Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Paraphrasing Chris Gore from the Film Threat live video:

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So they ripped off Dune? Again?
That's why I watched it through other means. I don't want Disney + thinking I'm contributing.


I have the first two episodes but haven't opened them yet.

I want to savour the experience. :lol
Well it's better than I was expecting from the trailers, and far less cringey than BOBF... but I can't say it's really grabbing me yet with the rather dull characters and stilted dialogue (which is giving me flashbacks to the awful prequel dialogue). And I think I was right to be concerned about a show centered entirely around Jedi.

The Kung Fu Force powers I think are actually kinda cool, although they do get overused quite a bit. And so far the Acolyte herself seems to be laughably bad at fighting the Jedi, so I'm not sure why exactly we're supposed to consider her such a threat. 😄
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Paraphrasing Chris Gore from the Film Threat live video:

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Alan Ng:

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Thirteen minutes in. Visually it looks fine, but some of the dialogue is Nickelodeon level... though not quite Prequel level bad.

The hardest part is staying engaged because I don't care about the pre-Empire period. Especially not this far pre-Empire.

Seeing Carrie-Ann Moss sitting in the bar looking all Ms. Kenobi reminded me again how stupid the retcons make Alec Guinness look, hiding from the Empire attired in Jedi garb with a lightsaber on his belt. :rolleyes:
So was technology in the SW universe ever at a more primitive level? Because so far every time period we've been back to still has the same spaceships, hyperdrive, holograms, droids, etc everywhere you look. And it makes me wonder why they even bothered setting this show in the past, if it's going to have all the same stuff in it as every other series.
So was technology in the SW universe ever at a more primitive level? Because so far every time period we've been back to still has the same spaceships, hyperdrive, holograms, droids, etc everywhere you look. And it makes me wonder why they even bothered setting this show in the past, if it's going to have all the same stuff in it as every other series.

They lack imagination to create new things.
Went in with zero expectations. The story is still unfolding, but I have to say…

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It started with TPM. Go back in time and everything looks slicker - because CGI made it possible.

Go forward in time to the OT and it looks like the universe regressed, became clunkier and less concerned with aesthetics - because things were pieced together from parts out of random plastic kits.

Yet in terms of technology itself the universe is static, and as with the phrase, "I have a bad feeling about this," everything is doomed to repeat itself over and over. Things change momentarily, and return to the status quo in order that the adventure can continue.

Only now there's the new agenda. The universe remains in status quo, only so that it can be used to tell new stories from new perspectives.

In the prequels it was pre-empire so there was more freedom and wealth, the style of things was akin to the 1950's with slick smooth chrome etc, much like a 1950's American car, but tech was more primitive in ways (holograms are mono colour, small fighters need to use hyperspace rings as hyperdrives are too large to fit in the small sized vehicles).

By the time of the OT the galaxy is no longer prospering and the aesthetics have changed to be more like a typical car from the 70's/ 80's, all boxy with drab colours, poorly maintained so rusting, like something from inside a communist nation pre/during-collapse. The tech is improved in some areas though with holograms now in colour and hyperdrives now compact enough to fit inside small fighters such as A-Wings.

There was some logic to the OT/PT aesthetic differences.