Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

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Why does disney LFL insist on making everything so earthlike? School buses, american style suburban streets with lawns etc. We are trying to escape to a galaxy far far away and yet all we ever seem to get is closer and closer to earth.

As for the rest of the trailers content? Meh.

To go from absolute obsession with Star Wars to near apathy. Never thought I would see the day
Oh look, ANOTHER Jedi that survived the purge.

Yoda and Obi Wan sure do look like a pair of schmucks now, don't they?

Anyway, I hate this, which is fine, cause I'm damn near 50 and don't need to take children's entertainment seriously.

But little kids and SW do not mix. Kid Anakin and his Tattooine buddies, Kid Boba Fett, Kid Leia, the godawful Acolyte twins...all terrible, like nails on a chalkboard.

Yuck. Will not be hate watching.
Looks alright, could be fun. Not sold on the child actors though, they're very Disney channel and not up to the quality of a Stranger Things or something.

Jude Law could be a surviving Jedi, or he could not be. Regardless I don't care. There were 10,000 Jedi Knights prior to Order 66, I assume that number doesn't include younglings, padawans or masters.

Currently there are 65 Jedi and former Jedi (that either left the Order or became Inquisitors or independent dark side users) that survived Order 66.

That's 0.65% of the "10,000 Jedi Knights" number. I don't find that to be unbelievable. Large majority were killed, the order is fractured, the survivors have nowhere to go and nobody to turn to. Most of them gave up.

Luke, and possibly Leia, were still the only ones capable of the task at hand so I don't think any survivors beyond Yoda and Obi-Wan is a big deal, imo.
Luke, and possibly Leia, were still the only ones capable of the task at hand so I don't think any survivors beyond Yoda and Obi-Wan is a big deal, imo.
Yes, Obi-Wan had a 'Moses in the desert' mentality, where any surviving Jedi weren't capable of defeating Vader becaused they were tied to certain teachings and beliefs; Luke was necessary because the Dark Side can't be defeated in a sword fight, it took empathy and sacrifice.
Why does disney LFL insist on making everything so earthlike? School buses, american style suburban streets with lawns etc. We are trying to escape to a galaxy far far away and yet all we ever seem to get is closer and closer to earth.

As for the rest of the trailers content? Meh.

To go from absolute obsession with Star Wars to near apathy. Never thought I would see the day

IMO there's been plenty of "weird" environments especially if you factor in the animated series. The Halo ring :monkey3 being a favorite of mine.

^%$## Tatooine several times, Jakku, Bespin, Mustafar, etc. IMO this works for what the series is going for, supposedly, a nod to the Goonies tho the trailer kept reminding me of ET.

Am actually excited, a bit, with Jude Law as a (probable) Jedi. Yeah, the whole last Jedi/Jedis thing, but *realistically* always thought a few Jedi (like Kannan Jaris) might have escaped, or been overlooked, or hadn't even finished training - or why would Obi-Wan put out a warning to stay away from the temple? *Realistically* you hear your whole order has been slaughtered, you go into hiding (I thought the Obi-Wan series did a good job there, giving Obi a lowly job cutting meat).

I can deal with a kiddie series which the best of, in any genre, can be surprisingly complex. Anyway there's Andor coming - very adult - and "form follows function". I'd take a well-made series with a distinct purpose, even if it's something like Finding Nemo - over a poorly made, sloppy mess like Acolyte. At least it won't be telegraphing to young viewers that it's OK to kill people if you are mad, and it's OK to get with a serial murderer if he looks good without clothes.:pfft:

Yes, Obi-Wan had a 'Moses in the desert' mentality, where any surviving Jedi weren't capable of defeating Vader becaused they were tied to certain teachings and beliefs; Luke was necessary because the Dark Side can't be defeated in a sword fight, it took empathy and sacrifice.

I think of it more simply - assuming you had Jedi scattered across the galaxy - maybe on planets where the citizens don't even know who you were (Outer Rim?) You hear about - one way or the other - Jedi are being hunted down, so you just lay low. You sure wouldn't try to reach out to other Jedi, who knows who else might tune in. You may not even hear of the fall of the Empire for a while.
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Wow. I always try to be optimistic with these new shows and not pile on with the hate... but Disney is really making that difficult lately. As I didn't find anything in this trailer remotely compelling or engaging. And with all the shots of kids running around in the suburbs it felt more like an advertisement for a new Disney theme park attraction.
When gone I am, the last of the Jedi you will be

(Paraphrasing Yoda)

The intention of Lucas was for Luke to be the last Jedi. It gave weight to the Jedi Purge that they were almost completely extinct, it made the Emperor, Vader and Empire competent that they got almost every Jedi including order 66 survivors, it raised the stakes as Luke (since leia was never trained up to that point) was the very last chance to beat Vader and Palpatine and it set the stage for a new jedi order to be created by Luke, a fresh start with a clean slate in the Force, an order that would be better than the old order.

