Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I wish that Chewie had been able to recover Han's body, instead of him falling into a chasm, as always. Could have been an immensely powerful scene, seeing Chewbacca grieve for his old friend.

Not really a complaint, just wishful thinking.

To be fair, when a body hits the ground from that altitude, it looks like hamburger meat.
I really think that the trooper scene was suppose to show the stormtroopers were afraid ......
I will admit that what was good in this movie has me constantly thinking about it.

But the stuff that wasn't so good has me

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Going to see this again after Christmas, when the crowds die down. But it is definitely a mood improver, as I tend to find myself thinking about the film throughout the day.

I overheard someone complaining how bad the movie was, saying the acting was terrible. They said something about the prequels being better, and I nearly lost it. I had everything I could do to mind my own business. I wanted so bad to butt in on the conversation. The guy was quite a bit younger, thinking late twenties,so I guess he was raised on the PT. but how does anybody think the acting in the PT was better than TFA?!
Well with over half a billion dollars earned in three days I'm thinking Episode VIII should have a decent budget.

JW numbers but without the summer competition, we're coming for you Cameron!

I thought Disney gave JJ a blank check for TFA. If so, I assume it will be the same for 8.

Why is she?? I can't find the post... I am assuming it's just guessing since the film did not really show anything.

The cannon explanation from the visual dictionary is that the force was dormant for many years after Lukes jedi academy failed. The force awakened in Rey, providing her with new found knowledge and abilities she previously did not know. That, coupled with her profound hand to hand combat skills with a staff, allowed her to put up a fight against Kylo. Gaspar had a great theory as well that since Kylo was weakened from the shot from Chewbacca, he was using the force to stay alive and therefore was not at full force power when reaching for the Saber.

I don't get why Han was fascinated with Chewbacca's crossbow blaster when they've been bros since Han was a kid. In all their time together, Han never saw how cool it was?!

I agree with this. After Chewbacca got shot and Han grabbed it to use it, I had no problem with it. But coming out of the castle to fight he used it for no reason. Chewbacca could have used it, he just stood there basically while Han fought :lol
Yes he was definitely channelling Gandalf.

Anyone mention Chewie handing Han a blue jacket as they went back outside at Starkiller Base? Was that a double take I sensed?

My wife got that joke.....its actually really funny......

Han makes fun of Chewie cause he says he's cold......later when Han says its time to go, Han forgets his jacket on the floor. Chewie picks it up and gives it to hime as if to say " You stupid old immature cold outside heres your jacket.

Makes me think like Chewie has been watching out for Han during his reckless return to smuggling years. Which is sort of echoed earlier when Han claimes to never have "not delivered" and Chewie and the space smuggler call him out on it.

Which brings me to another point. Many a "man crush" died when Han was sent down that toilet.....but I think people are not looking at Han as he really was....a cocky smuggler who shot first and was basically dragged kicking and screaming into doing the right thing. Chewie often had a hand in Han choosing the moral right path. So, 30 years JJ was trying to show what this type of personality often cannot commit and when things get tough they run away and hide. We have plenty of "bad boy" type running around making babies and never stay to raise them Han did.

It really very in character for Han...people just dont like to see what happens to the "cool dude" when he's 70 and still trying to be the bad kills there "man crush " fantasy
Han makes fun of Chewie cause he says he's cold......later when Han says its time to go, Han forgets his jacket on the floor. Chewie picks it up and gives it to hime as if to say " You stupid old immature cold outside heres your jacket.

Did the jacket change color though? Thought it was brown at first. That's what I thought the joke was.
My wife got that joke.....its actually really funny......

Han makes fun of Chewie cause he says he's cold......later when Han says its time to go, Han forgets his jacket on the floor. Chewie picks it up and gives it to hime as if to say " You stupid old immature cold outside heres your jacket.

Makes me think like Chewie has been watching out for Han during his reckless return to smuggling years. Which is sort of echoed earlier when Han claimes to never have "not delivered" and Chewie and the space smuggler call him out on it.

Which brings me to another point. Many a "man crush" died when Han was sent down that toilet.....but I think people are not looking at Han as he really was....a cocky smuggler who shot first and was basically dragged kicking and screaming into doing the right thing. Chewie often had a hand in Han choosing the moral right path. So, 30 years JJ was trying to show what this type of personality often cannot commit and when things get tough they run away and hide. We have plenty of "bad boy" type running around making babies and never stay to raise them Han did.

It really very in character for Han...people just dont like to see what happens to the "cool dude" when he's 70 and still trying to be the bad kills there "man crush " fantasy
:goodpost: this is a nail-on-the-head analysis on Han, and Chewie too.

Incidentally, it makes the fact that Chewie and Leia didn't hug way more noticeable.
On my latest viewing I noticed Chewie handed Han a blue jacket as they were going back outside. It seemed they made a "thing" out of it. And I coulda sworn it was brown earlier, but I'll have to go back and rewatch.
Going to see this again after Christmas, when the crowds die down. But it is definitely a mood improver, as I tend to find myself thinking about the film throughout the day.

I overheard someone complaining how bad the movie was, saying the acting was terrible. They said something about the prequels being better, and I nearly lost it. I had everything I could do to mind my own business. I wanted so bad to butt in on the conversation. The guy was quite a bit younger, thinking late twenties,so I guess he was raised on the PT. but how does anybody think the acting in the PT was better than TFA?!

Guy sounds delusional.

The most stand-out acting from the Prequels was Ewan MacGregor's Obi-Wan. He was the diamond among all the other crap, especially whiny Anakin.

When Kylo started talking about his issues and being torn between light and dark, I started having bad Anakin PT flashbacks. Thankfully, Adam Driver handled the anger, frustration and desperation much better than Christensen. I got a better "disturbed" vibe from Driver and he handled a similar role much better than Hayden Christensen.
I'm seeing alot of people now jumping on the prequels are better wagon. Its getting very confusing.
I will admit that what was good in this movie has me constantly thinking about it.

I was thinking the same thing this morning.. But I don't know if I am thinking of the film a lot because it's filled with great ideas or if I am trying to make myself like it :lol

Oh, yeah...that makes more sense :lol It would have been much better that way and then we see Han's body returning like a fallen soldier to the rebel base, followed by a short memorial. I guess the falling things is all part of the SW "poetry."

I felt more should have been made of Han's death. IMO, character wise, its the second biggest event in the SW universe outside of the "I am your father" reveal. It would have been nice to see people giving Han the send off he deserves and see some more emotion from loved ones... Chewie screaming was good but not good enough... Would like to have seem some dying words to Chewie also... Something like telling him to take care of Rey and Fin... Something to allow it to be more emotionally fulfilling.

Chewie was wounded, I don't think he could hold a dead Han over his shoulders.

This is Chewie and Han we are talking about... Chewie would have been able to lift Han easily.
One issue I have with the film is how Rey and Fin meet Han and Chewie. They stole this old forgotten Falcon as a second choice and on their very first flight into space they just happened to come across the former owner who lost the ship a long time ago in an area/planet he never thought of looking for, but he just happened to be there the very first day the Falcon flew in a long time. :dunno