She looks silly, but whaddya going to do? Ford looks like a dope in this too and I'm sure Hamill as Luke will be off putting as well, whatever. How well they've aged will probably dictate their screen time and importance in the script. Ford will obviously have the most, then Hamill (he'll get played up at the end and in sequels), then a few scenes with Fisher. I really wouldn't blame Fisher and her past, the three of them are just geezers is all.
They should have made the sequel trilogy in the 90s if they were going to include Luke, Han and Leia.
Just not include the three of them in these stories.
Not make any more Star Wars movies at all.
This felt like a good send off for the three of them to be perfectly honest. I hope Force Awakens doesn't taint this like the prequels tainted Vader, Yoda, Fett, the force, etc.
Hell, say what you will about the prequels, but this was a perfectly good send off to end the saga, I think,