Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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:goodpost: I agree with what you said except for the first 4 words where you understand and agree with Clown Prince :lol
The truth is the vast majority who has seen the movie has beyond loved it!!! I don't care what the naysayers think. Its their own problem if they can't enjoy it. And i hate to know what movies they actually do like, if any. :lol But its a very small group compared to those who loved it.

He was just being courteous :lol

That small group will grow and get stronger like the Resistance (another thing that didn't make sense) as the hype goes's inevitable.
:goodpost: I agree with what you said except for the first 4 words where you understand and agree with Clown Prince :lol
The truth is the vast majority who has seen the movie has beyond loved it!!! I don't care what the naysayers think. Its their own problem if they can't enjoy it. And i hate to know what movies they actually do like, if any. :lol But its a very small group compared to those who loved it.

"i understand and agree" was coming from the logic that if you give any movie more than normal amount of thinking, one would find umpteen mistakes - thats just about it... :) :)

also thank you for your kind words...

this movie was stellar... imagine the kids who watch this... girls and boys alike... for them that "sudden discovery of force powers by rey" that she "does not let him break into his head" - that she infact starts reading his mind and his fears of not being as powerful as vader... that she snatches the saber like a curve ball... all of those will be memories they will carry for years to come. we live in a fast paced world... i dont think anyone would have had time for Rey to discover her powers and fight Kylo in episode 9... she may still fight a stronger version of him or may be a few more Dark Lords.. but this movie had to carry that pace... nice and clean :) - especially cause there was no character that could have been on both sides as saber warrior for the long ass gap between OT and this :)
He was just being courteous :lol

That small group will grow and get stronger like the Resistance (another thing that didn't make sense to me) as the hype goes's inevitable.

just because you dont like something and i do like it... does not mean we are and will be at war... i will still be courteous... these are just movies... we are minds and hearts :)
happy new year!
just because you dont like something and i do like it... does not mean we are and will be at war... i will still be courteous... these are just movies... we are minds and hearts :)
happy new year!

Well said. Happy New Year! :D

E8 will reveal that Shmi was made super prego by Darth Plaque. One big happy family.

Although I bet Qui-Gonna Rape had some fun with the Shmi.

I will do what I must Obi-Wan takes on a whole new meaning. :lol

Poor Shmi, even the Sand Dudes had some.

Actually Jye....Plagues could create life, Palpatine says why not create life inside Shmi???
He was just being courteous :lol

That small group will grow and get stronger like the Resistance (another thing that didn't make sense to me) as the hype goes's inevitable.

ill disagree because its Star Wars. the fan base was massive world wide before TFA, now it just got even bigger.
I'm really tired seeing this nonsense everywhere.


Reconnaissance Troop Transporter - Wookieepedia - Wikia

Imperial Shuttle w/o the thind wing and painted black.

Hovering popsicle in a desert. So original and interesting...

Yes I was ready for that.....EVERY SHIP is design off another...because its the same universe. All these ships are of course going to have similarities due to that fact. I think that makes perfect sense. The show ships in the beginning of ROTS which are clearly the foreunners of the X-wing.

Might as well say the original X-wings were rip offs of actual jets with an extra wing.....


the original X-wings were rip offs of actual jets with an extra wing.....

What!? Wait a minute.... I think you're on to something. Frickin' Lucas. :lol

Best Star Wars design ever = original TIE fighter

That crazy kooky design was, at its time, and still is, one of the greatest original ship designs EVER!
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I hate the way the Millenium Falcon looks. From a flying standpoint, it's not practical and doesn't make sense. How does Han, Chewie and Lando pilot and maneuver that thing when the cockpit is on the far right? Imagine trying to fly it through the small trenches of the second death star with all those blind spots. It would be impossible.

It's an iconic ship, no doubt, but as far as designs go, it's a piece of ****.
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I hate the way the Millenium Falcon looks. From a flying standpoint, it's not practical and doesn't make sense. How does Han, Chewie and Lando pilot and maneuver that thing when the cockpit is on the far right? Imagine trying to fly it through the small trenches of the second death star with all those blind spots. It would be impossible.

It's an iconic ship, no doubt, but as far as designs go, it's a piece of ****.

They are just that damn good at flying the thing!!!

Ever since I was a kid, the best part for me about the Falcon was the interior. The sets were really cool. The boarding ramp, the smuggling compartment floors, the room with the holo board, the cockpit, the gunner stations etc. etc. The outside? Eh, Luke was right.
I hate the way the Millenium Falcon looks. From a flying standpoint, it's not practical and doesn't make sense. How does Han, Chewie and Lando pilot and maneuver that thing when the cockpit is on the far right? Imagine trying to fly it through the small trenches of the second death star with all those blind spots. It would be impossible.

It's an iconic ship, no doubt, but as far as designs go, it's a piece of ****.

To be fair, in space it makes a bit more since because there's plenty :lol Now, in the new film, it was different because they were close to the ground and inside one of the large ships, in areas where a ship like Falcon wouldn't be able to do the things it was doing, especially with someone with zero experience flying the damn thing....then again she's good at everything. She can even speak Wookie, apparently :dunno
No ****, she's some kinda chosen one or something. She can do no wrong.

That's why I didn't include her with Han, Lando and Chewie. She's a better pilot than the three of them combined.
I hate the way the Millenium Falcon looks. From a flying standpoint, it's not practical and doesn't make sense. How does Han, Chewie and Lando pilot and maneuver that thing when the cockpit is on the far right? Imagine trying to fly it through the small trenches of the second death star with all those blind spots. It would be impossible.

It's an iconic ship, no doubt, but as far as designs go, it's a piece of ****.

I view pilots like race car drivers. What seems impossible to us is just another day behind the wheel for them.
No ****, she's some kinda chosen one or something. She can do no wrong.

That's why I didn't include her with Han, Lando and Chewie. She's a better pilot than the three of them combined.

Rey, who has never left her home planet since she was a child, can speak Wookie. And no one is surprised by that...not even Chewie :lol But that whole sequence when they take the Falcon made no sense to me. Rey says that the Millennium Falcon is "garbage" and hasn't been flown in many years. It's such a piece of ****, in her opinion, that she won't even board it when she and Fin are about to get killed by the Tie Fighters. Then she gets on board and it basically flies perfectly. Which makes you wonder why no one has been flying it? Or why its owner (the Alien dude) hasn't tried to sell it at any point over the past dozen years despite the fact that he seems to live in a ****** place, and spends his time collecting crap from people.

The only time Rey wasn't perfect was when Han got killed. Of all the times to be Neo, she and Fin did nothing to save Han. Why do Rey and Finn just stand by watching as Ren murders Han? Made no sense to me. They didn't know Ren was Han's son, did they? I don't think they did, so that whole dramatic moment when Han is slowly walking on the catwalk and standing there with the bad guy must have made no sense to Rey and Finn. Why didn't they think to fire even a single blaster shot down at Ren until they see him kill Han? They were just standing there.