Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Theres a difference between looking good and meaning something. This was empty, souless. That fight was the Michael Bay version of a jedi fight. Less than a week has passed and its already forgotten.

Lesly has already said they will probably be no season 2. Nobody cares and they know.

Why does it have to "mean something", it's not trying to be an emotional duel like Anakin vs Obi-Wan or Luke vs Vader.

If it was trying to be something like that then yeah, sure, but it's not.
The Acolyte is okay for me thus far. But I’m not expecting or looking for great content from this franchise. I have no particular nostalgia or love for the original trilogy—although the first film in 1977 was really fun. Especially in the context of where sci-fi was at. It did a neat job of melding sci-fi and fantasy by incorporating the mysticism of the Jedi. That felt pretty fresh and exciting at the time. But in the very next film it leaned hard into standard tropes and became a full blown mass marketing cash cow. It has never fulfilled the promise of what might have been done creatively with the Jedi faith imho.

Anyway I just laugh at people getting bent out of shape about “wokism” ruining the franchise. Or destroying its canon or whatever.
Looked pretty good to me, and the actors put the work in.

The show isn't great but I feel some of the complaints are just complaints for the sake of it.
I won’t pass judgement on the jedi-sith narrative until it’s over but the path it’s on right now is highly disjointed I mean I don’t have to finish an under cooked chicken to know it’s going to hurt me.

Again I’ll hold off on final judgment until after the last episode but I foresee a convoluted ending full of head slapping reveals built within a weak narrative structure filled with contradictions and social lessons.
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The Acolyte is okay for me thus far. But I’m not expecting or looking for great content from this franchise. I have no particular nostalgia or love for the original trilogy—although the first film in 1977 was really fun. Especially in the context of where sci-fi was at. It did a neat job of melding sci-fi and fantasy by incorporating the mysticism of the Jedi. That felt pretty fresh and exciting at the time. But in the very next film it leaned hard into standard tropes and became a full blown mass marketing cash cow. It has never fulfilled the promise of what might have been done creatively with the Jedi faith imho.

Anyway I just laugh at people getting bent out of shape about “wokism” ruining the franchise. Or destroying its canon or whatever.
But, but - and I'll include the golden age MCU films in this, as well as Andor, Mandalorian S1 &2 -

filmmakers are always looking for that golden recipe that reaches a lot of audience, which includes a lot including the actors/actresses, a story where you want to see what happens next, visuals, etc. But I think on some level an audience gets that someone wanted to tell a story, and put their back into it telling that story.

Just like the audience gets that LH wanted to tell a story, but it was just a ~200,000$ million cry-fest over being "alternative"/family problems which could have been done in a YT vid or TikTok. Self-insert fan fiction, including inserting her partner as Mz. Can't-Act Green Bean. :pfft:

Johnny Depp once said there's no such thing as a perfect movie. Maybe not, but even Transformers had lively performances and some pretty cool CGI. What's to relate to in this series? The editing is bad; so much dumb stuff happens, most of the acting is flat, boring dialogue, unlikeable characters. Just like the disastrous She-Hulk. Nobody cares about LH's personal problems.:stake

I won’t pass judgement on the jedi-sith narrative until it’s over but the path it’s on right now is highly disjointed I mean I don’t have to finish an under cooked chicken to know it’s going to hurt me.
:lol Yeah, but it's just something that's gotta be choked down for reasons. Like when you sit through a bad dinner at a relatives' house and then pick up take-out on the way home.:monkey3

Off the top of my head, the only SW I don't/won't re-watch is Ahsoka and this series. Although, I'll give Eman Esfandi credit - bein' a Rebels fan seems like he studied the animation a lot, has Ezra's character down (too bad he wasn't a lead:monkey2). But making Sabine a Force user IMO was stupid. This show just needs to go to Willow 2 land.
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The Acolyte is okay for me thus far. But I’m not expecting or looking for great content from this franchise. I have no particular nostalgia or love for the original trilogy—although the first film in 1977 was really fun. Especially in the context of where sci-fi was at. It did a neat job of melding sci-fi and fantasy by incorporating the mysticism of the Jedi. That felt pretty fresh and exciting at the time. But in the very next film it leaned hard into standard tropes and became a full blown mass marketing cash cow. It has never fulfilled the promise of what might have been done creatively with the Jedi faith imho.

