Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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That applies to all Hollywood executives and studios; not just Disney execs.

Yes it this message also applies to haters who love to give their money to them :) Disney as compared to fox which had the first 6 films will double their efforts...making other execs look like small fry...they are throwing more Chum than Brody and Quint combined in the water to catch a lot more fish than in the previous six films...Years ago Star Wars itself did the promotions...Now Disney and Star Wars will combine their forces to create an empire to rule them all ;) Disney basically got rid of Lucas like the Empire got rid of the Jedi order and da republic(for some bucks) and basically is becoming Skynet :)
Yes it this message also applies to haters who love to give their money to them :) Disney as compared to fox which had the first 6 films will double their efforts...making other execs look like small fry...they are throwing more Chum than Brody and Quint combined in the water to catch a lot more fish than in the previous six films...Years ago Star Wars itself did the promotions...Now Disney and Star Wars will combine their forces to create an empire to rule them all ;) Disney basically got rid of Lucas like the Empire got rid of the Jedi order and da republic(for some bucks) and basically is becoming Skynet :)

Uh huh...right.

Star Wars sold the its an invasion...and a few will fight for their independence day :)
I just have to laugh every time I hear somebody complaining about Disney and the "selling out" of Star Wars. First off have you guys been alive the last 35 years? When I was a kid Star Wars was EVERYWHERE and I think Lucas was 2nd only to the band KISS in putting their images on dumb products. Next would you guys like the alternative had Disney NOT bough SW? Would you like the PT to be the last taste of SW you ever get? Or even worse would you like a new movie directed by George? Because those are your only options. And I sure didn't hear anyone complaining about big bad Disney a few years ago when THE AVENGERS was plastered all over the place and every other commercial had Iron Man or the Hulk in it. I for one am glad the movies are continuing and while I may get sick of seeing SW all over the place sometimes its sure better than not seeing it anywhere anymore.
yes they did an amazing job!!! :)

btw thx for backing me a little before. i didnt find the hamill car accident joke funny at all. car accidents are not funny. referencing old accidents where someone gets hurt or worse to make jokes is bad taste imo.

plus the corvette reference has nothing to do with the accident. he was driving a bmw. 'corvette summer' was just the name of a movie he was doing but people think it was the car he crashed in. and most think this accident happened right before filming ESB. but that was not really the case the accident happened in 1977. the wampa scene has been misunderstood. the scars we saw was makeup they put to match where his old scars were that healed. it wasnt because his face was disfigured from the crash.

fans exaggerated it and the story kept changing over the years as fans misread things.

Well, thank you, though I can't say I was backing you up just teasing the guys. :lol
My wife was watching John Carter last night, a movie I felt was unfairly **** talked during it's release and a huge financial bomb. It occurred to me watching it that it was a shame there will never be a direct sequel to the film.

Then I realized if John Carter of Mars had been a hit and a franchise we probably wouldn't have a new Star Wars right now.

Sorry JC, you took one for the team.
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well I love Star Wars, i have no problems with any of the marketing. I rather see Star Wars stuff than any other thing out there. It brings enjoyment to millions of other all over the world.

If you feel the marketing is effecting your life that it makes you so upset, I dont think that is a Star Wars problem. Plus as Darth Madden said, the Originals were everywhere as well. The Merch and Products is very much part of the SW experience. If you can't deal with it, thats your problem.

Plus a lot of you make it sound like movies shouldn't be allowed to make money or if something gets too popular your like "nope, can't enjoy it now". Makes no sense to me. But whatever. you guys deal with it in your own way. Us fans who love it will always enjoy it no matter how grumpy some of you get because the ones who love it farrrrrrrr outweigh the ones who don't.
... And I sure didn't hear anyone complaining about big bad Disney a few years ago when THE AVENGERS was plastered all over the place and every other commercial had Iron Man or the Hulk in it.

I've actually been a defender of Disney's purchase of LFL and I think SW is in better hands right now.

I want to see a few of Marvel's directors get in line to make SW films. Jon Favreau is the first on my list. James Gunn would be a natural fit. I also want a Russo Brothers SW film but they're booked up right now.

Joss Whedon has made a TON of money for Disney and if he showed and interest in directing a SW film you can bet Disney would make that happen. I think he needs to go do a Firefly project.
My wife was watching John Carter last night, a movie I felt was unfairly *** talked during it's release and a huge financial bomb. It occurred to me watching it that it was a shame there will never be a direct sequel to the film.

Then I realized if John Carter of Mars had been a hit and a franchise we probably wouldn't have a new Star Wars right now.

Sorry JC, you took one for the team.

How would that be?

I love that movie. :)
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