Every new surviving jedi they add dilutes all of that. Just as everything else Filoni and Disney do dilutes the OT and undoes the achievements of the legacy characters.

So, I really hope Jude is not a jedi. Maybe it will turn out he is a conman/magician who tricks the gullible kids into thinking he is. That could actually be interesting so probably won't happen
Oh look, ANOTHER Jedi that survived the purge.

Yoda and Obi Wan sure do look like a pair of schmucks now, don't they?

Anyway, I hate this, which is fine, cause I'm damn near 50 and don't need to take children's entertainment seriously.

But little kids and SW do not mix. Kid Anakin and his Tattooine buddies, Kid Boba Fett, Kid Leia, the godawful Acolyte twins...all terrible, like nails on a chalkboard.

Yuck. Will not be hate watching.
From a quick look, every one of those kids seems to be a better actor with better voice emoting than every single person in Acolyte except poor Lee Jung-Jae, who now has the dubious distinction of being the only character that wasn't cringe, boring, or just died minutes into the show.

Qimir looked occasionally cool, I guess. Look, we need a Jedi/Gray Jedi/Force Wielder who is just plain cool since we lost Baylan Skoll (may Ray Stevenson rest in peace). Who else is there to add to my shelf? I've got Qui-Gon, Obi, and Yoda. Waiting for the ultimate farmboy Luke. Never got into Ahsoka, tho maybe I'd get an Ezra. There's badass Luthen Rael and Saw, but they don't wield the Force. Sabine using the Force I consider contrived *&^%$. Mace Windu sculpt looks like - someone else, so I passed. I could go for a Jude Law with some robes and weapons.😁
When gone I am, the last of the Jedi you will be

(Paraphrasing Yoda)

The intention of Lucas was for Luke to be the last Jedi. It gave weight to the Jedi Purge that they were almost completely extinct, it made the Emperor, Vader and Empire competent that they got almost every Jedi including order 66 survivors, it raised the stakes as Luke (since leia was never trained up to that point) was the very last chance to beat Vader and Palpatine and it set the stage for a new jedi order to be created by Luke, a fresh start with a clean slate in the Force, an order that would be better than the old order.

Every new surviving jedi they add dilutes all of that. Just as everything else Filoni and Disney do dilutes the OT and undoes the achievements of the legacy characters.

So, I really hope Jude is not a jedi. Maybe it will turn out he is a conman/magician who tricks the gullible kids into thinking he is. That could actually be interesting so probably won't happen
I can see that. And empathize with the thought.

At the same time tho, *realistically* it's a big galaxy. Like, one time I was out of the U.S. at an Internet cafe, and it was weird being that far away in this different place - it felt like NYC could have fallen into the ocean, and I wouldn't have known about it for three days.

For me Mandalorian (outside of the animated series) has done a good job getting across how far flung the galaxy is. In a way, so does Andor, since Coruscant is obviously high tech, very plush; but there are these far flung prisons, and outposts. For me it's not a stretch that some Jedi was messing about in some rural village or temple, acting as a healer or whatever, and then finds out either via the Force or some warning that there was a purge and went into hiding.

Plenty of people still haven't traveled 50 miles from where they are born. Anyway for me it doesn't dilute the Skywalker saga who are the "Force Royalty" IMO. Only Luke and Leia come from, essentially, the Force itself through Anakin. I've got more of an issue with the uber-powered Rey, I don't get that.

Wow. I always try to be optimistic with these new shows and not pile on with the hate... but Disney is really making that difficult lately. As I didn't find anything in this trailer remotely compelling or engaging. And with all the shots of kids running around in the suburbs it felt more like an advertisement for a new Disney theme park attraction.

Heck, I already felt the color and sets etc. which one would hope for with the experienced Favreau around. Little suburbs aside. 😁
But will wait and see. I can afford to be calm because I know I'm getting Andor 2.:monkey3
(Anyway Acolyte already ran off with one of my kidneys.)
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Honestly it always seemed like a stretch that so many highly skilled Jedi got taken down by the clone troopers anyway, so I don't have a problem with the idea of more Jedi surviving the purge.