Anyway I just laugh at people getting bent out of shape about “wokism” ruining the franchise. Or destroying its canon or whatever.
This is a very mature response. I agree with you here. 👍🏼

I personally don’t like the show. Nothing to do with the subject matter though, but more so it feels kinda low budgety and like fan fiction?

Some people don’t understand that this show is for a younger audience.
This is a very mature response. I agree with you here. 👍🏼

I personally don’t like the show. Nothing to do with the subject matter though, but more so it feels kinda low budgety and like fan fiction?

Some people don’t understand that this show is for a younger audience.

Well then it’s a pretty sophisticated piece of social commentary story for children to watch then because Headland is pretty much telling the chidren watching The Acolyte that the Jedi are a super evil organization that are made up of organized religious monks (sound familiar) that are guilty of abducting and then brain washing children who then make them bury their emotions to a point where they start to not recognize themselves because they are required to supress their true feelings about themselves and others.

They are so suppressed that they begin to even hate themselves with self loathing thoughts because they don’t have any avenue to express their deep desires, emotions and truths.

Only way to free their inner truths is to destroy the religious monks and their entire institution, burn it all down to the ground.

Just go to the “red sith satan” he will free you from that horribly rigid and stifling Christian religion….err I mean religious zealot Jedi order monks.

Maybe the sith are those druid celtic moms or they worked together to wield and create new ways to use the force and then call it the thread instead.

They will set your inner desires free!

You just might he right because Indoctrination is certainly much easier to accomplish on a young forming mind.

Yay Disney lol
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Supposedly the character all the way on the left is the master sith that was in plain sight in Episode 3, that is not a witch since they are separate enough from the main group being the visual clue.

Qimeer would be too young
during that flashback.

I sure hope Sol will easily recognize which twin has the forehead tattoo and which one doesn’t lol

Isn’t there an actor who hasn’t made an appearance yet, David Harewood, he is known for his deep voice, right. Hmm.


Now eventually you do plan to have Darth Plagues on your Darth Plagues series, right?

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This is a very mature response. I agree with you here. 👍🏼

I personally don’t like the show. Nothing to do with the subject matter though, but more so it feels kinda low budgety and like fan fiction?

Some people don’t understand that this show is for a younger audience.

Sorry... but I hate this ******* argument. It's the most low-hanging-fruit ******** to ever be stated.

Go back and look at ALL the footage of the lines outside the cinemas from the very first SW theatrical release to the last SW theatrical release - there are AT LEAST two-thirds that are adults. Unless you're talking about The Wiggles or specific pre-school level entertainment, all tv/movies that are well written appeal to all demographics, and if it's really well written, there's plenty of subtext for adults that goes over children's heads. Hell, even Pepper Pig has plenty of things in there for adults.

"It's for kids, so people shouldn't expect much." **** off. **** defense, for **** products.

These types of movies/IP's only become the global phenomenons and transcend language and cultural barriers and become classics because they're beloved by everyone, of every age.
You just might he right because Indoctrination is certainly much easier to accomplish on a young forming mind.

Yay Disney lol

Disney has been in the indoctrination business for well over 30 years.

Get 'em young, you got 'em for life.

--every cigarette executive thru time
Sorry... but I hate this ******* argument. It's the most low-hanging-fruit ******** to ever be stated.

Go back and look at ALL the footage of the lines outside the cinemas from the very first SW theatrical release to the last SW theatrical release - there are AT LEAST two-thirds that are adults. Unless you're talking about The Wiggles or specific pre-school level entertainment, all tv/movies that are well written appeal to all demographics, and if it's really well written, there's plenty of subtext for adults that goes over children's heads. Hell, even Pepper Pig has plenty of things in there for adults.

"It's for kids, so people shouldn't expect much." **** off. **** defense, for **** products.

These types of movies/IP's only become the global phenomenons and transcend language and cultural barriers and become classics because they're beloved by everyone, of every age.
Any good kids media has stuff for adults to enjoy - adults are often the ones supervising their kids watching either at home or in the cinema.

Recent example; Puss in Boots The Last Wish. For kids it’s a fun action adventure movie with talking animals and fair tales. For adults it’s actually a pretty deep commentary on life, death and appreciating what you have - not taking anything and your loved ones for granted.

