Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Looks like they'll be passing the losses from those of us who just canceled on to those who are staying.

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My Disney+ subscription went up from $10.99/month ($131.88/yr) to $13.99/month ($167.88/yr) LAST October. IIRC it was $6.99/month when I first signed up back in the pre-Mando days. Relatively speaking you've been stealing it Khev lol...
I won't be going back to Disney+, if they had produced good quality Star Wars content I would have stuck with them but I am not going to subscribe and pay for them to continue making such rubbish. The idea of the subscription cost going up seems really insane as I would imagine even more subscribers will walk away now.
Yeah, right now I feel like it’s difficult for me to justify keeping my Disney+ subscription. I don’t have any faith that Skeleton Crew will be any good. I think there’s a good chance that Andor will remain quality but I’m not even sure when that one’s coming back. About the only other show on there that I’m looking forward to is Daredevil, but I think even that only has probably a 50/50 chance of being good.

Part of the issue, I think, is Disney needs to hire some tv veterans with experience actually making television programs. You know, with like a beginning, middle, and end, and a compelling reason for you to watch each episode. Most of their “shows,” seem like they were just filmed like movies and then chopped into 25 minute segments.
Yeah, right now I feel like it’s difficult for me to justify keeping my Disney+ subscription. I don’t have any faith that Skeleton Crew will be any good. I think there’s a good chance that Andor will remain quality but I’m not even sure when that one’s coming back. About the only other show on there that I’m looking forward to is Daredevil, but I think even that only has probably a 50/50 chance of being good.

Part of the issue, I think, is Disney needs to hire some tv veterans with experience actually making television programs. You know, with like a beginning, middle, and end, and a compelling reason for you to watch each episode. Most of their “shows,” seem like they were just filmed like movies and then chopped into 25 minute segments.
I'll probably give them another year, after Andor S2 get what I need on disk and bail out. It's convenient but the value isn't there.
While it IS cool to have every episode of The Simpsons (except for one) right there on demand any time I want, I really only end up watching the classics from seasons 3-8 over and over.

I thought it would be cool to watch all the Disney Classics in order, but Snow White was so slow I fell asleep.

When Disney catches on to the fact that I'm using my brother's account and they shut it off, I won't really mind.
Personally I wouldn't cite the prequels as an example unless your point doesn't require that the adults enjoyed what they were watching but I thought it did.

The kids who grew up with the prequels loved them and love them today. The people who were already adults when the PT came out - notsomuch. They found them a tonally confused mish-mash - a bizarre juxtaposition of kiddie content and what would be considered adult content, not very successfully blended.

Surely the Original trilogy is a better example of this Bullwinkle Effect. Truly everyone loved those when they came out. Yes, todays kids probably find them boring relatively speaking but certainly not the kids who saw them when they first came out or me who caught them on TV and VHS.
I mean, myself and all my friends were in their late 20's/30's when the prequels came out. Most of them liked the films well enough to see them more than once - though no one thought they were on par with the originals. But yes, they aren't necessarily well executed on this particular point. They don't have to be well executed to still be an example of a film trying to achieve the effect - hence my original qualifier of: "Obviously not every creative endeavor strikes the perfect balance".
Well then it’s a pretty sophisticated piece of social commentary story for children to watch then because Headland is pretty much telling the chidren watching The Acolyte that the Jedi are a super evil organization that are made up of organized religious monks (sound familiar) that are guilty of abducting and then brain washing children who then make them bury their emotions to a point where they start to not recognize themselves because they are required to supress their true feelings about themselves and others.

They are so suppressed that they begin to even hate themselves with self loathing thoughts because they don’t have any avenue to express their deep desires, emotions and truths.

Only way to free their inner truths is to destroy the religious monks and their entire institution, burn it all down to the ground.

Just go to the “red sith satan” he will free you from that horribly rigid and stifling Christian religion….err I mean religious zealot Jedi order monks.

Maybe the sith are those druid celtic moms or they worked together to wield and create new ways to use the force and then call it the thread instead.

They will set your inner desires free!

You just might he right because Indoctrination is certainly much easier to accomplish on a young forming mind.

Yay Disney lol
You have a good point. There is a stigma now. I’m not sure if it’s always been there tho, thst the jedi aren’t good guys and they brain washed children and all other force users are somewhat better.

If that’s the case then why does almost every sith look like a literal demon? Is Star Wars now saying hey don’t trust the obvious Christian looking people, go to the cloaked man with the yellow eyes and pale skin lmao
While it IS cool to have every episode of The Simpsons (except for one) right there on demand any time I want, I really only end up watching the classics from seasons 3-8 over and over.

I thought it would be cool to watch all the Disney Classics in order, but Snow White was so slow I fell asleep.

When Disney catches on to the fact that I'm using my brother's account and they shut it off, I won't really mind.
The only sad part about my subscription going away is that the Hulu will to and Hulu has interesting content. But I’m not paying 10 a month

Leslye Headland interview:

