Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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If there is a hype train this thread is mostly cows on the track.

:lol :lol :lol

My prediction is coming true....all of it :lol I said hardcore fans and critics would think this is the greatest thing ever, despite just being an average popcorn film at best, and that in retrospect people would see the film for what it truly is....and it will happen....eventually. But I see that some people are already sick of this film, not because it's a bad film, but because of how overrated it is. It has Avatarisis syndrome :lol

Yup. Some of my favorite people have turned into complete mouth breathers after only a couple of weeks. They've become this brain dead stereotype. I just don't get it. It was a fun, okay movie, I enjoyed it. Saw it a second time, liked it too. That was the extent of it. Now I think people see the box office totals and are convincing themselves that it's the greatest thing ever, not unlike Avatar. Huge turn off for me, right up there with my friend crying and in tears during the opening crawl and the Millenium Falcon popping up and the first scene with Han and Chewbacca, or proclaiming that new comers like Rey and Finn aren't only the greatest Star Wars characters, but the greatest characters in cinematic history. I know it's petty and I shouldn't let it bother me, but the mentality drives me nuts. :lol I think these people are just as obnoxious and cancerous as people that nitpick and crap over movies just to do it.

There's never a happy medium ground with these things. One side either craps on something unreasonably or they hype it up as the second coming. I'd ignore it if I could, but holy hell, the only "good news" being reported on CNN and in USA Today and even the local news are Star Wars and box office related. Such a cynical world where these things are of importance begs to have a cynical out look. It's just grosses me out. I thought I liked Star Wars as a whole but it's hard when it's being shoved in your face no matter where you go.

I gotta stay off these boards, I'm a young man and shouldn't be getting angry at people over just a stupid movie and dolls. :lol I am having a blast though looking at people fighting over Return of the Jedi in 1983 and the Phantom Menace in 1999 on the google group boards from their respective years. Once the hype and love died down, people really went at it. Same old nonsense we see for every blockbuster and movie pretty much. People never change.

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The real ridiculous thing is that those that love should be able to without those that hate it trying to convince they shouldn't AND vice versa. Some folks will love something and some will hate it. Neither side is right or wrong. It's just personal taste, but in today's Internet world everyone wants to PROVE they're right.
DiFabio: "Why do you cry?"

DiFabio's Friend: "Well it's like when the opening scroll for Star Wars appears or you see the Millennium Falcon or Han and Chewie for the first time."

DiFabio: "Star Wars causes it?"

DiFabio's Friend: "No, it's just a movie and you shouldn't get worked up but you just cry anyway. It's like when I watched this one film in "Nicaragua" [perfect Spanish accent for just the one word...]

I'm sorry that it's something you con nevah doo DiFabio.
Yup. Some of my favorite people have turned into complete mouth breathers after only a couple of weeks. They've become this brain dead stereotype. I just don't get it. It was a fun, okay movie, I enjoyed it. Saw it a second time, liked it too. That was the extent of it. Now I think people see the box office totals and are convincing themselves that it's the greatest thing ever, not unlike Avatar. Huge turn off for me, right up there with my friend crying and in tears during the opening crawl and the Millenium Falcon popping up and the first scene with Han and Chewbacca, or proclaiming that new comers like Rey and Finn aren't only the greatest Star Wars characters, but the greatest characters in cinematic history. I know it's petty and I shouldn't let it bother me, but the mentality drives me nuts. :lol I think these people are just as obnoxious and cancerous as people that nitpick and crap over movies just to do it.

There's never a happy medium ground with these things. One side either craps on something unreasonably or they hype it up as the second coming. I'd ignore it if I could, but holy hell, the only "good news" being reported on CNN and in USA Today and even the local news are Star Wars and box office related. Such a cynical world where these things are of importance begs to have a cynical out look. It's just grosses me out. I thought I liked Star Wars as a whole but it's hard when it's being shoved in your face no matter where you go.

I gotta stay off these boards, I'm a young man and shouldn't be getting angry at people over just a stupid movie and dolls. :lol I am having a blast though looking at people fighting over Return of the Jedi in 1983 and the Phantom Menace in 1999 on the google group boards from their respective years. Once the hype and love died down, people really went at it. Same old nonsense we see for every blockbuster and movie pretty much. People never change.

