Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Movie is fun.
Well shot.
Decently acted.
Cool production design.
Script fall short at many moments tho.
Its a cool star wars movie.
But not a good movie per se.
Jupiter ascending had more balls and sense than this.
We Will see if part two will make it better.

I believe that. Channing Tatum was in it.

Is it canon or not canon any more that Han was briefly in the Imperial Navy?

Also are people assuming that Phasma will return? I just figured that all named villains that you didn't see die (which is actually all of them: Kylo, Hux, and Phasma) will be returning next episode. But if she really did get thrown into a trash compactor just a few minutes before the planet blew you'd think in all honesty she should be a goner.

If Phasma doesn't return she will be the worst villain in cinema history. :lol

:lol :lol :lol
I didn't mind the voice. She sounded like...a woman. That scene where Finn fights the storm trooper, I would have replaced the ST with Phasma instead. It gives Phasma something to do, plus Finn needing Han's help would make more sense. Unlike the ST, Phasma would walk away.
I didn't mind the voice. She sounded like...a woman. That scene where Finn fights the storm trooper, I would have replaced the ST with Phasma instead. It gives Phasma something to do, plus Finn needing Han's help would make more sense. Unlike the ST, Phasma would walk away.

Yup, that should've been her battle instead of some random trooper.
I blame the film too. She was planned by the filmmakers. Marketers just glommed on to her.

Whoever here said that Phasma should have battled Finn instead of that riot trooper was absolutely correct.
Abrams succeeded in directing a better Star Wars film than 75% of the Star Wars films directed by Lucas.


The first 'classic' Star Wars film since 1983.

But TFA borrowed heavily on ANH even for some people to say it was a remake of ANH. Does Abrams lose any points for that or is it just enough to worship him because he made a film that was better than four crappy films? Yes, ROTJ was crap.
Phasma was totally overblown by hype and marketing. No fault of the film itself really, rather the Disney marketing machine.

And the fans who hyped her up as the next Fett. Then when she doesn't live up to there expectations and they sit and cry about screen time :lol:lol:lol
Never felt any hype for Phasma.
She just looked good and was a first order big baddie.
There was two occasions to give her a chance to shine.
It was not just cool but worked in the script.
Yeah, that voice, yikes!

They tried to give her the female version of Boba Fett. :lol

I did like it better the 2nd time though.

I liked Phasma. I took her lack of "importance" as just another one of the film's surprises. Was it a bad surprise? Nah, because her character as it was presented fit well into the story.

Liked her voice. Sounded soothing but in a cold, "I'll shoot you between the eyes if you get comfortable around me" kind of way.

And for whatever it's worth the Art book revealed that her armor was designed by one of the artists trying to come up with a cool look for Kylo. Obviously Abrams went another way for Kylo but liked the silver stormtrooper so much he made sure "he" appeared in the movie and then changed the gender to female. Then the marketing machine ran with the "coolness" of her visual aesthetic. I really liked that she was never unmasked. In fact I wasn't familiar with the actress who played her so the first time I saw the film I didn't have a clue what she looked like. Very fascinating IMO.

None of the trailers said "This is Phasma! She's a girl! WAIT until you see her!" The one trailer just showed her walking just like we saw the one quick shot of the TIE pilot chasing the Falcon. But nobody made a big deal about the TIE Pilot so he's just one more cool thing about the movie and Phasma was apparently a big letdown, but I don't think that was the case.

I'm also glad she wasn't the Riot Officer. One of the things that I thought was really cool about TFA is that it gave such "character" to regular troopers. Finn, Riot, Craig, etc.
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And the fans who hyped her up as the next Fett. Then when she doesn't live up to there expectations and they sit and cry about screen time :lol:lol:lol

Yeah, I don't get screen time complaints. The Spacetroopers were these totally awesome guys in ANH that for two seconds hinted at such a cool facet of the Imperial "machine" but the Snowtroopers who appear in TFA are looked at is if they were a wasted opportunity. Remember the Emperor's Royal Guards in Jedi? They did nothing. Literally. But were so cool. People used to like characters like that in Star Wars.