Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Of course it' going to targeted more towards kids though. At the end of the day it's going to be today's generation of kids and teenagers who will be buying the new Star Wars trilogy merchandise in 30-40 years time, not us.

This movie isn't being made for the die hard Star Wars fans on internet forums, it's for a new generation.

Just because they want the movie to appeal to kids doesn't mean it has to be goofy/silly and completely bereft of any gravitas. It doesn't have to be dark to appeal to adults. It just has to have some emotional weight and the story has to make sense for pete's sake!
This past Halloween I revisited movies I had not seen in 20 to 30 years (Shining, Omen 1 & 2, & Poltergeist). These movies scared the **** out of me as a child (I was 10 or younger). Growing up when asked what were your scariest movies these would be on the list. Viewing them recently at the age of 40, it turns out….. not so scary at all.

My point is I will NOT be watching “The Force Awakens” as a child but a adult. I have to make the effort to not make the emotional connection to these new movies with the OT (a huge part of my childhood). I have to remember that these will be kids movies and not “THE DARK KNIGHT”.

Put it this way. I loved the Ewoks at 9 years old. Watching Ewoks if I was 40…I might be saying WTF!!!!!
Just because they want the movie to appeal to kids doesn't mean it has to be goofy/silly and completely bereft of any gravitas. It doesn't have to be dark to appeal to adults. It just has to have some emotional weight and the story has to make sense for pete's sake!

The best example I can give from a personal opinion is Toy Story. I was eight at the time of the first film, it was a kids film but still had great characters and lots of emotional weight. Fast forward to 16 years and Toy Story 3, probably one of the best Disney-Pixar films ever made, still had all the emotional weight and story to it for both the older generation and new generation of Toy Story fans.

The OT was a big part of some of your childhoods which is why characters like ewoks are tolerated. If there's something similar to ewoks in the new movies are OT fans going to appreciate them just the same?...I doubt it but the kids will love them.
The first Gojira film - brilliant.

The rest?

Brightly painted kahkah. :lecture

As far as I'm concerned there's only Gojira/Godzilla King of the Monsters and Godzilla 2014.

:lol :lol :lol

I'll take happy Godzilla any day of the week over PT.


As a kid the first three kaiju movies I watched were Godzilla 54, Rodan, and then Godzilla vs. Monster Zero. I was flabbergasted when he did that dance on the moon. Why, why, WHY did he do that?
Ok so we’ll start on a ice planet, then you guys will have to leave because the bad guys found you. Luke will go and train to be a Jedi. Han well..we don’t have much for you so you keep flying in your ship trying to get away from the bad guys. Take Chewbacca, Leia and the robot with you. Later you guys will get caught and Han you will die or something. Luke fights Vader loses and finds Vader is a family member. Its pretty simple concept but I think it will work.

I would have loved to see the napkin this was written on.
The best example I can give from a personal opinion is Toy Story. I was eight at the time of the first film, it was a kids film but still had great characters and lots of emotional weight. Fast forward to 16 years and Toy Story 3, probably one of the best Disney-Pixar films ever made, still had all the emotional weight and story to it for both the older generation and new generation of Toy Story fans.

The OT was a big part of some of your childhoods which is why characters like ewoks are tolerated. If there's something similar to ewoks in the new movies are OT fans going to appreciate them just the same?...I doubt it but the kids will love them.

I agree 100%

Those thinking this won't have a Jar- Jar or Ewok equivalent are fooling themselves. Just like the PT, this won't be for our generation except for including the old cast.
I think these will be more or less targeted to kids, in the same way that Star Wars, Empire, and Raiders were. JJ seems to me to be savvy enough to realize that you are going to get the most bang for your buck making something accessible to kids, but also mature enough to interest older audiences, and to allow kids now to grow with Star Wars and still maintain a connection to it when they can appreciate the film for different reasons. Super 8 was the closest thing I've seen to a modern day ET movie in terms of the tone and behavior of the kid characters. So I actually have some faith in JJ, though Star Trek 2 made me question that faith a bit.

It's not going to be all sunshine and puppy dogs though, in an attempt to make something gleefully unoffensive to the world. I have little doubt there will be angst, pathos and despair, fear, loss, and real conflict in the film.

As a kid the first three kaiju movies I watched were Godzilla 54, Rodan, and then Godzilla vs. Monster Zero. I was flabbergasted when he did that dance on the moon. Why, why, WHY did he do that?
Because he was celebrating victory.
I agree 100%

Those thinking this won't have a Jar- Jar or Ewok equivalent are fooling themselves. Just like the PT, this won't be for our generation except for including the old cast.

I think the old cast will just be used as a transitional step to help settle in the new characters that will become the main cast in VIII & IX.

And yeah, we're bound to have a Jar-Jar or Ewok type character in the movie.
I think the old cast will just be used as a transitional step to help settle in the new characters that will become the main cast in VIII & IX.

And yeah, we're bound to have a Jar-Jar or Ewok type character in the movie.

Yup, Disney didn't get a bunch of actors in their 20's if they aren't going to use them for the next 10-15 years. What I want to know is who is the new main character. Is it a guy...or are they going to follow the Hunger Game trend and make the protagonist a girl? Is the main character going to be a relative of Luke or Hans Solo? So many questions.