Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Still laughing over this gif, good job kara. :lol

One thing about me, I don't sit on some high cinematic horse, I enjoy crappy movies as much as the good ones, as long as they're fun and entertaining me i'm good, guilty pleasures are a plenty in my household.

The PT aren't in my guilty pleasure rotation, especially AOTC and ROTS. :lol
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I remain hopeful that Disney know's what they're doing. Look at how well Marvel movies are doing these days because of them. I'd sacrifice a few things here and there if it means getting a solid Star Wars movie. Disney are very good a producing, packaging and selling their product to the general movie audience.

Marvel movies are pretty light though. Winter Soldier was the only one with a smudge of grittiness and I bet the toys from that tanked.
I've no doubt this is gonna be at least very interesting and well made, but looking at the cooler spoiler images I think some might be surprised by the kiddie elements IT will have. And it will have a kiddie element.
I was hoping for

The Force Menace
The Phantom Force
The Menace Awakens
The Force Taxation
Force Apache Da Bronx

Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens, Puts Teeth In
Star Wars Episode 8: The Forced Retirement
Star Wars Episode 9: The Force Feeding Tube
Who cares what the title is? Seriously...I want the movie to be good. Yeah you can say the PT titles were good but look how that turned out. Clearly the titles didn't help the movie so I'm not going to assume that this new movie will suck because of whatever title it has on it.
Star Wars - Taxation of the Force
Star Wars - The Blockade for No Confidence
Star Wars - The Negotiations of the Senate
Star Wars - Viceroy Treaty
Star Wars - Turmoil in the Congress

Are a few to get children buying toys....
Star Wars - Taxation of the Force
Star Wars - The Blockade for No Confidence
Star Wars - The Negotiations of the Senate
Star Wars - Viceroy Treaty
Star Wars - Turmoil in the Congress

Are a few to get children buying toys....

I hear the Viceroy Treaty will just be a 2 hour word scroll in space! I hope the Affordable Force Care Act gets mentioned.
If the only way to make the PT good is by comparing them to low budget Godzilla movies, well......ok. :lol
I wasn't really trying to do that, I was just saying that you can't have your cake & eat it too. :lol

One thing about me, I don't sit on some high cinematic horse..

..The PT aren't in my guilty pleasure rotation, especially AOTC and ROTS. :lol
Which one's it gonna be then? :lol I guess to be fair, there are some moofys that I flat out pan too.
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Marvel movies are pretty light though. Winter Soldier was the only one with a smudge of grittiness and I bet the toys from that tanked.
I've no doubt this is gonna be at least very interesting and well made, but looking at the cooler spoiler images I think some might be surprised by the kiddie elements IT will have. And it will have a kiddie element.

Of course it' going to targeted more towards kids though. At the end of the day it's going to be today's generation of kids and teenagers who will be buying the new Star Wars trilogy merchandise in 30-40 years time, not us.

This movie isn't being made for the die hard Star Wars fans on internet forums, it's for a new generation.