want 1 "definitive" version of Vader in my collection, I have avoided the Star Wars Black Hole successfully so far, a while back I (with the helpful enabling advice of this forum

) bought my first figure in this line of the Mandalorian and the Child deluxe pack and haven't gone deeper yet. Nevertheless I have been looking for a Vader to go with them as I like the character, love the design and think he is such an iconic character I want him in the collection - so I've also been looking for a definitive Vader.
So, naturally, I am the furthest possible thing from an expert, but if you want the opinion of someone in similar shoes to yourself who is a somewhat casual fan of the Star Wars universe I am happy to throw in my 2 cents.
I think I will pre-order the Deluxe package of this figure - it comes with both head sculpts which I really like as it has more options to allow me to display a classic Vader, I also really like the Battle-damaged sculpt because it gives a hint to the man beneath the armour without ditching the iconic helmet entirely like in ROTJ (and speaking for myself I think Vader doesn't look good, cool or intimidating in that scene - but more like a wounded Uncle Fester - not an option I want to display), the glimpse of his face we see in this figure looks especially evil which I love, Hayden Christiansen has portrayed Anakin/Vader longer than any other actor at this point (other than James Earl Jones' voice - but you can hardly capture that in 1/6!) and is in the canon considered the "true" man beneath the armour so I am happy to have his likeness be the one peeking through the armour, I really like the idea of the USB light-up effects, he comes with a fairly decent number of accessories including 2 pretty damn good looking bases (in my opinion).
Now I am not some die-hard fan who will notice if a very minor detail is from a certain film or not, to me most Vaders look pretty much the same unless I really study some pictures, but what I see here impresses me.
Does that make this a definitive Vader? Maybe, if like myself you want a Vader who represents the character in general, rather than one that characterizes a singular moment in time perfectly.
The problem is that I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect Vader and there never will be - because everyones idea of a perfect Vader differs, in fact the only thing I think most agree on is a real leather suit - which I doubt HT would ever make and if they
did it would be years from now and cost a fortune and STILL would have something preventing it from being "perfect" in some die-hard Star Wars fans eyes.
So you may be waiting for not only a long time, but forever.
But that may just be me.
I think the USB lighting is of particular interest compared to previous Vaders. Should make it easier to dispay lit, which hasn't been a realistic option before with all those batteries and switches. And with the version that comes with additional standard clean parts, it can serve as both a fresh and a damaged display. The OWK armor itself is also a bit of a hybrid between ANH style and ESB/RotJ styles, making it a sort of amalgam of past Vader appearances, a middle point between existing Vaders. Not to mention the exposed face sculpt which also acknowledges Anakin underneath.
So as a figure that sort of represents all of Vader's history in one way or another, it's seemingly not a bad choice. But it depends on what you like. Would you prefer a Vader that strongly invokes one distinctive point in time, like a future RotJ Vader perhaps, or a Vader like this that is created to be more of a broad amalgam?
Many would consider a RotJ Vader with an unmasked head sculpt option to be the dream Vader. I don't think Hot Toys has released one in 1/6 yet. But it just depends on your preference. Personally I like the option of the battle damaged helmet, because it's a way to show both the face and the helmet simultaneously, rather than having to choose one or the other like you would with a RotJ Vader.
Completely agree with you mate.
I think when it comes to the OT, the only downside is the lack of accessories. Vader doesn't show his face until ROTJ, and I doubt most people would display Vader without the helmet using the ROTJ head. At least the OWK version has a cool battle-damaged head. Aside from the lightsaber, there aren't too many other accessories or even damaged parts in the OT. It seems that the best bang for your buck option might be the new Disney Vader. Thanks, I think I might PO this guy. He looks cool enough.
Also agree, OT Vader is going to be light on accessories and alternate looks aside from the Shaw helmetless look (which I do not like at all) which again is why I am drawn to this offering.