Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread
OMG JJ has a flannel on. (Is this a bad sign?)

OMG JJ has a flannel on. (Is this a bad sign?)
Was it Lucas who said they were broken and/or the Rebellion didn't have the fuel for the rockets![]()
Hardly a satisfactory explanation seeing as the Rebellion can adapt vehicles for different climates and have fuel to launch an armada to attack the 2nd Death Star![]()
It has begun..
OMG JJ has a flannel on. (Is this a bad sign?)
No need to panic until he starts growing a neck paunch.
you know what else we never saw in the OT? We never saw Obi-wan do anything other than Mind tricks with the force. HOW DARE HE USE OTHER POWERS!
WE never saw anakin use the force, Only Vader. HOW DARE HE!
R2 is an Astromech droid. lets look at that word. Astro Mech. The Prefix Astro means " From, or having to do with Space. Mech COULD me mechanical, or machine, but givin that we See Aretoo REpairing things all throught BOTH trilogies, I THINK It is a truncated "Mechanic"
So, by calling him an Astromech Droid, We are calling him a "Space Mechanic" Droid. But that sounds a little odd. Astro can also mean "having to do with space, and not nessacarly space itself. So what do we know about space that is pertiant?
Zero Gravity. So calling him an Astromech could also mean "Zero Gravity Mechanic Droid"
And it would make logical sense for a Droid designed to work in Zero gravity ( and Zero Atmosphere, as evidenced by him attempting repairs on luke's xwing during the battle of yavin) Him having some means of moving around outside a spaceship ( magnetic feet) and Zero gravity enviornment of space ( Rocket boosters) Makes Logical sense.
Why didn't he use them in the Ot?
Becuase filmaking Technology was limited, and he never really needed to.
In-canon, they quite possibly Broke over the years. who knows.
Depending on where he is, and what he has been doing/ who he belongs too, I might like to see more weathering on Artoo. But I would think Luke would take care of him.
you know what else we never saw in the OT? We never saw Obi-wan do anything other than Mind tricks with the force. HOW DARE HE USE OTHER POWERS!
WE never saw anakin use the force, Only Vader. HOW DARE HE!
R2 is an Astromech droid. lets look at that word. Astro Mech. The Prefix Astro means " From, or having to do with Space. Mech COULD me mechanical, or machine, but givin that we See Aretoo REpairing things all throught BOTH trilogies, I THINK It is a truncated "Mechanic"
So, by calling him an Astromech Droid, We are calling him a "Space Mechanic" Droid. But that sounds a little odd. Astro can also mean "having to do with space, and not nessacarly space itself. So what do we know about space that is pertiant?
Zero Gravity. So calling him an Astromech could also mean "Zero Gravity Mechanic Droid"
And it would make logical sense for a Droid designed to work in Zero gravity ( and Zero Atmosphere, as evidenced by him attempting repairs on luke's xwing during the battle of yavin) Him having some means of moving around outside a spaceship ( magnetic feet) and Zero gravity enviornment of space ( Rocket boosters) Makes Logical sense.
Why didn't he use them in the Ot?
Becuase filmaking Technology was limited, and he never really needed to.
In-canon, they quite possibly Broke over the years. who knows.
Depending on where he is, and what he has been doing/ who he belongs too, I might like to see more weathering on Artoo. But I would think Luke would take care of him.
Great response. Seriously. However, it's not so much the fact he had rocket jets, it's more the way they were used for comedic effect. It fell flat with me. I thought it was ridiculous to see R2 as an action hero. Him zapping an Ewok with a taser because they're the same size? Fine. That's believable. Him flying around and burning droids programmed to kill things? Not so much.
I stand by my hope that he doesn't use rocket jets this time around.
The other night on The Late Show with David Letterman, Samuel L. Jackson was interviewed and asked about returning to Star Wars. He said he'd hinted to JJ Abrams at George Lucas' wedding that he'd love to return to Star Wars, but Abrams sort of shrugged him off. Jackson is currently filming with Mark Hamill in London, and so he asked Hamill if he'd been brought back for Star Wars. Hamill stated he had heard nothing. Ewan McGregor later stopped by the set, and Jackson asked him the same thing. McGregor said he'd never been called to return, so the three joked about going to the auditions to see if they could get a job.
At this point in the game, and if this is true, isn't it not looking good for some of our wannabe returning actors? I never thought Jackson would return, but I thought Hamill was a shoe-in, and thought McGregor stood a chance at returning as Ghost Obi-Wan.
We'll see what happens!
Wonder how much of that is just joking. Haven't both Hamill and Fisher already been confirmed as returning?
Fisher accidentally did but later said something to try to deny it. Hamill said it without saying it. And Ford is just having a helluva time with nonanswers. I think they're all in it and Samuel L. is just having a good time making stuff up. I'll be shocked to hear that the main cast is not returning. If they're not in this, they should have confirmed their absence ages ago because all the hype so far has been on their return.
Fisher accidentally did but later said something to try to deny it. Hamill said it without saying it. And Ford is just having a helluva time with nonanswers. I think they're all in it and Samuel L. is just having a good time making stuff up. I'll be shocked to hear that the main cast is not returning. If they're not in this, they should have confirmed their absence ages ago because all the hype so far has been on their return.
Let's be completely honest, if the main cast isn't returning, there's no reason to call it Episode VII.