Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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There does seem to be a correlation between people who seem to focus on the negative of TFA also having the opinion that "the PT/SE's weren't that bad/were pretty good."

Odd indeed. How one can consistently prefer inferior material even when presented with new updated material. Shows you just how impressionable we all are at a young age.
I finally was able to watch force awakens last night with my wife and we both loved it. Felt like a Star Wars movie and was great to see characters we grew up with. Really sad at the death scene towards the end of the movie. Loved the final reveal of Luke though. Overall great movie and can't wait to see what comes next.
Shows you just how impressionable we all are at a young age.

Indeed. I've sometimes thought about that with regard to the OT and my own parents. I think "they took me when they were in their 30's, why are not they obsessed with these movies?" Especially since I'm now much older than they were and can't get enough of SW. But it's because things that impact you at age 5 embed in you in ways that they really can't at age 35. For them Star Wars would have been like TDK or Disctrict 9 to me. Good movies but nothing to obsess over or watch repeatedly.




:lol :lol :lol

If I had pop in my mouth, I would have spit it out. Before I saw RotS, I heard critics say how great the opening was. I heard someone compare it to the best opening scene in a movie since RotLA. When I saw it, I couldn't face palm hard enough at everything.
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Indeed. I've sometimes thought about that with regard to the OT and my own parents. I think "they took me when they were in their 30's, why are not they obsessed with these movies?" Especially since I'm now much older than they were and can't get enough of SW. But it's because things that impact you at age 5 embed in you in ways that they really can't at age 35. For them Star Wars would have been like TDK or Disctrict 9 to me. Good movies but nothing to obsess over or watch repeatedly.

You cannot rob people of their childhood.
Official domestic numbers:

The Force Awakens: $764,408,684 (and counting)
Avatar: $749,766,139 initial run, $760,507,625 including 2010 Special Edition re-release

On another note it's funny looking at that very first teaser again. "The has been an awakening. The Dark Side...and the Light." Last year they showed Kylo after saying Dark Side and for the "Light" it just seemed like they were generically cutting to Han and Chewie in the Falcon. Little did we know it was actually Rey in that sequence all along.
I've been thinking why special attention was paid to the "Traitor" stormtrooper over all other stormtroopers and certainly much more so than Phasma!

They should've reworked the script where it turned out that it was Poe under there, hence his disappearance after the Tie crash on Jakku.

But nope, they played it too safe. :lol
Vulture droids....ughhh.


I'm not a fan of adjusted for inflation, screw that noise. :lol


Thinking over Max Von Sydow's character...since the movie revealed that he was an old friend of Leia's and assumedly Luke if Luke personally gave him the map info then I bet the reason he was on Jakku in the first place was because he was asked by Luke to watch over Rey from afar.
Thinking over Max Von Sydow's character...since the movie revealed that he was an old friend of Leia's and assumedly Luke if Luke personally gave him the map info then I bet the reason he was on Jakku in the first place was because he was asked by Luke to watch over Rey from afar.
:exactly: I've been saying this all week. Pretty much hints at this in "Before The Awakening".
Official domestic numbers:

The Force Awakens: $764,408,684 (and counting)
Avatar: $749,766,139 initial run, $760,507,625 including 2010 Special Edition re-release

On another note it's funny looking at that very first teaser again. "The has been an awakening. The Dark Side...and the Light." Last year they showed Kylo after saying Dark Side and for the "Light" it just seemed like they were generically cutting to Han and Chewie in the Falcon. Little did we know it was actually Rey in that sequence all along.

the film will probably end up around 900 million domestically, freaking insane. But it looks like it might not hit that 2 billion mark world wide. I wonder why Star Wars isn't as hot a property world wide as it is domestically, most films gross about 2 or 3 times more in the foreign market, star wars is about 50/50 right now. and to think Avatar did 2 billion on the foreign market alone lol

I know it hasn't hit China yet but can it give it that boost to hit 2 billion?