Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Going back to TFA, Maz's mentoring to Rey was so very truncated when compared to Yoda mentoring Luke.

Sad to see such quick shallow representations of previously glorious moments.

I don't think we were supposed to compare it to Luke's time on Dagobah. More like Luke and Ben's quick conversation about the Force controlling your actions and obeying your commands on the Falcon.
At the rate we're going week by week, won't be long until people start ranking their precious Force Awakens before Empire and Star Wars. Disgusting. :lol
You can find it disgusting as long as you promise to continue to help me tie my shoes and cross the street. :lecture

In all seriousness though here we are 8 years later and I still see references to "Heath Ledger fanboys." I didn't really follow the TDK thread that much back in the day (thought the film was very good but not really worthy of discussing at length.) What was the deal? I remember CelticP posting pictures of himself dressed as Ledger. Is that the type of thing that was rampant back in the day? People doing genuinely weird things or just going off as if he was the greatest screen character ever?
Didn't Han mention the significance of the flags because Rey or Finn ask him about it, I thought he said it was holy ground

And why is Maz being considered to be the new Yoda. We need to see more background of her in Ep VIII. I know it looks like she has seen things all over and knows things but she said herself that she is no Jedi. So why does she know so much about the Force.
At the rate we're going week by week, won't be long until people start ranking their precious Force Awakens before Empire and Star Wars. Disgusting. :lol

Don't you mean Empire and ANH, after all all these films are SW :wink1:

BTW in case anyone hasn't learned yet, I read an article the other day revealing that " Luke's Hideout " was not a CG product, the reason I know now why it was so picturesque IMO was it was indeed an island off the coast of Ireland that wasn't well known.
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Serkis says Snoke isn't Plagius,he's just Snoke. Meanwhile in other deleted scenes:

I can kinda relate to being tempted and turning to "teh Dark Side" if I was a slave that had a device implanted in my body that was rigged to explode if I ran away (Fear). I'd be tempted by the dark side of I never had a father figure and I was taken away from my mom to be raised by emotionless monks that thought little of me based on one council meeting (loneliness). Who wouldn't give in when you find out that your mother was raped and killed by Sandpeople when you finally see her again (anger). Or that you're having visions of your wife and unborn children dying (loss)? Or that your fellow Jedi don't trust you, disobey their own codes like hypocrites, and disrespect you? Throw in Palpatine manipulating everyone and you got your Vader.
Did Annie have a bomb installed in his body that would explode in the prequels??? I totally don't remember that :lol

Gotta shake my head at all the millennials here who can't handle characters having emotions. If First Blood, ALIENS, Lethal Weapon or Die Hard came out today then Rambo, Ripley, Riggs and McClane would all be dismissed as whiny emo crybabies because every single one of them wept on screen.
As Fabio says, though, each of the characters you mention went through severe trauma. Ripley has all of her friends die, then gets removed from all she knows, finds out her daughter's dead, doesn't have any prospects of a decent career, and then finds out an evil corporation is doing evil **** that will cause lots more death. McClane gets beat down by life, was separated from his wife, an alcoholic at one point, seems estranged from his child, Riggs and Rambo went through the most intense kinds of trauma you can imagine.

Kylo, he's a kid, and he was rebelling against his parents and teacher apparently. While it's true that for a 15-16 year old, girlfriends/boyfriends and disputes with mommy and daddy can seem like they are all that matters in this world, I think most adults get through that ****, and mature to the point where they can look back and shake their heads. I like Kylo in part because he's acting like a typical teenager. But it's not "cool" to be a hormonal teenager, is it? Was it ever? I don't think it was viewed that way in the '80s, and if you think it is, then we'll just agree to disagree, but. . .

Of course, we haven't heard the whole story yet, and maybe there is more to it than simply saying he is rebelling against authority and expectations in the way any given 16 year old would. Maybe. . .he was sexually abused by Luke? :lol The way Jedi are described in the prequels, are they all that far removed from some of the priests who have done this sort of thing? Maybe Luke followed the "no women" rule a little too closely?

Won't happen in 1,000 years, I know, but I think that would certainly make his behaviors much more justifiable, and could make me really get behind this guy. But if the only explanations we get are what we got, then c'mon. As Fabio says, the development of Vader in the prequels, as awkward and badly written as they were, certainly can explain how he could grow into this damaged, demented sociopath. Not seeing that from Kylo.
As Fabio says, though, each of the characters you mention went through severe trauma. Ripley has all of her friends die, then gets removed from all she knows, finds out her daughter's dead, doesn't have any prospects of a decent career, and then finds out an evil corporation is doing evil **** that will cause lots more death. McClane gets beat down by life, was separated from his wife, an alcoholic at one point, seems estranged from his child, Riggs and Rambo went through the most intense kinds of trauma you can imagine.

The only time Kylo teared up was after his Oedipus moment with Han. And that would certainly qualify as one of the "most intense kinds of trauma you can imagine." Actually I'm not even sure that he did shed tears (unlike the 80's heroes that somehow get a pass for doing the same.) Whatever good that was in him knew full well how horrifying his actions and loss were at that moment and for the rest of the film. Stop trying to be so cool guys and just enjoy the good drama on screen! :duff

Or if you don't think it was good then by all means camp out with the movies that are better than "marginally good" or whatever TFA was to you.
Did Annie have a bomb installed in his body that would explode in the prequels??? I totally don't remember that :lol

As Fabio says, though, each of the characters you mention went through severe trauma. Ripley has all of her friends die, then gets removed from all she knows, finds out her daughter's dead, doesn't have any prospects of a decent career, and then finds out an evil corporation is doing evil **** that will cause lots more death. McClane gets beat down by life, was separated from his wife, an alcoholic at one point, seems estranged from his child, Riggs and Rambo went through the most intense kinds of trauma you can imagine.

