Better than the new horse faced Endo. Better than the blue Avatar monkeys. Better than Hobbit orcs.
C'mon, you're telling me you didn't dig the troops and droids from the prequels? I know you had atleast one of those Hasbro figures. The prequels suck big time, but there are some good elements among them. I know you share the same sentiments I do with The Phantom Menace.
ROTS is mostly crap (wooden acting, too much CGI, ****ed up story), but the clone troopers and Sheev Palpatine are great. That opera scene with the floating sperm rivals OT's best dramatic scenes. Finally seeing these lame ass, dopey Jedi get shot in the back in a nice Goodfellas/Godfatheresque hit montage was terrific. Especially the deaths of the weird blue girl from the EU and the ***** headed Jedi.
Clones > Ewoks
ROTJ Troopers with musical drum helmets < Clones
Those cartoon clones could take out ****ing killer droids and Jedi. They would have murdered the midgets in practical teddy bear outfits.
Also, don't you like the cartoon orcs from the Hobbus? Azog and his son? For shame Jye. YOU should answer for your crimes and be sent to the phantom zone.