Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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That second spoiler which Deckard is talking about is a separate spoiler to the one most of us are talking about. I think that one is BS too. Deckard's one. If that's the core of the major spoiler Oscorp posted, yes, I wish I hadn't read. But more than that I hope it's completely false.

sick and tired of this ''lets kill Han'' $h!t. At this point it'll be a bigger surprise if they don't kill him


Played out or not, we all know Ford's been pushing for Han's death since, what, before Jedi? Maybe he finally gets his wish. It may be the only reason he agreed to sign on in the first place.
Marion, don't look at it! Shut your eyes, Marion! Don't look at it no matter what happens!


Seriously, don't look at the spoiler. It's pretty serious. I almost wish I hadn't, but I know I would probably find out before I watch the movie eventually anyway.
:lol What an appropriate gif - well done.
a rumor can be a spoiler if it is proven true, but with all of the rumors out there, this thread will be half hidden with tags over the next year. at this point, shouldn't this just be considered gossip / conjecture?
Wow, so Jar Jar was the head Sith afterall, interesting turn of events if this big spoiler turns out to be true.

What you said reminded me of the ending to Robot Chicken: Episode III. I couldn't find just the clip so skip to 1:25 to just see the scene in question. Although the whole vid is awesome! :)

I like the second description of the trailer better than the first. The first is pretty cliche and not very interesting.