Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread
I have to admit lerath, you're taking the EU dump in stride alot better than I expected.
Well, you know, no sense crying over spilt milk. i can accept the facts, even when they don't agree with my own personal point of view.
AND I've still got this one last kernel. The stories and events didn't happen, but apperently the characters, places and people still do? Meaning, same people, different stories.
WE might still get , for example, Mara jade, Thrawn, Jacen and jaina.
Or we might not.
Like I said before, I'm actualy quite excited, as it's a whole new universe full of possibilities.
Might be awesome, might suck. Right now, we just don't know. I'm just hoping they don't miss the ESSENCE of what made the OT amazing.
Part of that being Luke's rejection of destiny and deciding to forge his own path. NO MORE DESTINY !
They're just axing post-ROTJ EU right? Does the Boba Fett holiday special cartoon still stand? I really like that one.
Nope, according the lucasfilm, the ONLY thing that is canon now is the 6 films, and the CW TV series.
That cartoon no longer happened, UNTILL they ( Lucasfilm) says otherwise.
This also means that the Old republic MMO is no longer Canon either, interestingly enough.
AND they also just delayed the release of their next expansion RIGHT AFTER THIS announcement.
Not a good sign.