Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Well... it's a happy ending :monkey3 :hi5:

I know is the Star Wars thread but I just got done watching Avengers Age Of Ultron...... AOU SUCKS!!! I hate all of you who like it ;)... Worst Marvel movie ever after Iron Man 3..... Even that might be better......

Just to make this post appropriate.... TFA is good Star Wars not great..

If I were to strip away my indulgence the only MCU movies I would keep would be:

Thor 1
Watching Ant-Man now for the 2nd time to see if it's worthy.

If BvS fights are of the same intensity as TWS it just might become the best superhero movie of all time, surpassing even TDK and Spiderman 2.
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If BvS fights are of the same intensity as TWS it just might become the best superhero movie of all time, surpassing even TDK and Spiderman 2.
If the BvS fights are of the same intensity of the Winter Soldier fights, the movie will be bland and generic as ****, like that overrated Marvel crap.
If I were to strip away my indulgence the only MCU movies I would keep would be:

Thor 1
Watching Ant-Man now for the 2nd time to see if it's worthy.

If BvS fights are of the same intensity as TWS it just might become the best superhero movie of all time, surpassing even TDK and Spiderman 2.

I would add TIH in there also.... Not perfect but it gets the Hulk character right...

I don' t think BvS can have the same intensity in the fights as TWS since TWS used a lot of actual stunt work... This will have a lot of CGI. If it's good CGI it will be fun but I don't think it will be / can be as intense.
MCU movies are formula carried over and over again. I see only GOTG and AM being the breath of fresh air and IM3- yes IM3 being a more original film than AoU..TFA was much better than any of the recent MCU films
It's obvious you stayed up too late last night having "fun." You should step away from the boards until you sober up :lol

We might yet still be surprised with BvS with Goyer out of the picture and with Snyder being Affleck's ***** and only being used for his visuals.

2016 just might be a great superhero movie year in general, not just BvS.
I hope to god that Phasma returns in a bigger role in VIII :slap

I can't believe that Disney invested and marketed so much in a character that had such little significance in the film. Hopefully this will be like Mace was in TPM, little importance just talking, but a badass in AOTC and ROTS :lecture
MCU movies are formula carried over and over again. I see only GOTG and AM being the breath of fresh air and IM3- yes IM3 being a more original film than AoU..TFA was much better than any of the recent MCU films

They all have formula's (SW, MCU, DC) it depends on your preference.

We might yet still be surprised with BvS with Goyer out of the picture and with Snyder being Affleck's ***** and only being used for his visuals.

2016 just might be a great superhero movie year in general, not just BvS.

After last year we can hope, we need a better crop of movies.
We might yet still be surprised with BvS with Goyer out of the picture and with Snyder being Affleck's ***** and only being used for his visuals.

The visuals are up there as my least favourite aspect of BvS from what we've seen so far - so personally I'd rather see Snyder out the door aswell.

The film looks like a cartoon in parts. I think we've been pretty well covered with cartoons already.