I take comments like that with an enormous grain of salt. Pablo Hidalgo is an appointed member of the Lucasfilm Story Group, a group which feverishly tries to manufacture connections between various entries of official canon that were never intended to be there in the first place. When Jake Davies designed the pirate who would come to be known as "Sidon Ithano" he was just "CO24" out of a hundred other drawings, a guy with a cool looking helmet who could have been anyone in Maz' castle. Abrams or the production designer or whomever saw him and said "that guy will be one of the pirates Finn talks to" and then someone like Pablo comes along and goes "hmm, vertical lines on his mask, I'll say that's a connection to Grievous' species to connect the universe more" even though that was never a thought when Davies designed him, Abrams shot him, etc.
I've read all of those "Before the Awakening" books and all the authors like to take background characters from TFA and give them these big backstories that tie in to the prequels or whatever. That's fine of course but to me it doesn't really "count" the same as if the actual writers and director of the movie deliberately presented the characters as being connected to those things. It's just fun (more or less) side stuff made up after the fact.
Sort of how some comic writer saw a long haired dude with face paint in The Phantom Menace that Lucas didn't think twice about and goes off and creates this whole "Quinlan Vos" mystique.
I've read all of those "Before the Awakening" books and all the authors like to take background characters from TFA and give them these big backstories that tie in to the prequels or whatever. That's fine of course but to me it doesn't really "count" the same as if the actual writers and director of the movie deliberately presented the characters as being connected to those things. It's just fun (more or less) side stuff made up after the fact.
Sort of how some comic writer saw a long haired dude with face paint in The Phantom Menace that Lucas didn't think twice about and goes off and creates this whole "Quinlan Vos" mystique.
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