Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I hope Luke gets a hair cut at some point. It's looking a bit too moppish right now.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

It's cool seeing Mark in these current shots. In a year and a bit's time, we'll be seeing that in all trailers and advertising, Drew Struzan's poster, comics, on bedspreads, in Burger King, and of course, the Hasblow and HT figures.




Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Disney really needs to give Carrie Fisher some dental implants. She looks terrible with her mouth. She doesn't sound the same anymore either. I know she has dentures. I really don't want Leah to be a shadow over for myself. Unless there's some reason for it in the story.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

The things posted in here shouldn't even constitute as spoilers save for maybe chrome Trooper.

All these "I heard from a friend's cousin who knows a guy that this is going to happen *insert pics*" articles are hardly spoiler territory. It's speculation. Those crappy pictures of a hooded dude standing on a cliff side that looks fan made? Oh man, movie ruined. The entire plot has been revealed! I guess this really shouldn't be a surprise though, this section is notorious for overreacting when it comes to spoilers. Case in point, the Walking Dead thread (which will be heating up real soon).

What Oscorp posted was harmless. It was about the equivalence of someone getting a couple of Star Wars figures, taking pics, and explaining "this happens and so and so goes here". There's no context nor validity to pure speculation. I don't remember there being a big deal when that Batman Millennium Falcon vid was posted, or the spy shots of that Driver guy with the Falcon and X-Wing outside the hanger.

I'm sure at some point, people felt the same way when waaaaaay back in '82, radio (that time's internet equivalent) was reporting that a guy heard from another guy who heard from his uncle's cousin's sister's brother's nephew that Vader was in fact Luke's father and that Luke and Leia were brother and sister.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

What Oscorp posted was harmless. It was about the equivalence of someone getting a couple of Star Wars figures, taking pics, and explaining "this happens and so and so goes here". There's no context nor validity to pure speculation. I don't remember there being a big deal when that Batman Millennium Falcon vid was posted, or the spy shots of that Driver guy with the Falcon and X-Wing outside the hanger.

Because PIX asked i will use tags for pics.


I think she looks kinda dare i day hot for a chick on her way to 60



First MakingStarWars posted the following description:
Max von Sydow character is Star Wars: Episode VII is not an ancient Sith Lord or a supernatural being with an awesome voice. He’s a beaten man. He’s old enough to have lived through the Clone Wars, seen the Intergalactic Civil War unfold and then the aftermath of the fall of Emperor Palptaine. He’s no longer a man, he’s a cyborg. His eye is obscured by a ocular viewing device, most likely from a past injury which mean the could no longer use the eye with any ease. One leg is entirely cybernetic now, almost like a Super Battledroid but with metallic claws where his toes would be. He sits at a bar drinking, wary, and old. If you have an oddity, a rare weapon, you might want to bring it to him for evaluation.
Most likely his arm is the arm we were shown in the J.J. Abrams picture with the note card recently.

Later BadAssDigest posted their take on the story:
According to my sources von Sydow is playing a key character who gets the story in motion.
Remember that I told you the movie begins with the discovery of the lightsaber? Well, it isn’t Daisy Ridley who discovers it but rather a blue alien guy. He brings it to a salvage yard where Kira – that seems to be what Ridley’s character’s name is, or at least what they’re calling her on set – sees it. She’s hanging out there with von Sydow, who is an old cyborg dude, a guy who maybe has dementia. He talks a lot of nonsense. But as soon as that lightsbaber shows up, he gets lucid. He recognizes it. He begins to talk about the old days, name drops a couple of Prequel Trilogy characters, even. And then, after Kira and the alien leave he makes a call to a mysterious figure. “It’s here,” he says.

Kira’s got a pretty cool place to call home. She lives inside an abandoned AT-AT, knocked over on its side. Remember, AT-ATs are ‘all-terrain,’ so while we saw them only on a snow world, they would work just as easily on the desert planet where Episode VII opens.

You know all those shots from Greenham Common Air Base, with the X-Wing fighters and the Millenium Falcon? That’s a familiar location – it’s the Massassi Temple from the original Star Wars. Yup, they’re back on Yavin IV.

