Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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You will buy me Clown....then you will take a shotgun to your loved ones....


But I won't, I will not take away from them the joy of watching this....



or this


I thought exactly the same thing, Kylo being born super privileged makes it difficult to imagine how the hell would he turn to the dark side, but you make a great point, I hadn't think about it, and I don't think anybody has mentioned it so far either, cause everybody's too busy with "hurr haters" and "hurr contrarians" :lol about Luke giving him the boot cause he saw he was a bitchy entitled brat from the start, so it was best to NOT teach that ****er the ways of the force, I reckon he ran away, in a tantrum or something, and Snoke found him, maybe Han and Leia didn't even have anything to do with that. Now that would make him a better character, because that would make him not a villain, but just a snotty twink being used by Snoke, I like that.


You traitor...I mean....contrarian!!!! You're a dirty hater for having a negative opinion about this masterpiece of filmmaking and for not watching it at least 9 times in theaters. :cuss You shouldn't even be in this thread...with your valid point and thoughtful observations!!! :crying From now on I will take little shots at you indirectly because that makes me look clever!! :crying
I thought exactly the same thing, Kylo being born super privileged makes it difficult to imagine how the hell would he turn to the dark side, but you make a great point, I hadn't think about it, and I don't think anybody has mentioned it so far either, cause everybody's too busy with "hurr haters" and "hurr contrarians" :lol about Luke giving him the boot cause he saw he was a bitchy entitled brat from the start, so it was best to NOT teach that ****er the ways of the force, I reckon he ran away, in a tantrum or something, and Snoke found him, maybe Han and Leia didn't even have anything to do with that. Now that would make him a better character, because that would make him not a villain, but just a snotty twink being used by Snoke, I like that.


Well, Ben Skywalker has graduated from being a snotty twink to full blown mass murdering, patricide committing Sith.
It doesn't get any more villainous then that.
Screw the road to redemption who's going to get justice for all those murdered innocents?
I hope the next two episodes aren't a Redeem Ren Rehash but fear it will.

And to be honest I didn't really understand all the dialogue and actions that took place between Ben and Han.
You traitor...I mean....contrarian!!!! You're a dirty hater for having a negative opinion about this masterpiece of filmmaking and for not watching it at least 9 times in theaters. :cuss You shouldn't even be in this thread...with your valid point and thoughtful observations!!! :crying From now on I will take little shots at you indirectly because that makes me look clever!! :crying
I am become bait, the destroyer of threads.

Well, Ben Skywalker has graduated from being a snotty twink to full blown mass murdering, patricide committing Sith.
It doesn't get any more villainous then that.
Screw the road to redemption who's going to get justice for all those murdered innocents?
I hope the next two episodes aren't a Redeem Ren Rehash but fear it will.

And to be honest I didn't really understand all the dialogue and actions that took place between Ben and Han.
Yeah me neither, I can only guess, but it will probably be explained later.

Yeah I hope there's no redemption for him, he needs to die, there shouldn't have been any redemption for Vader either if you ask me, unless that Snoke theory is true, I hope we see him die as gruesomely as Joffrey(GoT) :lol but probably won't be as cool.
Maybe he felt abandoned by his father when Han and Leia separated. His parents even talk about that in the film. Just as many kids of single mothers in the inner city are easy recruits for gangs, maybe Snoke exploited Ren's longing for a father figure. Which is the very thing he also sensed in Rey when they were connected by the Force (and why Snoke ordered Ren to bring Rey to him). It's like a teen novel :lol

You mean its just like REAL LIFE .........

This is only a teen novel to those who never lived trough an absent Dad or Mom or bad neighborhood influences.....
I don't know if it's Han leaving that Kylo resents, as I thought Han left after He went bad, as in, killed the students at Luke's Jedi Academy. More likely I would think he resented them for putting him in Luke's care as a young child, as usually happens with Jedi kids.

I think his fascination with Darth Vader may have been seen as a problem in Luke's eyes and luke may have discouraged Kylos curiosity, which just made the "mystery" all the more enticing. All speculation, of course.
I had the impression Han and Leia split because of whatever happened with Kylo, Han says something along the lines of "we both had to deal with this in our own way"
I am become bait, the destroyer of threads.

Yeah me neither, I can only guess, but it will probably be explained later.

Yeah I hope there's no redemption for him, he needs to die, there shouldn't have been any redemption for Vader either if you ask me, unless that Snoke theory is true, I hope we see him die as gruesomely as Joffrey(GoT) :lol but probably won't be as cool.

I will be pleasantly surprised if this new trilogy doesn't end with Ben's redemption.
.. and hope Kasdan is fan of GoT and sprinkles some better/updated twists and motives in the next two episodes.
You mean its just like REAL LIFE .........

This is only a teen novel to those who never lived trough an absent Dad or Mom or bad neighborhood influences.....

I know that when I was seduced by my seven foot tall deformed geriatric neighbor with magical powers and he told me to kill my dad in order to be all evil and stuff, it was tough...but hey man, that's real yo! You know what I'm sayin? That's real life, home boy!

I'm so glad TFA finally told a story about real life....about time a film did that.
Kylo is how Anakin should have been portrayed, instead of what we got in the prequels.

Yeah, Adam Driver would have made a sick Anakin back in 2002. He would have been 19 for Attack of the Clones and 22 for Revenge of the Sith. In fact, I think those were the exact ages for Anakin in the story.
Ha ha, beat ya. ;)
:gah: damn my 3rd world country internet speed :cuss:

I will be pleasantly surprised if this new trilogy doesn't end with Ben's redemption.
.. and hope Kasdan is fan of GoT and sprinkles some better/updated twists and motives in the next two episodes.
Yeah I mean, he killed his dad, Vader got **** for becoming one with the force after snuffing kids, I hope they don't make that mistake here. Even though that was a retroactive mistake.
Got my Disney Movie Rewards posters today. They are only 11x17 but still kind of neat. I want to get the 4 Imax ones as well.