And to me the OT will always be something special that stands apart from everything else anyway, so I'm already used to ignoring the new canon whenever I watch those movies.
There are only 6 confirmed "Jedi" alive after Yoda passes away in canon.

Order 66 Survivors status by 4ABY (Return of the Jedi):


  • Luke Skywalker
  • Ahsoka Tano (Former Jedi – now Rebel Agent)
  • Mill Alibeth (Former Jedi – now Bounty Hunter)
  • Vivert Stag (Former Jedi – now Bounty Hunter)
  • Grogu (literally a baby)
  • Naq Med (In Hiding – Died 32ABY)
  • Yoda
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Kanan Jarrus (Caleb Dume)
  • Elan
  • Kirak Infil’a
  • Eno cordova
  • Coleman Kcaj
  • Jocasta Nu
  • Klefan Opus
  • Luminara Unduli
  • Tera Sinube
  • Cere Junda
  • Charlin Plaka
  • Tensu Run
  • Ferren Barr
  • Zubain Ankonori
  • Khandra
  • Mususiel
  • Nari
  • Nuhj
  • Velerie Tide
  • Eeth Koth
  • Heezo
  • Jerserra's master (Unnamed)
  • Unidentified Rodian Jedi Youngling (Unnamed)
  • Unidentified Zeltron Jedi (Unnamed)
  • Dagan Gera (High Republic Jedi in stasis)
  • Bode Akuna (Imperial Agent)
  • Grand Inquisitor (Inquisitor)
  • Second Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Reva/Third Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Fifth Brother (Inquisitor)
  • Sixth Brother (Inquisitor)
  • Tualon Yaluna (Inquisitor)
  • Seventh Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Eighth Brother (Inquisitor)
  • Ninth Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Tenth Brother (Inquisitor)
  • Thirteenth Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Ahmar (Inquisitor candidate)
  • Dante (Inquisitor candidate)
Status TBC:
  • Cal Kestis
  • Kelleran Beq
  • Nedriss Narr (Disney Parks attraction, barely canon)
  • Vanzell Mar-Klar
  • Oppo Rancisis
  • Taron Malicos (Buried alive)
  • Uvell
  • Quinlan Vos
  • Gunji
  • Pan Delesec
  • Selrahc Eluos
  • Ka-Moon Kholi
  • Uhron
  • Kira Vantala
  • Barriss Offee (Gravely Injured)
  • Unidentified human Jedi (Unnamed)
  • Fourth Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Baylan Skoll (Imperial Mercenary)
Not a fan of the suburban, Earth looking neighborhoods. That just seems odd to me and kind of throws the whole vibe of the trailer off.

Also the kids seem like generic Disney style portrayals to me. Not a bad thing and maybe they’ll be more interesting in the show but so far not sold.
Currently there are 65 Jedi and former Jedi (that either left the Order or became Inquisitors or independent dark side users) that survived Order 66. That's 0.65% of the "10,000 Jedi Knights" number. I don't find that to be unbelievable. Large majority were killed, the order is fractured, the survivors have nowhere to go and nobody to turn to. Most of them gave up. Luke, and possibly Leia, were still the only ones capable of the task at hand so I don't think any survivors beyond Yoda and Obi-Wan is a big deal, imo.


In principle, I agree with you. It wouldn't be unusual for more Jedi to have survived Order 66. The problem of course roots from naming one of the major films, The Last Jedi. After being told Luke and Leia were the last Jedi in the Holy Trilogy. If current Lucasfilm wants to hold onto a broader view of canon ( that's being diplomatic), then it's not going to help them with legacy fans when they try to burn the candle at both ends at the same time ( i.e. sell the inconsistency when it's just more convenient)

A bit of a different example is, in weightlifting, there is a guy named Jim Wendler. He wrote and created Wendler 5/3/1. And to his credit, his methodology has helped a lot of people. If people recognize him in public, many walk up and shake his hand and thank him. It's a very established and popular system. In his first book, Wendler preached simplicity and creating something that people can deploy and repeat over and over without gimmicks. He criticized much of the existing weight lifting industry for being too bloated, too complicated, too pressured to make new and varied content just to have something to sell. So what happened over time? Wendler wanted to sell more books. So somewhere in his 4th or 5th or so book, Wendler simply rationalized a lot of what he said in Book 1 about just throwing "content" against a wall for money by saying writing more was part of his growth and "If I am not growing, then I am dying as a person"

So if some folks sort of laugh or point out the hypocrisy of it all, it's not that they are offended that Wendler wanted to get paid. My take is if they are offended, what is really bothering them is Wendler wanted to get paid but in order to rationalize it away, he came up with something ridiculous that only sells to people if they are stupid. What Wendler did was infer that many weigh lifters would be too stupid to see his transparent BS instead of just being totally honest with everyone and just admit he was heading down the road towards being another fitness grifter.