The best “kids” media all have a message that kids may not appreciate yet but will have the opportunity to appreciate later when they’re more grown.

I still love things like Shrek, Avatar The Last Airbender, etc. because of this
I have always hated the appeal to mediocrity of "it isn't meant to be great.." and the retroactive claims of the source material being weak ("Star Wars always had bad acting" etc).

We should always expect creators to learn from what came before and the product to improve. Cars get safer for example. Just because the oldest cars didn't have seatbelts or airbags doesn't mean we should accept a modern car lacking those. You add to, you do not remove unless removing improves the product overall.

We expect franchises to mature, to improve acting/writing/direction etc and to add to what came before, not detract from it. Rogue One and Andor for example have various improvements in quality from the OT/PT and add to them, enhance them, even fixing weak elements of the OT and do not detract from them. Meanwhile, TLJ/Mando season 3 etc have many areas where they got worse (writing, lore consistency, overall logic etc) and they ended up detracting from what came before with retcons and retroactive plot holes that have an effect on the enjoyment of what came before.

The argument that something is for kids so doesn't need to be great is such a non starter. We should demand better entertainment for our children so that they can develop better psychologically. If you are raised on a logic free entertainment diet for example you are likely to be lacking in life as a result, much the same way a heavily indoctrinated religious nut raised from birth to reject logic and reason would.

Entertainment for children is education as much as it is entertainment, we need to ensure that intellectual food is good for them. Well written shows and movies will teach children about many things such as human behaviour, logical progression of events, relationships, dealing with loss, learning from mistakes, self improvement, selflessness etc etc etc. The slop we are served today teaches all the wrong things and eschews all sense of logic while saying the past doesn't matter, nor do the rules as they can be changed any time. All this while promoting unhealthy sociopolitical messages made solely for indoctrination purposes.

Demand better, don't make excuses for bad entertainment.
Sorry... but I hate this ******* argument. It's the most low-hanging-fruit ******** to ever be stated.

Go back and look at ALL the footage of the lines outside the cinemas from the very first SW theatrical release to the last SW theatrical release - there are AT LEAST two-thirds that are adults. Unless you're talking about The Wiggles or specific pre-school level entertainment, all tv/movies that are well written appeal to all demographics, and if it's really well written, there's plenty of subtext for adults that goes over children's heads. Hell, even Pepper Pig has plenty of things in there for adults.

"It's for kids, so people shouldn't expect much." **** off. **** defense, for **** products.

These types of movies/IP's only become the global phenomenons and transcend language and cultural barriers and become classics because they're beloved by everyone, of every age.
I think people are misunderstanding what I meant by a younger audience. I never said nor meant children. I’m in my 40s. Clearly this stuff is meant for people in their early 20s.

There is people out there that really like this show. Hell, there’s even critics that rate this show highly. I personally don’t think it’s a good show but my taste in shows and movies isn’t the same as young adults these days. Clearly that goes for some folks in this thread as well.

As I said above, woke stuff doesn’t bother me any. Not because I like woke stuff, but literally because I don’t care. Media is changing though (as it always has) to attract a younger audience that has a different mindset than ours.
This is a very mature response. I agree with you here. 👍🏼

I personally don’t like the show. Nothing to do with the subject matter though, but more so it feels kinda low budgety and like fan fiction?

Some people don’t understand that this show is for a younger audience.

Oh yeah, I see that as well. I’m not really bothered by it. Personally, I don’t have any high expectations or demands on that for Star Wars.* It’s all just mindless popcorn fun to me. Like my expectations are very low. I had an okay time with Book of Boba Fett and Kenobi in the same way. i’m expecting it to be kind of silly.

TBH, even the work that is hailed as having the most depth, being the most mature, et.c, like Rogue One and Andor, isn’t really all that great to me. Mando S1 and 2 was fun just to see the western genre reinvented or revived or whatever in the Star Wars mythos. But by season 3 it had clearly devolved into lowest common denominator crap, which is standard for the franchise.

*Or the MCU for that matter, same sort of thing. In terms of any real emotional investment I checked out of the MCU since around Thor: Love and Thunder. I still usually get around to watching it eventually but don’t go to the theater for it.
My problem with the show is that I just don't care about any of the characters except Sol. Jecki and Yord's deaths were more entertaining than they were sad or devastating.

Sol and Qimir are the real stars of this show, not Osha and Mae.