Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I could see him tearing the rest of the skin off after Jedi to have a constant reminder of what he could become. I hope that's the reasoning because I think that would be pretty cool.

Yeah I thought that was strange there was no skin on the hand in the end, maybe he got the skin damaged in other battles since ROTJ and never thought of replacing it again
I started getting emotional with movies after getting married and having a kid.

Before that I could easily watch Annie slaughter kids with his elegant weapon for a more civilized age and not even blink an eye lash.
That Interstellar Reaction Video is priceless! :lol

I think the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when the Star Wars crawl began. Does that make me a woman?
Yeah I thought that was strange there was no skin on the hand in the end, maybe he got the skin damaged in other battles since ROTJ and never thought of replacing it again

The rubber on his hand was made by Hot Toys and crumbled and leaked a few months after he got it.
I saw Avatar once and it didn't do anything for me. I still can do those four things though.

Colonel Quaritch (spelling?) and Jake Sully. "This is great!" (I remember because it was a meme. :lol) and "You are not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora."

Well yes WE can do those things because of Sideshow and threads here with people talking about the movie. I certainly didn't retain "Quaritch" from the film itself. He was just "the military bad guy" in the movie. But the AMP Suit from Sideshow and people typing his name here is what made it stick. To the average human? No way. I knew Jake and "I see you" and "eat your eyes for joo joo bees" because it made me lol in the theater. But I didn't even retain "Neytiri" because it isn't very catchy and in the theatrical version Sigourney just mentions her name off hand at the beginning and whenever Jake said it he'd usually say it pretty fast.
Yeah, James Cameron just posted a video to fans at some Avatar exhibit and he led off with some weird babble in "Na'vi" and then translated it as "I see you." I cringed at how hard he, the director, is trying to make it a catchphrase when the film itself did not. And why would it? It's the Eye of Sauron's phrase. :lol
Yeah, James Cameron just posted a video to fans at some Avatar exhibit and he led off with some weird babble in "Na'vi" and then translated it as "I see you." I cringed at how hard he, the director, is trying to make it a catchphrase when the film itself did not. And why would it? It's the Eye of Sauron's phrase. :lol

I was never really into James Cameron films. the only films I like of his are Terminator 1 & 2.

I didn't like Avatar at all. I saw it once when it came out, and it just didn't hold my interest in any way. I was dying for it to end. I went with a group of people and we all disliked it. And we didn't see it in 3D. Most people say seeing it in 3D is much better, but if you need 3D to make that movie better, then i have no interest. Im not into 3D.

His ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow i think has become a far better director. The last few movies she has done have been amazing. I even love Strange Days which James wrote. I would love to see her direct a Star Wars movie or any Sci-Fi / Comic Book film. :)
Cameron is a solid director who hasn't made a single stinker. I'm just often put off by him personally. T1 and ALIENS are two of the greatest sci-fi films of all time.
I like Cameron but I never got around to seeing Avatar in the theater. I bought it on blu, from that bin mentioned above, and I haven't made it through. I don't think it's bad, just not compelling.
I can usually understand why some movies, like TDK, are a phenomenon even when I don't like them much. But I'm mystified by Avatar. I feel like it's some kind of prank. Who would sit through it multiple times in the theater?
I'd never seen a digital 3D movie before Avatar. Before then I just watched a few of the old school red/blue glasses films like Creature from the Black Lagoon and that one sequence in Freddy's Dead. I had no idea 3D had come so far until Avatar came out and was blown away by the visuals. Had to see it twice in the theater. I'm sure my story is similar to many.