Keeping with that, I don't think a lot of legacy Star Wars fans are super offended that there might be dozens of surviving Jedi from Order 66. But it's going to get their goat when Lucasflm and especially Kathleen Kennedy keeps calling them stupid just below the surface level to see the marketing often talks out of both ends at the same time. These are the last ones! Well not these last ones! Those last ones over there!

Any IP that goes long enough, to monetize it, canon is just going to eventually break in half. We all have seen it . Even outside of Star Wars. Too many different cooks in different pots over too many years for it to all hold together. But you can't call the fans stupid. You can't even infer it as Kennedy has, and get no backlash in return. Just say you want to get paid. I think most people don't realize that won't go over so badly with the general public as they think.
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In principle, I agree with you. It wouldn't be unusual for more Jedi to have survived Order 66. The problem of course roots from naming one of the major films, The Last Jedi. After being told Luke and Leia were the last Jedi in the Holy Trilogy. If current Lucasfilm wants to hold onto a broader view of canon ( that's being diplomatic), then it's not going to help them with legacy fans when they try to burn the candle at both ends at the same time ( i.e. sell the inconsistency when it's just more convenient)

A bit of a different example is, in weightlifting, there is a guy named Jim Wendler. He wrote and created Wendler 5/3/1. And to his credit, his methodology has helped a lot of people. If people recognize him in public, many walk up and shake his hand and thank him. It's a very established and popular system. In his first book, Wendler preached simplicity and creating something that people can deploy and repeat over and over without gimmicks. He criticized much of the existing weight lifting industry for being too bloated, too complicated, too pressured to make new and varied content just to have something to sell. So what happened over time? Wendler wanted to sell more books. So somewhere in his 4th or 5th or so book, Wendler simply rationalized a lot of what he said in Book 1 about just throwing "content" against a wall for money by saying writing more was part of his growth and "If I am not growing, then I am dying as a person"

So if some folks sort of laugh or point out the hypocrisy of it all, it's not that they are offended that Wendler wanted to get paid. My take is if they are offended, what is really bothering them is Wendler wanted to get paid but in order to rationalize it away, he came up with something ridiculous that only sells to people if they are stupid. What Wendler did was infer that many weigh lifters would be too stupid to see his transparent BS instead of just being totally honest with everyone and just admit he was heading down the road towards being another fitness grifter.

Keeping with that, I don't think a lot of legacy Star Wars fans are super offended that there might be dozens of surviving Jedi from Order 66. But it's going to get their goat when Lucasflm and especially Kathleen Kennedy keeps calling them stupid just below the surface level to see the marketing often talks out of both ends at the same time. These are the last ones! Well not these last ones! Those last ones over there!

Any IP that goes long enough, to monetize it, canon is just going to eventually break in half. We all have seen it . Even outside of Star Wars. Too many different cooks in different pots over too many years for it to all hold together. But you can't call the fans stupid. You can't even infer it as Kennedy has, and get no backlash in return. Just say you want to get paid. I think most people don't realize that won't go over so badly with the general public as they think.
The Last Jedi doesn't exist, it can't hurt us.
In principle, I agree with you. It wouldn't be unusual for more Jedi to have survived Order 66. The problem of course roots from naming one of the major films, The Last Jedi. After being told Luke and Leia were the last Jedi in the Holy Trilogy. If current Lucasfilm wants to hold onto a broader view of canon ( that's being diplomatic), then it's not going to help them with legacy fans when they try to burn the candle at both ends at the same time ( i.e. sell the inconsistency when it's just more convenient)
Keeping with that, I don't think a lot of legacy Star Wars fans are super offended that there might be dozens of surviving Jedi from Order 66. But it's going to get their goat when Lucasflm and especially Kathleen Kennedy keeps calling them stupid just below the surface level to see the marketing often talks out of both ends at the same time. These are the last ones! Well not these last ones! Those last ones over there!

Any IP that goes long enough, to monetize it, canon is just going to eventually break in half. We all have seen it . Even outside of Star Wars. Too many different cooks in different pots over too many years for it to all hold together. But you can't call the fans stupid. You can't even infer it as Kennedy has, and get no backlash in return. Just say you want to get paid. I think most people don't realize that won't go over so badly with the general public as they think.
Yep. It's not like I didn't have to get past Leia kissing Luke. 😁

And being a latecomer to SW, I frequently don't know what's "canon" or not. Mostly re timelines it's more "does this narrative fit into the PT/OT timeline?" - and I more or less ignore the ST, because of the *&^% writing. Except for Acolyte and the ST (because ludicrously not that much time had passed) think the series have done a pretty good job that way.

