Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I'm sure Mark would be fine with that but Harrison? I think he wants to die(in the movie). Him and Bill Murray just want to kill all their iconic characters so we'll leave them alone. :lol
There's no way everyone will be happy with The Force Awakens. The fan base is huge and most of us have had our own ideas of what would happen with the stories that take place after RotJ. Even if The Force Awakens is technically considered a home run by many, there are still going to be a number of people who disliked it. I'm not worried about the film, I think the people behind it have the right intentions and I'm sure the acting will be better than the PT. At the same time I'm being realistic and not expecting a near universally praised film.
When do you think he should buy the farm? First movie? First, second or third act? I say end of the first movie.

Not so concerned as when, as to how, don't want it to seem 'obligatory'. :lol
When first announced that Ford was participating I said I'd like him to be one and done, but I guess I would like him to be around til close to the end if he's only going to be in one flick.
I wonder if Disney will have Han shoot first.

So there's a rumor kicking around that the trailer will be playing next weekend. The catch is that it will only be playing in a limited number of theaters (100 supposedly although I'm not sure if it's north America or just the US) and it will be playing before every single film showed at those selected theaters. Supposedly Disney also requested that big hero 6 have the earliest showings that weekend.
Even if Han dies, doesn't stop him from being cloned, ammirite.
I'm just looking at Ford's IMDB profile. Looking at what he's done over the past decade, it certainly wouldn't surprise me to see him cashing in and taking as many roles as Han as Disney wants to offer him. Yeah, he wanted Han dead a long time ago, but I don't get the impression he has strong feelings one way or the other nowadays. If he doesn't do another Star Wars, then he'll probably be doing some other easy cash grab a la Expendables 3 or Anchorman 2. And I'm sure Star Wars pays better.