Kylo, he's a kid, and he was rebelling against his parents and teacher apparently. While it's true that for a 15-16 year old, girlfriends/boyfriends and disputes with mommy and daddy can seem like they are all that matters in this world, I think most adults get through that ****, and mature to the point where they can look back and shake their heads. I like Kylo in part because he's acting like a typical teenager. But it's not "cool" to be a hormonal teenager, is it? Was it ever? I don't think it was viewed that way in the '80s, and if you think it is, then we'll just agree to disagree, but. . .

Of course, we haven't heard the whole story yet, and maybe there is more to it than simply saying he is rebelling against authority and expectations in the way any given 16 year old would. Maybe. . .he was sexually abused by Luke? :lol The way Jedi are described in the prequels, are they all that far removed from some of the priests who have done this sort of thing? Maybe Luke followed the "no women" rule a little too closely?

Won't happen in 1,000 years, I know, but I think that would certainly make his behaviors much more justifiable, and could make me really get behind this guy. But if the only explanations we get are what we got, then c'mon. As Fabio says, the development of Vader in the prequels, as awkward and badly written as they were, certainly can explain how he could grow into this damaged, demented sociopath. Not seeing that from Kylo.

Thank you Kara, I appreciate a rational, like minded post. I haven't seen Episode I in it's entirety in a long time. I thought Watto planted bombs in his slaves "Escape From New York" style or something. Like if they ran away or escaped, he'd detonate them or a poison would go off inside them. I don't know for sure, maybe I'm wrong.

Couldn't rep you, but gave some more rice instead.
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It's true that Rey as a character is too good and too perfect, but I'll give her credit, at least she's really good at stuff, and that's something we haven't seen from a female protagonist in a while. At least I haven't. Maybe not since the Bride in Kill Bill, except that was a much better character who had to struggle physically and emotionally and had to work to obtain her abilities, but still, at least Rey can actually save the day and be a hero, unlike that Katniss character from Hunger Games, what a worthless character that is. At least little girls can watch TFA and find a female one woman-army. A a character that gets **** done. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
Thank you Kara, I appreciate a rational, like minded post. I haven't seen Episode I in it's entirety in a long time. I thought Watto planted bombs in his slaves "Escape From New York" style or something. Like if they ran away or escaped, he'd detonate them or a poison would go off inside them. I don't know for sure, maybe I'm wrong.

Couldn't rep you, but gave some more rice instead.

Wato never came off as the type who would do that.

I bet it was those souless monks.
The FO Stormtrooper stuntmen were badass in this movie. Not only did you have the guys flying around on wires from being shot by Bowcasters, TIE Fighters and even X-Wings but there was that one guy running down the ramp of the dropship who gets shot by Finn and he falls and does a massive faceplant into the dirt. He bit it hard with legs up in the air and everything. You know they knew they were going to be watched by a billion people so they really sacrificed their bodies and held nothing back. :lol
And why is Maz being considered to be the new Yoda. We need to see more background of her in Ep VIII. I know it looks like she has seen things all over and knows things but she said herself that she is no Jedi. So why does she know so much about the Force.

I dont see her as Yoda she just is 1000 years old. She's seen everything and she studies and believes in the Force, but isn't a Jedi. She's probably somewhat similar to how Lor San Tekka who was a member of the Church of the Force, which is an underground faith. These members were not Force Sensitive, they just had a deep belief in the Jedi ways. And thats what I think Maz is, its their religion basically.

And I have a feeling Tekka was the one looking after Rey on Jakku, he helped Luke to keep her hidden.
You can find it disgusting as long as you promise to continue to help me tie my shoes and cross the street. :lecture

In all seriousness though here we are 8 years later and I still see references to "Heath Ledger fanboys." I didn't really follow the TDK thread that much back in the day (thought the film was very good but not really worthy of discussing at length.) What was the deal? I remember CelticP posting pictures of himself dressed as Ledger. Is that the type of thing that was rampant back in the day? People doing genuinely weird things or just going off as if he was the greatest screen character ever?

Re: TDK, I think it was a gateway drug into more serious movies for a lot of folks. So naturally they thought they were experts and wanted to school everyone about the awesomeness of Christian Bale's frown and ominous musical tones as score. And obviously, Heath Ledger was godlike. Which got old fast and went on forever.
I dont see her as Yoda she just is 1000 years old. She's seen everything and she studies and believes in the Force, but isn't a Jedi. She's probably somewhat similar to how Lor San Tekka who was a member of the Church of the Force, which is an underground faith. These members were not Force Sensitive, they just had a deep belief in the Jedi ways. And thats what I think Maz is, its their religion basically.

And I have a feeling Tekka was the one looking after Rey on Jakku, he helped Luke to keep her hidden.

The alien who tried to buy BB8 from her, I wonder who he called to "get me that droid!".

Was never shown.