Here’s one bonus piece of info: there are pieces of concept art that show Chewbacca with a cybernetic hand, having lost it in a battle sometime after the events of Jedi. Will that be in the final film? I don’t know – there’s other concept art where he’s got both furry hands intact.
There you have it. Although these are just rumors I can tell you that this is the real deal. Take it as you like. Kudos to Jason and MSW for the reports!


Another clarification from MSW on the Grennham Common set:
The Rebel base on Yavin and the Greenham Common set are not the same sets at all, they’re entirely different.

The rebel base at Greenham Common is nearly identical to what we’ve seen in the drone photos from last month. There the Millennium Falcon is sitting on the runway area while X-wings are stored in the hangers. If you’re curious as to how CGI will probably be used in the film, there are lots of large transmitters and radar dishes that adorn the tops of the grassy area above the hangers. These things were not built for the physical set so it is safe to say they will be composited in later to dress the location’s otherworldly look. There are trees in the distance but they are like those found in England, very unlike Yavin.

The Yavin base is another location called “The Pirate’s Cove.” X-wings are docked in the temple just as you would imagine from back during the battle on the first Death Star. However, netting hangs down from the top of the hanger, loosely in places. The location is foggy and not clear as if a morning fog or mist has just came in and rain was recently on the ground. The trees are very much a different sort of thing than what you would see on the Greenham Common planet’s base, which is a giant field with trees off to the horizon. One is a jungle the others is wooded. This is a temple with a lush and dense amount of tall trees just outside it. The Massassi Temple from Star Wars: Episode IV was examined closely to capture the same feel and essence of the initial rebel base.

From MakingStarWars :
On a desert planet, there’s a canyon, sandy and brown. In front of the canyon is a downed AT-AT walker, laying on its side. A young girl sits atop of the mechanical beast’s head. She gazes outward towards the end of the canyon where her hopes and dreams may one day be realized, not unlike Luke Skywalker yearning for more from his mundane life. For now, this is her home, the wreckage of years of intergalactic warfare. The legs of the AT-AT are partially obscured by sand at the “ankles” but pop out at the feet. This walker has been there for some time and nature has began to take the machine into the earth. The AT-AT lays on its left side, its head levelled by the dirt from which its head smashed into during a battle some time ago. The right side of the body of the AT-AT faces upwards, battle scared, shot by many laser blasts which no doubt brought the machine down. Battle wreckage is littered all around the fallen beast. This is the dwelling of the new hero from Star Wars: Episode VII.

The underbelly has large pieces of cloth draped over it to protect the dwelling from the environment. A small ship is hidden inside the belly, like a garage. In the distance you can see TIE-Fighters which have been downed into the sane. AT-ST head sits, its body below the dirt. You can see another AT-AT body in the distance, its coverings eroded away with time.
I’m not sure if this is a concept art description or something else but it sounds really cool and I hope it’s true. And it fits with the AT-AT foot we saw from the Abu Dhabi filming.


A comment posted over at (via MagnatTheGreat) seems to support that rumor. Also I’ve heard from another source that MSW’s description is most likely legit:
(translated with Google)

so far I have all the spoilers umlesen clever, but if heading I HAD daily to get a confirmation. And so let my info out of the bag SPOILER WARNING . . . . . . . YES, in Abu Dhabi, a location was designated “Kira’s House” and this led to an AT-AT-wreck (which at that time known gespoiltem foot ). I has always been in the belief that the name of the location has nothing to do with the character. Finally, there was also Lucas Valley, Pecker’s Valley, etc. It would not be unusual, “code name” to use in the film business. Letztich the set was indeed not been referred to as SW-set and excellent. This spoiler it brings in a whole new light
Addendum: SPOILER WARNING: . . . noticed and probably fits the description like a glove auf’s eye. The part was in the sand. So the legs and the torso – an impressive image. The upper part was in my opinion a blue screen wall construction. A head did not have the part. The scene was an impressive backdrop and I will never forget in his lifetime … The character is actually supposed to mean Kira, I still will not believe but. I once googled “Kira’s House” and found out that it was a location from Teen Wolf. In this respect I had always considered it a code name.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Because PIX asked i will use tags for pics.

Awwwwww. :goodpost:

The part below, sounds like fanwank of the highest fanwankier order from the highest degree of FanWankemost from the planet Fanwankia.


