Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Fanwankery is a good one.

And its true. Fans limited imagination beyond what is spoon-fed to them gives us a very obvious Sith, the kind of characterization that a 8-10 year old boy would conceive.
Looks like that IS going to be the baddie.


Latino Review also shared what they know on the subject:
People in Europe have also been secretly shown the minute-long Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser.
I’m very happy to tell you that our new villain, the “cyborg” or “Inquisitor” depending on when you jumped off the rumor mill, is totally in the teaser.
He’s masked (no identity spoilers yet!) and the final design of the mask looks somewhere in between the red-colored Imperial Guards from Return of the Jedi and Darth Revan from Knights of the Old Republic.
Some of the descriptions above definitely match with THIS leaked concept art. This villain resembles another character from the Star Wars: Legacy comic which we discussed before HERE and HERE. There’s been too many coincidences with this comic already. Don’t you think? I hope the teaser will give us some answers.

I'm excited about every single ****ing thing i've heard or seen so far. After the disaster of the PT, i'm not even worried. Who can be?

Modern ESB trailer

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If so, not a promising start. Disney's likely going to keep this in kiddie land anyway...

Can only hope that perhaps this is a Sith from old in a flashback. Don't like flashbacks.
If so, not a promising start. Disney's likely going to keep this in kiddie land anyway...

Can only hope that perhaps this is a Sith from old in a flashback. Don't like flashbacks.

Disagree. I think you, me, and everyone else has every right to be excited as hell for this, (and also cautious). Disney paid too much god damn $ and has too much riding on this for it not to be GOOD AS HELL. JJ is the perfect guy to get this first one off the ground, and it's even better news that they got another guy coming in for the 2nd to keep it fresh. Couple that with practical effects,(Kasdan) revering the OT but not mindlessly getting too nostalgic and you've got the recipe for success. (oh and i almost forgot Lucas is on the sideline)

One thing i will say to the hyper OT nerds. (and i love the OT)

Don't expect every single ****ing thing to take you back to the 70's /80's. There will be plenty, but embrace some new. There's going to be new ideas and things seen that the nerds are gonna cry about and i can already hear it. If you do this and just expect nostalgia 101 from JJ you will be let down and it will be your own fault. (but it's inevitable in this day and age for nerd outrage.) But if it really is a AWESOME movie and start no amount of crying will even matter.

So i say BE excited. Be cautious sure, but i think a lot of us older SW fans can let our guard down a little.
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Let's see now, all in black, mask, cape, red saber... that's some original **** they're coming up with.

I like that better then the longer lightsaber thing that was going on in the last bit of concept work. It's still pretty lame.

Modern ESB trailer

Really cool, makes me want to go back to making trailers.

Let's see now, all in black, mask, cape, red saber... that's some original **** they're coming up with.
:lol :lol :lol
'Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. Not like those new fangled sabres with the bits that stick out the side, they just like they are fingers on a plate, kids these days, always wanting to make something different, just 'cause. Anyway when did you last speak to your Auntie and Unc, I got a smell of BBQ coming in from the dunes?"
If so, not a promising start. Disney's likely going to keep this in kiddie land anyway...

Can only hope that perhaps this is a Sith from old in a flashback. Don't like flashbacks.

I don't like flashbacks either, not in Star Wars. It breaks the fairytale story/saturday morning serial approach. Lucas had a very controlled and specific editorial approach to these films. All of them OT and PT. The screen wipes, the approaching planet shots when location changed, all based on old serials, flashbacks are not a simple storytelling device in this context.

Regarding the Disney aspect of these movies, they will be kiddified, like Rebels. That doesn't mean a bad movie, but there are just too many damn toys to sell to eliminate ANY part of an audience with darkness or violence. Overall I would expect Return of The Jedi levels of tone, with a less scary emperor. Kids need to want the toys.

Disney wouldn't have allowed any of this stuff, don't expect:
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Don't expect every single ****ing thing to take you back to the 70's /80's. There will be plenty, but embrace some new.
I'm ok with that - & I'm an old schooler, but I think the issue is more to not **** with stuff that doesn't need ****ing with, & no lazy tie ins to justify lame attempts at plot points.

I don't like flashbacks either, not in Star Wars. It breaks the fairytale story/saturday morning serial approach. Lucas had a very controlled and specific editorial approach to these films. All of them OT and PT. The screen wipes, the approaching planet shots when location changed, all based on old serials, flashbacks are not a simple storytelling device in this context.
Well put.

As far as the family friendly argument though - sure, they'll do it to an extent, & I don't think anyone's disputing that. All things considered though, the movies have a different tone to the animated shows, & again with the toys & associated marketing. They're well aware of the fine balance they need to manage with the films going forward. Like OsCorp mentioned, they have a lot of experience on board to help steer the ship, so you'd think that balance has already been planned out & mapped WELL in advance - with every risk in direction & tone assessed every step of the way.
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The prequels seem like such a...

hurdles04.jpg clear. Let's hope he doesn't get tripped up.
That's easy. Movie starts with various shots from the prequel movies, from little Annie, to Django Fett, to the murder of the children, to the "Nooooooo!" etc. Then we see old man Han wake up in a sweat. Old woman Leia wakes up and comforts him, "What was it?"
Han: I just had the most horrible dream. There were stupid looking monsters, Darth Vader was this annoying kid who later killed a bunch of children. Terrible.
Leia: Go back to sleep, Han. It was all a dream. A terrible, terrible dream.
*Han smiles, kisses Leia on the head, then goes back to sleep; cue main credits*

I don't like flashbacks either, not in Star Wars. It breaks the fairytale story/saturday morning serial approach. Lucas had a very controlled and specific editorial approach to these films. All of them OT and PT. The screen wipes, the approaching planet shots when location changed, all based on old serials, flashbacks are not a simple storytelling device in this context.

Regarding the Disney aspect of these movies, they will be kiddified, like Rebels. That doesn't mean a bad movie, but there are just too many damn toys to sell to eliminate ANY part of an audience with darkness or violence. Overall I would expect Return of The Jedi levels of tone, with a less scary emperor. Kids need to want the toys.

Disney wouldn't have allowed any of this stuff, don't expect:
I can see an opening scene flashback, a la Star Trek, but wouldn't expect to see flashbacks throughout the film. But even there it's possible that you'll have someone telling a story and the screen will go to the flashback, like you saw with Lord of the Rings sometimes (I think). I don't think they would make it very complicated or difficult to follow if it happened. Going to Os Corp's point, I doubt JJ will stick too religiously to all the filmmaking decisions of the OT, so I can see him not trying to ape the "serial movie" aesthetic too closely.

As for the violence, I don't know. Return of the Sith had some pretty terrible imagery as you point out (in terms of being extreme, not just being terribly bad, though it certainly had that as well), yet I'm sure they had no problem selling toys out the wazoo. I don't know if the new films need to go that far as seeing on screen beheadings or anything, but a severed limb? Maybe. An off-screen beheading? Maybe. Charred bones? Maybe. Trying to sanitize things too much might be off-putting to the old bastard fans who go to see this, and though not the primary audience Disney is going for, that's definitely a group they want to appease. I imagine we'll see a compromise, and that there will be real threat, conflict, and pain in this film. At least, I hope so, because the authenticity of those dynamics and emotions in the original films are a huge part of why they were so good.
and then EP VII ends with a pull back shot of Lucas, Milius and Coppola sitting on a mountain of money passing around some acid with muppets.