Mostly tho I get called a 'cist or whatever by KK & co. AND the showrunners/KK have needed to push their new characters, as the ultimate e.g. Last Jedi blah blah. The Acolyte twins are super special blah blah. Also ludicrous as one of their biggest successes is about a lowly everyman bounty hunter. I'm still irritated Kylo got offed; IMO the only one with a legitimate claim to be another "ultimate" something-something. They could have got a couple more movies out of a redemption arc for him, as opposed to an already-sounds-boring arc for Rey.

E.g. Disney/SW/MCU wouldn't get into these positions if they took their foot off the gas. They should have learned that from the MCU buildup. Or the fail of WB with pushing out the Justice League. Maybe they have with Skeleton Crew - if it's just a little story about some kids coming of age.
There are only 6 confirmed "Jedi" alive after Yoda passes away in canon.

Order 66 Survivors status by 4ABY (Return of the Jedi):


  • Luke Skywalker
  • Ahsoka Tano (Former Jedi – now Rebel Agent)
  • Mill Alibeth (Former Jedi – now Bounty Hunter)
  • Vivert Stag (Former Jedi – now Bounty Hunter)
  • Grogu (literally a baby)
  • Naq Med (In Hiding – Died 32ABY)
  • Yoda
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Kanan Jarrus (Caleb Dume)
  • Elan
  • Kirak Infil’a
  • Eno cordova
  • Coleman Kcaj
  • Jocasta Nu
  • Klefan Opus
  • Luminara Unduli
  • Tera Sinube
  • Cere Junda
  • Charlin Plaka
  • Tensu Run
  • Ferren Barr
  • Zubain Ankonori
  • Khandra
  • Mususiel
  • Nari
  • Nuhj
  • Velerie Tide
  • Eeth Koth
  • Heezo
  • Jerserra's master (Unnamed)
  • Unidentified Rodian Jedi Youngling (Unnamed)
  • Unidentified Zeltron Jedi (Unnamed)
  • Dagan Gera (High Republic Jedi in stasis)
  • Bode Akuna (Imperial Agent)
  • Grand Inquisitor (Inquisitor)
  • Second Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Reva/Third Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Fifth Brother (Inquisitor)
  • Sixth Brother (Inquisitor)
  • Tualon Yaluna (Inquisitor)
  • Seventh Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Eighth Brother (Inquisitor)
  • Ninth Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Tenth Brother (Inquisitor)
  • Thirteenth Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Ahmar (Inquisitor candidate)
  • Dante (Inquisitor candidate)
Status TBC:
  • Cal Kestis
  • Kelleran Beq
  • Nedriss Narr (Disney Parks attraction, barely canon)
  • Vanzell Mar-Klar
  • Oppo Rancisis
  • Taron Malicos (Buried alive)
  • Uvell
  • Quinlan Vos
  • Gunji
  • Pan Delesec
  • Selrahc Eluos
  • Ka-Moon Kholi
  • Uhron
  • Kira Vantala
  • Barriss Offee (Gravely Injured)
  • Unidentified human Jedi (Unnamed)
  • Fourth Sister (Inquisitor)
  • Baylan Skoll (Imperial Mercenary)
No Ezra?
Schoolbuses and front lawns????? WTF????

How many people on SSF are parents? I know the practical mechanics of a forum like this, running for this long, in this format, the age range is probably 40-60, mostly male. And I'd wager, a lot of single guys who are unmarried and no kids. Those who are truly active in modern collecting, as people here do, it's expensive. If you have kids, and if you are married, that usually drives a lot of people out of the hobby by cost alone. Not everyone, but a lot.

Most people here are likely not the target demographic of this show. Might end up good. Might not. Hard to say. A huge issue if it is a hit, is that filming with a lot of kids has a ton of logistical/practical/cost complications with it. Also kids grow fast. If you want multiple seasons with beloved characters who are that young, how does that work out?

Jude Law had a nice workable dynamic with Osment in AI, so maybe he can translate some of that here. IMHO it's just better to give each new show a fresh slate, if you want to give it a chance.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the suburbia look, when Coruscant was a futuristic planet-city with a tech-noir aesthetic. It's only practical to have a varied representation of different socio-economic classes within the universe. I'll fault Disney for a lot, but this is okay with me.