Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Disney doing damage control whipping out the well loved Hayden and Rosario for an interview even though Ahsoka is not the current show out lol

Yup time to hide the 2 idiots known as Lesley and Stenberg lol

Boy do I love Rosario in more ways than one :monkey1

I’m sure in a messed up Hollywood way of thinking they probably view Acolyte as a huge success because of the massive discussions taking place about it over everything else.

I mean look at Furiosa a freaking great movie that has completely disappeared off the radar, sigh.

Hollywood above all else enjoys attention. Attention = Money.

The title on that video seems about right:

Happy - after drinking too much of their own coolaid
Sad - once it wears off and reality kicks in
Confused - because their **** shows aren't successfully (and that they haven't been able to make, a IP primary with a male market, equally as big in the female demographic... it's not ******* rocket science).
If someone told me a decade ago that this is where the star wars franchise would be today I would have called them a crazy person.

It used to be that just a glimpse of the millennium falcon in the force awakens teaser trailer was enough to send people into giddy seizures.

Now when you see something star wars related teased, all you can think is, "Great, how are they going to screw it up this time?".
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Not just Star Wars. Tried watching first ep of the Boys s4 and.... it is terrible. Season 3 was not great and season 4 so far is worse. Going by RT reviews seems the audience are rejecting it too.

When will entertainment get good again??? Everything seems to be going to crap.

Yeah, I shut it off after the Homelander trial scene because they made it mirror current politics a little too closely. I watch these types of shows as a form of escapism and now there's just nowhere to escape to.
Hollywood is in serious trouble, and it's never going to recover. It's just about over.

Cinemas will soon be a relic of the past, like rotary telephones. Oh sure, a few will stick around for nostalgia, but they're only gonna be playing the all-time classics that people wanna see. Cinemas will essentially become Top 40 radio, forever playing Jaws and Back to the Future and Ghostbusters and stuff like that. There won't be any more new movies cause the studios are all gonna go bust. Fact is, we won't need new movies anymore.

AI used to be a threat to screenwriters, comic books it's a threat that can dismantle the entertainment industry to the core.

It's still in the early stages, but within a few years, it'll be there.

You'll just tell the AI what you want: "Give me a sequel to 1989 Batman, but more in line with the first movie, not Batman Returns. I want Keaton of course, but let's keep Billy Dee as Two-Face, and why not throw Sean Young in there as Catwoman, just for fun?"

And get the movie. Written in the same style, using millions upon millions of movie scripts in the database as a template. The visuals will be impossible to distinguish from reality.

Any movie you can's coming. Want a better version of the end of Game of Thrones? Wanna watch BTTF with Eric Stoltz instead of Michael J Fox? Hell...why not BTTF starring you?

I know this sounds like Star Trek holodeck style nonsense...just a fantasy. Even a year ago I'd have agreed. But this IS gonna happen. The technology improves exponentially.

The genie is out of the bottle and it's never going back in. Hollywood, and by extension, the government, is gonna do anything they can to stop it, cause otherwise, that's their extinction, but its too late. It's all already begun. Just a matter of time.

In a few years, kids won't even understand the concept of "streaming" because it'll be obsolete, just like network television is now.

TL;DR......this wretched show is just a product of the death throes of the entire industry. It's a preview of what's coming though, a personalized self-insert product. Right now, only Leslie Headland gets to have an "Acolyte"....but soon, very soon....YOU get an Acolyte...and YOU get an Acolyte!! And YOU get an Acolyte!! Anything you can dream's all yours.
If someone told me a decade ago that this is where the star wars franchise would be today I would have called them a crazy person.

It used to be that just a glimpse of the millennium falcon in the force awakens teaser trailer was enough to send people into giddy seizures.

Now when you see something star wars related teased, all you can think is, "Great, how are they going to screw it up this time?".

A friend of him (who happily keeps reminding me that he was right), predicted the day Lucas announced the sale to Disney it was going to turn into a shitshow. Evil bastard! :ROFLMAO: And he used to love SW as well. He was okay with TFA, loved RO, and TLJ was the last thing he watched... it "ruined" him for life! :ROFLMAO:
Hollywood is in serious trouble, and it's never going to recover. It's just about over.

Cinemas will soon be a relic of the past, like rotary telephones. Oh sure, a few will stick around for nostalgia, but they're only gonna be playing the all-time classics that people wanna see. Cinemas will essentially become Top 40 radio, forever playing Jaws and Back to the Future and Ghostbusters and stuff like that. There won't be any more new movies cause the studios are all gonna go bust. Fact is, we won't need new movies anymore.

AI used to be a threat to screenwriters, comic books it's a threat that can dismantle the entertainment industry to the core.

It's still in the early stages, but within a few years, it'll be there.

You'll just tell the AI what you want: "Give me a sequel to 1989 Batman, but more in line with the first movie, not Batman Returns. I want Keaton of course, but let's keep Billy Dee as Two-Face, and why not throw Sean Young in there as Catwoman, just for fun?"