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I must spread some reputation around before giving it to Difabio again.
Food is made to consume. Entertainment is meant to consume. I have no idea what the point of that meme is. It's like someone taking and egg and trying to shock people into realizing they are eating an egg. :dunno
Food is made to consume. Entertainment is meant to consume. I have no idea what the point of that meme is. It's like someone taking and egg and trying to shock people into realizing they are eating an egg. :dunno

I think he just was trying to say that he wished Star Wars was all about the art and had no merchandise. You know, like Batman 89.... :monkey3
DiFabio: "Why do you cry?"

DiFabio's Friend: "Well it's like when the opening scroll for Star Wars appears or you see the Millennium Falcon or Han and Chewie for the first time."

DiFabio: "Star Wars causes it?"

DiFabio's Friend: "No, it's just a movie and you shouldn't get worked up but you just cry anyway. It's like when I watched this one film in "Nicaragua" [perfect Spanish accent for just the one word...]

I'm sorry that it's something you con nevah doo DiFabio.


It's funny you mention that, because T2 is playing on STARZ right now. The scene at the steel mill. When I first saw the Terminator get lowered into the steel with the thumbs up, I did have a lump in my throat.

Never done it over man-child, nostalgia moment stuff though.
Nothing nostalgic can make me cry. I didn't even cry when Rambo 4 came out and the film starts with the original theme and a shot of old Rambo catching snakes for living. The only time I almost cried was during "Awakening"(not star wars :lol) when Deniro's disease comes back and he wants Robin Williams to record his deterioration :monkey2
I promise I wouldn't. That would be ridiculous and I'd mock anyone that would cry about seeing a 63 year old don a Batsuit again.

Luke, Han, Chewbacca, Vader, Stormtroopers, X-Wings and Tie Fighters are just as much a part of my childhood as Keaton Batman, Terminator, Robocop, Back to The Future and Reeve Superman. Maybe I'm just to rational to get all emotional over it all, I don't know. Closest feeling I get is that hair standing up on the back of your neck feeling after you've heard a soundtrack or seen a great trailer. Being in tears after seeing text go up a screen? After seeing shots that were in trailers of your elderly heroes? No way.
Bah, you grew up with SW on VHS. Not the same. You just don't know man, you just don't know!

For the record I didn't cry over seeing the opening scroll or any characters appearing in TFA. But I can understand people getting emotional about it. Closest I ever came to "tears of nostalgia" was when the music played as Bilbo ran across the Shire to try and join the dwarves in AUJ.
I weeped seeing Luke again. :lol

While i'm not receiving one single penny when it happens I can't wait for Avatar to be knocked off from its top spot on the World Wide Box Office by TFA, i'm opening one of my vintage bottles when it happens. :lol

Had this movie received a powerful new soundtrack it would've helped gloss over some of the complaints levied against it.

Music does that kind of ****.
You know I might have teared up a little hearing Luke's voice, seeing him put his hand on R2, and Han's "we're home" when that second trailer played before AoU. But the audience was cheering when the Lucasfilm logo went up and then they cheered again after Han and the title appeared. That actually was a pretty big freaking moment.
When Luke was revealed I was wondering why he had an Attack Of the Clones/Revenge of the Sith Anakin mechanical CGI hand instead of a fleshy or gloved one.

I guess technology goes backwards in regards to prosthetic limbs in this universe.
I could see him tearing the rest of the skin off after Jedi to have a constant reminder of what he could become. I hope that's the reasoning because I think that would be pretty cool.
I could see him tearing the rest of the skin off after Jedi to have a constant reminder of what he could become. I hope that's the reasoning because I think that would be pretty cool.

I do like that reasoning. Though I always loved the technology in Empire and Jedi that if you lost a limb, you could get a new one that looked identical and be as good as new. As a kid I was always fascinated with the droid testing Luke's hand nerve endings, then closing the panel. That was a really nice touch. It's like he had a brand new hand, flesh, nails and all.

The Anakin/T-800 Genisys/CGI hand is alright, but I'd prefer a flesh hand or the iconic gloved Michael Jackson hand. Luke did have a Siegfried & Roy look going on with the long hair and bright white robes, maybe a gloved hand with sparkling gems would suit him.