Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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I don't mind the change of voice.

'The Final Cut' is obviously intended to be a unifying edit, and Morrison's so embedded as Fett now that it's inescapable unless you ditch everything from the Disney era... and I want to keep The Mandalorian, and even the 'idea' of The Book of Boba Fett if not the execution of it.
For folk who want og fett voice there are edits out for them (4k77). For those who want the definitive star wars experience with the good bits of the SE, there is this. I do not see the point of complaining about Morrison voice if cloud City has windows. Both were intentional changes by Lucas and unlike windows on cloud city the voice of boba was to tie it in with the rest of the saga and avoid a retroactive plot hole
Yeah, very disappointing considering everything else is an improvement or acceptable at worst.

I understand some people feel the need to keep Morrison's voice part of every Fett... but that is RIDICULOUS!!!! You don't think one of those guys, who change their looks, would like to try and change his voice? I mean, Boba could have been in a terrible accident that damaged his face and his voice. The voice box could make it sound deliberately like someone else, to help hide his identity -- Vader's voice changed. What's the obsession with this silly Morrison voice rule?

Keep Wingreen, dump Morrison, and let the fans spend their lives justifying it for you. They do with everything else.
Epic post is epic!
My memories of opening weekend 77/80/83 are fleeting so when I first saw the 4K77 X-Wing engines red exhaust ports bobbling (when they first open the wings heading to the Death Star) on an 80” TV my jaw dropped I had zero recollection of what they originally looked like.

For its time, masterpiece!

For todays standards, cute lol

Go look at them if you’ve never seen the original red engine exhausts, yikes!
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All this chatter about theatrical vs SE, updated fx, added scenes, altered scenes etc etc are part of why I just want the franchise rebooted completely with remakes of the saga. Leave the OT in its original state just as folk remember then make entirely new versions with modern VFX and small changes to make the saga more seamless. For the prequels I would do more than small changes, it would be more a complete overhaul only maintaining basic outline. For the sequel trilogy they wouldn't even be remakes but an entirely new trilogy mostly based of the Heir to the Empire novels. That way folk would have a consistent saga free of contradictions, with great vfx etc while ot putists coukd have the unaltered theatrical cuts of the originals. Trying to cater to both groups with constant alterations to the OT will always leave some unhappy.
All this chatter about theatrical vs SE, updated fx, added scenes, altered scenes etc etc are part of why I just want the franchise rebooted completely with remakes of the saga. Leave the OT in its original state just as folk remember then make entirely new versions with modern VFX and small changes to make the saga more seamless. For the prequels I would do more than small changes, it would be more a complete overhaul only maintaining basic outline. For the sequel trilogy they wouldn't even be remakes but an entirely new trilogy mostly based of the Heir to the Empire novels. That way folk would have a consistent saga free of contradictions, with great vfx etc while ot putists coukd have the unaltered theatrical cuts of the originals. Trying to cater to both groups with constant alterations to the OT will always leave some unhappy.
ANH and ESB need zero reimagining or remakes but ROTJ would benefit from a 50% remake and of course the PT would absolutely benefit from an entire 100% overhaul lol
For folk who want og fett voice there are edits out for them (4k77). For those who want the definitive star wars experience with the good bits of the SE, there is this. I do not see the point of complaining about Morrison voice if cloud City has windows. Both were intentional changes by Lucas and unlike windows on cloud city the voice of boba was to tie it in with the rest of the saga and avoid a retroactive plot hole

I understand the reasoning, just disagree with it in the one case of Fett's voice.

I am forever thankful to have the OT live experience burned into my memory. I live with that (plus the tapes I made in the theater at the time).
Tem Morrison > whatever the other guys name was.
You prefer Morrison's phoned in performance? It sounds like he's reading the lines for the first time. If Lucas insisted on replacing the superior Wingreen, he could have at least made Morrison do takes until he got something at least passable.
It makes sense for Tem to voice Boba but Jason's line read is so good, he just imbues Fett with so much character that makes him seem even cooler and more of a threat to our heroes.
Gosh, Star Wars fans are soooo toxic, constantly arguing over who the better Boba voice actor was. Why can't you all be less toxic and instead more like Star Trek fans who argue about whether Picard is better than Kirk or whether the JJ Abrams movies are truly canon- no, wait, why can't you be like Ghostbusters fans united in your love of the 2016 movie- no, wait, uhhhh why can't you be like the Boys fans who love everything in the new seasons- oh crap. How I do I maintain the narrative of Star Wars fans being uniquely terrible when every fandom is the same?? Uuuhhhhh Lord of the Rings? No. Harry Potter? No. Terminator? No not one either. Uhmmmmmmm.... Popeye the old cartoon series fandom??? Oh crap, they are complaining about crappy AI voiced commercials. I give up.

I support whichever side wins the debate.
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Wingreen's voice does sound much better, because there's genuine menace in it.

But with everything that's changed and been added to Star Wars since 1980 that voice is now out of place.

Lucas kicked his own creation in the nuts in 1999, and continued kicking it until 2005. To me the PT is as horrific as the ST with regards to the OT, or even the early expanded universe which really understood 'Star Wars' in a way that Lucas didn't seem to when he embarked on The Phantom Menace.

I'll never forget how disappointed I was seeing TPM for the first time. In retrospect it feels like Lucas was trolling the original fans the same way Disney did with the ST and their systematic destruction of the OT heroes.

For me there are Disney releases that are more 'Star Wars' than Lucas' wayward efforts from 1999-2005, such as Rogue One or the
The Mandalorian's first two seasons. The latter gave Boba Fett his triumphant return, before turning him back into comedy fodder in The Book of Bob.

So to throw out Morrison's voice would be to throw out some of the best Star Wars content since the 1980s. It's a catch-22.