Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Midichlorians, what are midichlorians.

Its the stuff jedi get when they smoke that good stuff.

Just saw TFA again, same score for me, although it did clear some doubts, Rey is still a Mary Sue and the last fight is still stupid, along with Rey's progression. But it appears Rey does have the closest thing to a semi-finished personal arc of all the main characters after all, I missed the line by Maz about whomever Rey was waiting for in Jakku not coming back, I think that's the only thing that changed after my 2nd viewing.

Not a boring movie by any means, but I think 2 times are enough for me.
That was really good. All those EP3 clips suited that entire scene.

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That was really good. All those EP3 clips suited that entire scene.

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"This was your father's lightsaber. He used it to kill thirty or more younglings in cold blood at the Jedi temple on Coruscant before murdering the unarmed heads of the CIS on a mining planet called Mustafar. He then choked your mother to death with the Force, ultimately leading me to cut off his good arm and both legs when he overzealously attacked me in a fit of pique. I let his mangled body slide down an embankment into a pool of lava, horrifically burning what was left of him, but didn't bother to put him out of his misery nor confirm that he was in fact dead. He also taught me spinning, that was a good trick. He was a good friend."
Very good video. The 'lie' married to the best bits of the PT works well.

Almost as though Alec, the consummate professional actor, knew. Though at the time nobody knew it was a lie. Not even Lucas. :lol

Even when I remembered seeing ANH over and over in the past that face that Obi wan made when Luke said " How did my father die? " just seemed awkward, you can tell what he told Luke wasn't the truth completely, that he was hiding something and this video is a good example.
That video was cool, but thank the maker Lucas didn't insert his thoughts like that in 77.

Had the SE come out after the PT I think he would've.

That does make me want to watch the PT all over again!

damn...this still needs over 450 million $ to catchup worldwide for titanic...and 1.05 Billion $ for