Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Von Sydow was definitely pulling a Kenobi. He even went out the same way, essentially, and got some lip from the dude in black who cut him down to boot. "When I left you I was but the learner...." "look at how old you've become."
the film will probably end up around 900 million domestically, freaking insane. But it looks like it might not hit that 2 billion mark world wide.

Yeah even with TFA's monster domestic Avatar's global STILL seems just too far out of reach. Fingers crossed it can surpass Titanic or at the very least join the "$2 billion" club.
Von Sydow was definitely pulling a Kenobi. He even went out the same way, essentially, and got some lip from the dude in black who cut him down to boot. "When I left you I was but the learner...." "look at how old you've become."

He even tells the young hero to flee.

On another with regard to building a bigger universe I do like that both gang leaders on Han's Freighter survived the rathtars. Like Poe they're just a couple more examples of badasses that exist outside of the heroes' circle.
I took tomorrow off to get some commission stuff done at home...but looks like there are some good seats available for the 9:45 am show....hmmmm.....
I took tomorrow off to get some commission stuff done at home...but looks like there are some good seats available for the 9:45 am show....hmmmm.....

How many times have you seen it so far? It's been very easy for me to rack up viewings because there's a digital IMAX screen about 10 minutes down the road that does 11:00 pm showings every night. Pretty small crowd at that hour and I know all I have to do is drive down the road and arrive a couple minutes late (because I'm SO sick of the trailers that play before it) and boom more Star Wars on the big screen.
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How many times have you seen it so far? It's been very easy for me to rack up viewings because there's a digital IMAX screen about 10 minutes down the road that does 11:00 pm showings every night. Pretty small crowd at that hour and I know all I have to do is drive down the road and arrive a couple minutes late (because I'm SO sick of the trailers that play before it) and boom more Star Wars on the big screen.

Only twice. :(
I have no excuse. At least two theaters within 15 minutes show it all day, every day. But my sad devotion to this ancient series hasn't conjured up better numbers. Or given me clairvoyance enough to figure out how Maz got the lightsaber.
My two year old is now the ultimate power in the galaxy.

And yes, I am very proud of the toddlerogical terror I've created. :slap

Gonna stop now.
While I am probably what most people here would consider a Prequel Apologist, I am ashamed to admit I once saw AOTC twice in the same day, while I can't manage another TFA lately.

Youth truly is wasted on the young. And in some cases, on the prequels.
He even tells the young hero to flee.

On another with regard to building a bigger universe I do like that both gang leaders on Han's Freighter survived the rathtars. Like Poe they're just a couple more examples of badasses that exist outside of the heroes' circle.

There's quite a bit about Sydows character in the new novelisation and other books. He was a *soldier of fortune* who settled in *the church of the force* sacred village on jaaku. Ren knew him and knew he was hiding. The villagers hid sydow despite him causing some tragedy for their township.

Chances are he is gonna turn up in Rogue One as a side to Princess Leia.
There's quite a bit about Sydows character in the new novelisation and other books. He was a *soldier of fortune* who settled in *the church of the force* sacred village on jaaku. Ren knew him and knew he was hiding. The villagers hid sydow despite him causing some tragedy for their township.

Chances are he is gonna turn up in Rogue One as a side to Princess Leia.

Leia sends Poe on a mission to steal a senators ship who she thinks is corrupt, she wants the data from the ship. when retrieving the ship and its data they discover that the FO knows where Tekka is.
Shoot I can't find it now but a week or two ago I came across a cartoon meme of Finn looking up while Poe is obliterating the TIE's and the caption was "Yeah, THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!" :lol

So now I can't help but chuckle a little at the "That's one hell of a pilot" line.

I haven't been keeping up, but do the people who hate TFA say they do like the PT films...?

No....can't see they like much of anything......
Finally saw this today.
While it was nice seeing the old gang and being in the universe that George built again this episode borrowed waaaay too much from the previous ones. J.J. once again tries to push emotional connections between characters way to fast (Rey/Fin) like he did in ST: Into Darkness. Boyega was annoying with his caffeine induced method acting. Only one solid emotional scene in the whole movie and that's when u know who dies. Kasdan needs to make sure the redemption story doesn't play out the same as did previously and make sure Kylo dies like the douche bag he is but I don't think Kasdan has an original bone in his body at this point.
...also came away not wanting one damn HT figure from this movie except a BB8 and a Master Jedi Luke.
You'll have to buy Rey to get that thing. By the way, did you like her character?

Too early to tell on Rey, but mostly indifferent.
I couldn't get a handle on her, I started to think geez she's just the sister of Ben but it didn't seem to go that direction.
(It still could though seeing how unabashedly they're ripping off so many major plot points from the previous movies)
Shes a fast leaner/user of the Force that's for sure, maybe too fast.
Too early to tell on Rey, but mostly indifferent.
I couldn't get a handle on her, I started to think geez she's just the sister of Ben but it didn't seem to go that direction.
(It still could though seeing how unabashedly they're ripping off so many major plot points from the previous movies)
Shes a fast leaner/user of the Force that's for sure, maybe too fast.

I wouldn't even say she's a quick learner...that would imply she was taught something, but that's not the case in this film. Her powers just show up...or "awake" and she can use them effortlessly, like the Jedi mind tricks on the guard, even though there's no mention of any prior training or exposure to force users, which is too bad because that's an easy fix. They could have shown her having some quick flashbacks throughout the film...anything that would imply she has had prior knowledge of the force. The closest thing was that lightsaber vision scene, but that was a waste...

Then again, Han Solo didn't believe in Jedi or the force in ANH, even though he was old enough to be around in the prequel era when the Jedi order ruled the world....even his best friend the Wookie has been around at least 200 years and met Yoda, yet Han somehow was a nonbeliever. Their communication must suck, which might explain why Han has never used Chewie's weapon and why he was so impressed with it in TFA. Either that or he really doesn't speak Wookie...but good thing Rey does.