First MakingStarWars posted the following description:
Max von Sydow character is Star Wars: Episode VII is not an ancient Sith Lord or a supernatural being with an awesome voice. He’s a beaten man. He’s old enough to have lived through the Clone Wars, seen the Intergalactic Civil War unfold and then the aftermath of the fall of Emperor Palptaine. He’s no longer a man, he’s a cyborg. His eye is obscured by a ocular viewing device, most likely from a past injury which mean the could no longer use the eye with any ease. One leg is entirely cybernetic now, almost like a Super Battledroid but with metallic claws where his toes would be. He sits at a bar drinking, wary, and old. If you have an oddity, a rare weapon, you might want to bring it to him for evaluation.
Most likely his arm is the arm we were shown in the J.J. Abrams picture with the note card recently.

Later BadAssDigest posted their take on the story:
According to my sources von Sydow is playing a key character who gets the story in motion.
Remember that I told you the movie begins with the discovery of the lightsaber? Well, it isn’t Daisy Ridley who discovers it but rather a blue alien guy. He brings it to a salvage yard where Kira – that seems to be what Ridley’s character’s name is, or at least what they’re calling her on set – sees it. She’s hanging out there with von Sydow, who is an old cyborg dude, a guy who maybe has dementia. He talks a lot of nonsense. But as soon as that lightsbaber shows up, he gets lucid. He recognizes it. He begins to talk about the old days, name drops a couple of Prequel Trilogy characters, even. And then, after Kira and the alien leave he makes a call to a mysterious figure. “It’s here,” he says.

Kira’s got a pretty cool place to call home. She lives inside an abandoned AT-AT, knocked over on its side. Remember, AT-ATs are ‘all-terrain,’ so while we saw them only on a snow world, they would work just as easily on the desert planet where Episode VII opens.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Yeah i think i'm done posting **** for a while till we get some REAL info.(whether this turns out to be true or not) I'm just so excited and i want to hear ANYTHING about this movie.

I guess that's a kudos to JJ for keeping the secrecy up.

Be back when there's a pic of Luke Skywalker in action. (oops sorry i didn't put tags up about the luke thing, apparently he's in the movie and will do a lightsaber twirl of some sort)
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Dead AT-AT? I win the internet, I said it months ago when the at-at foot pics surfaced. I wins da net.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

A couple things. I don't say or do things to feel big. It's a silly notion but it is what is. If I ask something that has been complained about and could alter the enjoyment of a thread dealing with something important as far as pop culture goes I'll mention what I did. We've done this before with many other things. If it could give away the plot or potential plot issues then just use the tag. Just follow the guidelines we've all used. I'm sorry if this seems like I'm being an ass. That's really not my intent. I've had to spoiler things I've said in The Hobbit movie threads because it could be a spoiler even though the book has been around forever. So again I hope folks understand I'm not trying to be an ass. :peace
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Seems every blogger, Star Wars fanatic or general loony tune has a theory behind who's playing who. Rarely do you see any similarity between these people's claims, 1st the robot hand was Luke's then it was Chewie's.... now its MVS and best of all he's this mad old hermit that talks to himself and leads the heroine into the adventure they've been waiting for. Hmmmmm where have i heard that before? :rotfl
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

A couple things. I don't say or do things to feel big. It's a silly notion but it is what is. If I ask something that has been complained about and could alter the enjoyment of a thread dealing with something important as far as pop culture goes I'll mention what I did. We've done this before with many other things. If it could give away the plot or potential plot issues then just use the tag. Just follow the guidelines we've all used. I'm sorry if this seems like I'm being an ass. That's really not my intent. I've had to spoiler things I've said in The Hobbit movie threads because it could be a spoiler even though the book has been around forever. So again I hope folks understand I'm not trying to be an ass. :peace

Don't you dare mention The Hobbit in here, seriously man take that **** outside.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

The things posted in here shouldn't even constitute as spoilers save for maybe chrome Trooper.
Yes.. thanks to old buggaluggs for that one (poster's name escapes me). :gah:

We pulled him up shortly thereafter anyway.. albeit politely. :lol

Btw - Mark & Carrie look great. :rock
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

LFL must've paid a lot of money out to the pros to whip them into shape. Pretty good results. Better than they've looked in ten years.