Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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You should let your kid see the Prequels.

Imagine his face as Anakin gets burned alive on the side of the mountain! Priceless.
You should let your kid see the Prequels.

Imagine his face as Anakin gets burned alive on the side of the mountain! Priceless.





That's actually closer in line with what I imagined an adult Anakin looking like in the 80s and 90s before the prequels. :lol

I'll be honest, even as a kid seeing it for the first time, I always thought it was lame that after all these years, THIS ended up being Vader/Anakin.

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A pasty, pudgy, English poet with some serious eyebrow game creeped you out?

I heard he fell into a volcano or survived nuclear waste immersion. I remember seeing that split, diseased head in Empire and thinking "oh ****!" not a slightly toasted marshmallow.

Here's hoping the new hooded Sith guy looks cool under the mask and it's not some Scooby Doo reveal type crap.

Looking at that pic, Anakin could have used some facial hair in ROTS. That kid looks way more badass than Haden. Also, Vader's unmasking is one of the biggest disappointments of my childhood. Finding out that the most badass villain in the Star Wars universe looked like a sweet old man that resembled my grandpa was devastating :gah:
A pasty, pudgy, English poet with some serious eyebrow game creeped you out?

I heard he fell into a volcano or survived nuclear waste immersion. I remember seeing that split, diseased head in Empire and thinking "oh ****!" not a slightly toasted marshmallow.

Here's hoping the new hooded Sith guy looks cool under the mask and it's not some Scooby Doo reveal type crap.

And I watched The Thing the year before and it didn't bother me, I was invested in Vader I guess. :lol
I remember reading the novel for Jedi and at one point there's a description of how Vader tastes Luke's tears and can smell Spring weather or some sentimental **** (in space no less).

It's then that I realized that they made Vader a little *****. Killing little kids and getting all of his limbs lopped off whilst being burned alive and screaming "I hate you" as his vocal cords disintegrate is the best thing that ever happened to him.
If he gets his limbs chopped off and is burned alive by Cap, I'll be a happy camper.
Vader should have NEVER been unmasked- what we cooked up in our imaginations was 1000X better- another bad move by Lucas- as well as making him a nice guy in the end(the way it was done)
I won't be letting my kids see any Star Wars movies, OT, PT or the new ones. I love them too much and want what's best for them.
Wait.... you seriously don't let your son watch the PT? Seriously? He wants to see it and you deny it?

If so..... wow. That is sad.
Nah, jye should win parent of the doggone year for that. No responsible parent will inflict that **** on their children. :lecture ;)
All joking aside.... it really would be sick if someone passed on there hatred to there kids and made decisions for them about what movies they should like and should hate.... especially harmless movies like the PT.