And get the movie. Written in the same style, using millions upon millions of movie scripts in the database as a template. The visuals will be impossible to distinguish from reality.

Any movie you can's coming. Want a better version of the end of Game of Thrones? Wanna watch BTTF with Eric Stoltz instead of Michael J Fox? Hell...why not BTTF starring you?

I know this sounds like Star Trek holodeck style nonsense...just a fantasy. Even a year ago I'd have agreed. But this IS gonna happen. The technology improves exponentially.

The genie is out of the bottle and it's never going back in. Hollywood, and by extension, the government, is gonna do anything they can to stop it, cause otherwise, that's their extinction, but its too late. It's all already begun. Just a matter of time.

In a few years, kids won't even understand the concept of "streaming" because it'll be obsolete, just like network television is now.

TL;DR......this wretched show is just a product of the death throes of the entire industry. It's a preview of what's coming though, a personalized self-insert product. Right now, only Leslie Headland gets to have an "Acolyte"....but soon, very soon....YOU get an Acolyte...and YOU get an Acolyte!! And YOU get an Acolyte!! Anything you can dream's all yours.
So you’re saying Microsoft-Google are going to take over the world then because both are 100% behind the push to AI. :horror
If someone told me a decade ago that this is where the star wars franchise would be today I would have called them a crazy person.
In my humble opinion the state of Star Wars has been in (mostly) steady decline, ever since Lucas stopped taking direction from the talent around him and decided to go back and create the PT (instead of moving forward with "ep.7"). Sure, The Disney era has been alot more miss than hit, but I seriously doubt we'd ever have gotten anything like The Mandalorian had Lucas stayed with it to this day...
It used to be that just a glimpse of the millennium falcon in the force awakens teaser trailer was enough to send people into giddy seizures.
And herein lies maybe the biggest part of the problem. Fans' willingness to dive nose first into almost every single crap-sandwich Disney serves up, just as long as there's a cameo by a beloved OT character or spaceship. Thank god The Acolyte seems to finally make all those Disney enablers wake up. What we need is great stories and excellent productions. Everything else is redundant! Either we're about to witness a major change in the way Star Wars projects are being handled moving forward, or it's already beyond saving. At this point I'm 100% fine either way...
Hollywood is in serious trouble, and it's never going to recover. It's just about over.

Cinemas will soon be a relic of the past, like rotary telephones. Oh sure, a few will stick around for nostalgia, but they're only gonna be playing the all-time classics that people wanna see. Cinemas will essentially become Top 40 radio, forever playing Jaws and Back to the Future and Ghostbusters and stuff like that. There won't be any more new movies cause the studios are all gonna go bust. Fact is, we won't need new movies anymore.

AI used to be a threat to screenwriters, comic books it's a threat that can dismantle the entertainment industry to the core.

It's still in the early stages, but within a few years, it'll be there.

You'll just tell the AI what you want: "Give me a sequel to 1989 Batman, but more in line with the first movie, not Batman Returns. I want Keaton of course, but let's keep Billy Dee as Two-Face, and why not throw Sean Young in there as Catwoman, just for fun?"

And get the movie. Written in the same style, using millions upon millions of movie scripts in the database as a template. The visuals will be impossible to distinguish from reality.

Any movie you can's coming. Want a better version of the end of Game of Thrones? Wanna watch BTTF with Eric Stoltz instead of Michael J Fox? Hell...why not BTTF starring you?

I know this sounds like Star Trek holodeck style nonsense...just a fantasy. Even a year ago I'd have agreed. But this IS gonna happen. The technology improves exponentially.

The genie is out of the bottle and it's never going back in. Hollywood, and by extension, the government, is gonna do anything they can to stop it, cause otherwise, that's their extinction, but its too late. It's all already begun. Just a matter of time.

In a few years, kids won't even understand the concept of "streaming" because it'll be obsolete, just like network television is now.

TL;DR......this wretched show is just a product of the death throes of the entire industry. It's a preview of what's coming though, a personalized self-insert product. Right now, only Leslie Headland gets to have an "Acolyte"....but soon, very soon....YOU get an Acolyte...and YOU get an Acolyte!! And YOU get an Acolyte!! Anything you can dream's all yours.

I use it all the time now. It's out of control - in a good way. So many of my friends are in utter denial of it because they're going to lose their jobs.

With Midjourney as an example, you type in the prompt, get 4 versions, and keep massaging the prompts until it's perfect. I crank out stuff in minutes now that used to take weeks to months and cost upwards of 20K or more.

And exactly as Oto said, you'll tell it the movie you want to watch.

No more actors and their BS, etc, etc, etc.

I've said by the end of the decade at the latest for a cinema level feature film.
Interesting topic, but also a sad one.
Not sure I want it to go in that direction. Sounds like the beginning of a horror movie. I guess I could write prompts for it.

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