Yup. Some of my favorite people have turned into complete mouth breathers after only a couple of weeks. They've become this brain dead stereotype. I just don't get it. It was a fun, okay movie, I enjoyed it. Saw it a second time, liked it too. That was the extent of it. Now I think people see the box office totals and are convincing themselves that it's the greatest thing ever, not unlike Avatar. Huge turn off for me, right up there with my friend crying and in tears during the opening crawl
and the Millenium Falcon popping up
and the first scene with Han and Chewbacca, or proclaiming that new comers like Rey and Finn aren't only the greatest Star Wars characters, but the greatest characters in cinematic history. I know it's petty and I shouldn't let it bother me, but the mentality drives me nuts.

I think these people are just as obnoxious and cancerous as people that nitpick and crap over movies just to do it.
There's never a happy medium ground with these things. One side either craps on something unreasonably or they hype it up as the second coming. I'd ignore it if I could, but holy hell, the only "good news" being reported on CNN and in USA Today and even the local news are Star Wars and box office related. Such a cynical world where these things are of importance begs to have a cynical out look. It's just grosses me out. I thought I liked Star Wars as a whole but it's hard when it's being shoved in your face no matter where you go.
I gotta stay off these boards, I'm a young man and shouldn't be getting angry at people over just a stupid movie and dolls.

I am having a blast though looking at people fighting over Return of the Jedi in 1983 and the Phantom Menace in 1999 on the google group boards from their respective years. Once the hype and love died down, people really went at it. Same old nonsense we see for every blockbuster and movie pretty much. People never change.
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