Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Yeah. Obi-Wan vs Slave 1 was about the only memorable space battle. And it doesn't really count as a space battle, but I like the Queen's ship escaping the blockade with the astromechs making repairs in TPM. It would have been cool to have some fighters escorting them fighting off the Vulture droids or something. That blockade really didn't put up much of a fight :lol

Vulture droids....ughhh.



I'm not a fan of adjusted for inflation, screw that noise. :lol
Don't remember that line in the movie

Isn't it what McClane said to Al over the walkie-talkie when first describing Han's group? Anyway, we were talking about this in one of figure threads but the Art Book indicated that they chose to have the aerial battles be only between X-Wings and regular TIE's because of the sheer volume of ships on both sides for this movie. They wanted easily identifiable silhouettes for the audience to keep track of. I'm fine with it but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping to see A-Wings or B-Wings again or something totally new.
The only time I the PT where I felt that they captured the essence of the OT was the beginning sequence of ROTS (action/comedy/basic dialogue)
The Rebel Alliance had a hodge podge of old and new ships in their fleet. The Resistance is well funded, very slick.

Isn't it what McClane said to Al over the walkie-talkie when first describing Han's group? Anyway, we were talking about this in one of figure threads but the Art Book indicated that they chose to have the aerial battles be only between X-Wings and regular TIE's because of the sheer volume of ships on both sides for this movie. They wanted easily identifiable silhouettes for the audience to keep track of. I'm fine with it but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping to see A-Wings or B-Wings again or something totally new.

I would have understood that reference.
Most people who are on this thread complaining about the film incessantly really should go elsewhere, (which they have...and reposted the same images and criticisms..over and over and over everywhere they can).

It really appears like a twisted crusade to win people over to their idea the film sucks.

A true discussion about the film on this thread should be to help tease out the details, speculate on possible future plot, discuss things people might have missed...etc. If your basic point is the movie is bad, well say that then move along. No need to support your opinion over and over. Since it is just an opinion.....

Now back to discussing the MOVIE....


To me it's an exercise in futility. But maybe that's the only exercise they get. :lol

:lol :lol :lol
The Anakin/Obi interaction in the “rescue Palpatine” sequence was the only time that I could relate to OT Obi saying “….and he was a good friend”!! We needed more of this in the PT!
I am watching the PT with my girlfriend who has not seen them and only recently seen the OT. TPM is better than I remember....but man is AOTC hard to get through! The CG creatures and sets really make what JJ and company did for TFA really shine. I am actually looking forward to seeing ROTS again because I actually like it (don't ban me) but seeing these again, I can appreciate what Lucas was trying to do and also look at them as failed attempts at engaging the audience.

I have now seen TFA 6 times and seem to like it more every time. And it comes down to the fact I have fun in the theater (Rey and Finn escaping in the Falcon, the dog fight on Maz's planet, Kylo Ren's tantrums) and the story is being pushed further while looking back at what made Star Wars fun for those of us who grew up on the OT. Great time to be a SW fan!
Yeah, in fact the last time I tried to watch ROTS that whole rescue of Palpatine sequence made me turn it off, so wooden and artificial was the dialogue and character interaction.

More buzz droids....

Look....there's the general's ship.

GL claims he purposedly wanted stiff acting so that it matched the OT.

Yeah, ok. :lol
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I've got Harmy SW on in the background and it is SO sweet to see those Stormtroopers bursting through the door of the Blockade Runner and have it feel like I'm watching soldiers in the same universe as TFA. There have been a few times where I've watched ROTS and then the first few minutes of ANH and they just never really fit together IMO with the obviously CG Clones in one episode and then real Stormtroopers in the next.

I have now seen TFA 6 times and seem to like it more every time.

What? Someone's TFA viewings exceed my own? Genie! For my third wish I wish to be an all powerful TFA fanboy!!


But seriously I hear you man. Five viewings in for me and the entertainment value hasn't lost one step. AND THERE ARE NO BORING PARTS.

And it comes down to the fact I have fun in the theater (Rey and Finn escaping in the Falcon, the dog fight on Maz's planet, Kylo Ren's tantrums) and the story is being pushed further while looking back at what made Star Wars fun for those of us who grew up on the OT. Great time to be a SW fan!

Indeed. Simply put this is the first true SW film since ROTJ (for me) and as a kid I didn't have the option to play these out in the theater, my parents took me to see each one once. As I was sitting in the theater last night I found myself just soaking everything in, trying to take away any aspect of the film or on-screen sets/locations/etc. that I might have missed in a previous viewing with the realization that once this thing hits blu-ray my opportunities to see it in such an expansive presentation will be few and far between for decades on end. I absolutely am going to get the most out of this rarest of cinematic opportunites.